Year 6 Week Beginning 4.3.24
What a busy week Year 6 have had!
In English, the class have continued their exciting unit on Spiderwick. This week, the children have written and performed radio broadcasts and have shared lots of lovely learning experiences with each other, through role play.
In Maths, Year 6 have been finding the area and perimeters of rectilinear shapes.
In RE, the children have continued to learn about the prayer The Examen. They have also reflected on the theme Dignity of Workers, through Catholic Social Teaching and Fairtrade lessons and they have also continued to focus on the Stations of the Cross during prayer time.
On Tuesday, the class participated in a very engaging e-safety workshop, where they revisited the vital message of keeping safe online.
On Wednesday, the children were visited by Max from The Passage; he spoke about the important work he does for the charity. The Passage is based in the heart of Westminster, and provides practical support and a wide range of services to help transform the lives of people who are, or are at risk of homelessness. The Passage takes its values and ethos from the teachings of St. Vincent De Paul, who was a Christian and social reformer and who co-founded the Daughters of Charity in 1633. Vincent believed in action rather than words, and in hands-on service to vulnerable people. The class were very inspired by what he had to say.
Yesterday, the class celebrated World Book Day, along with the rest of the school. The children looked FANTASTIC in their costumes/ pyjamas- thank you so much for supporting them with this. After a special WBD assembly, the children met up with their Reception reading partners and spent some time with them. Following this, the class participated in a speed book sharing event in class. In the afternoon, the class had a very special visitor read to them- Ms Donatantonio!!!
Home Learning
SPaG- Parenthesis activity
Spelling Shed- Words that can be nouns and verbs
-Identifying antonyms and synonyms
Mathletics- Area and perimeter
Daily reading
Well done to those of you who complete every single piece of home learning set for you.
Please do your best to catch up if you haven’t!