Friday 22nd September, 2023

Another week has whizzed by!


In Maths the children have been working hard in their fluency lessons revising number work and place value.  In Maths lessons the children have continued in building upon their place value understanding to notice what changes and what does not when they count in ones, tens and hundreds from a given number within the number range.
They have been provided with a variety of opportunities to represent numbers in different ways
using resources, pictorially, using language and symbols.

Our English unit has come to an end with the children completing their own fables. They have thought carefully about the conjunctions and speech dialogue to create some wonderful pieces. Next week, we will move on to our next genre: newspaper reports. These will be based on The Tortoise and the Hare so you could refresh your memory of the story:–ks2-aesops-fables-the-hare-and-the-tortoise/zbmj92p

Our RE learning has been focused on the Sacraments of initiation. The children looked at symbols of each of them and what they mean. We also learnt about the four parts of the mass. It would be wonderful for them to see each of these in the handout at mass on Sunday.

In PE the children have been working on developing their skills of dodging and in French learnt the names of various parts of their bodies.  We finished the lesson by learning the ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’ song in french which they really enjoyed.  The Egyptians is a well liked topic and as such, we have learnt two new songs: Two piles of stones and Tutankhamun. ( This song, with its distinctive Egyptian flavour, introduces the legendary child king Tutankhamun.) The children have learnt how the ancient Egyptian civilisation began and have begun to learn about the Kingdoms of Egypt.

As part of our cup stacking team building activity, the children have been busy practising building a pyramid stack and pairs competed against others in the class to find out who could stack the quickest!  If your child asks you for 6 cups, make sure they are not breakable!

This afternoon we were treated to a panto performance in the hall. What a great way to end the week!


Can we remind you to ensure that your child’s reading book is in their bag as a number of children forgot their reading logs and reading books this week.  Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara   Mrs Lines

Home Learning this week:

Mathletics  Activities with a focus on Place Value have been set.

TTRs Log onto account and practise.

Spellings on spellingshed.


Friday 15th September, 2023

It was lovely to see many of you at Meet the Teacher meeting yesterday afternoon.  The information shown and handed out yesterday is on the Year 3 Class Page. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

This week, the children have been busy with their learning!

In Maths, the children have been continuing with a variety of opportunities to represent numbers in different
ways using resources, pictorially, using language and symbols. These opportunities have allowed them to experience playful regrouping (partitioning) to strengthen their understanding of place value. They fully immersed themselves in the games they have been learning too.



In English, we have continued our learning on fables and have worked hard to tell one by using a storymap. We have also been considering our conjunctions and trying to use a range of them. The children were fantastic in picking out why certain animals are chosen in fables and could see the themes such as ‘sly foxes’ and ‘loyal dogs’. We investigated a set of fables and looked for evidence of the characters through what they said and did.

In PE the class have started to look at invasion skills and worked together to support their trio/group with the set activities to complete.

This week we have also continued with our music lessons in learning the recorder.  They each have learnt how to hold the recorder and have played alongside some lovely musical pieces remembering the note B and reading the musical score whilst following the tune.

We have begun our French Unit and learnt ways to greet people using: bonjour, bonsoir, bonne-nuit and salut!

In Art, the children have been introduced looking at the work of artists Inbal Leitner and Rosie Hurley to see how they use their sketchbooks to develop characters and refine ideas.  The class then responded by filling a couple of pages in their sketchbooks with visual notes about what they were thinking and seeing. Some of the class explained why they had sketched their ideas and as a class, the children looked at each others’ ideas, an activity which they clearly enjoyed.

In RE, we reflected on how our new Reception class feels about starting a new school and how we want them to feel about being at Pope Paul. The children shared beautiful ideas about how we can make them feel welcome and have a sense of belonging through our words, actions and symbols. This was a great start to thinking about initiation and the sacraments of our church.

Home Learning has been set in:

Mathletics-  Log onto your account and complete the tasks set.

TTRs – log on and try your hand at your times tables!

Spellings on spellingshed



Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.

Items handed out yesterday at the Meet the Teacher meeting.  

Year 3 Autumn Overview 2023              Meet the Teacher powerpoint            Year 3 Booklist




Friday 8th September, 2023

Fun, scary, exciting are some of the feelings of  Year 3’s first week back at school. This week in Year 3, the children have been working hard to get back into the mode of learning after a long summer break.

We started the week with a class act of worship in which the children wrote their feelings or hope for the academic year ahead.

This year at Pope Paul, we are going to be celebrating our Year of Diversity and the class have been learning that  Diversity means differences. In class discussions, the children have chatted about how people may be different in many ways, including race or ethnicity, age, disabilities, language, culture, appearance, or religion.

In Maths, the children have been looking at three digit numbers and exploring the relative size of whole numbers building upon concepts learnt so far in Key Stage One.  They have been be provided with a variety of opportunities to represent numbers in different ways using resources – pictorially, using language and symbols.  In RE the children have been looking at and discussing our school mission statement.

Our topic for English is Fables. We have been reading a variety of them and picking out what moral we learn from each one. The children have done a wonderful job at retelling these stories in groups and creating role plays with the characters.


The children have also been introduced to the Recorder and learnt how to play the ‘B’ note and I must say, they were quick to master this! They have each been given their own school recorder to play during these lessons.

This afternoon, the children were part of the celebrations for Ms Lawlor’s 25 years of service.  They celebrated mass with Fr Shaun. Sive and Joe C took up the offertory with reverence and Grace and Solomon shared their own thoughts about Ms Lawlor and how she has helped them since they have come to this school.  At the end of mass, the children received a refreshing ice lolly!

The children have been very good at remembering to bring in their water bottles and hats.  If a water bottle has been left at home, do not worry as we have fresh water jugs in the classroom for their use.


PE days are Wednesday and Friday this term.


Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.


Home Learning:

This week, the children will be coming home with their passwords they used last year in Year 2.  Their reading logs will be handed out to them next week on their allocated reading day alongside the new usernames etc for Mathletics, TTRs (timestable rockstars),

  • Log onto Mathletics where some activities have been set and log onto TTRs to start to practise the times tables that have been set. Spellings for this week can be found on the sheet sent home and activities can be accessed on spelling shed.



It is the end of the year! Well done to all of the Year 3 children who have been a pleasure to teach! Thank you for your kind words, cards and gifts for all of the staff in Year 3. It has been a wonderful year of fun and learning and the children are ready for their next step.


We had great fun on Thursday at the fun day! The children went on the bouncy castle, go karts, played with nerf guns, sponge throwing, tattoos and lots more!


Have a wonderful holiday!


Mrs Carey, Mrs Sowden, Mrs Lopez and Mrs Pangratiou

Summer 2 Week 6



It was wonderful to see so many Year 3 children singing, playing the piano or the violin in the Music Concert. Well done to D’hani, Sophia P, Isabella P, Leo S, Raphaella, Rose, Gabriella, Clodagh and Eloise.

In In PE, we played rounders. The children worked well in teams and learnt to follow the rules.

On Tuesday we had Design and Technology Day. We learnt about windmills and what they are used for. The children designed, made and evaluated a windmill that rotates when we put it near a fan. The children thought carefully about the amount and shape of the propellers. When the children tested their windmills, some did not work so they had to think about why and make changes until they did work.

On Wednesday, we went to Hatfield House. The excitement started with the train journey! The children were a credit to the school with their wonderful behaviour. First the children observed the leaves on different trees and matched them with pictures to identify the name of the tree. Then the children went on a plant hunt and identified different plants in the gardens. Next they found different mini beasts around the gardens and the grounds. After we had lunch and they got to play on the big field. We ended the day with the children sketching flowers in the gardens.

See PowerPoint of picture here  Year 3 Trip to Hatfield House

On Thursday, we had a journey around the school to our new class. It was lovely to walk through all the classes we have been in since joining Pope Paul School. The children were excited to go into Year 4 with Ms Varga for their transition day.

Siofra could not receive her Gold Award in assembly so Mrs Heymoz presented it to her in class. Well done!


Home Learning

Please read and practise timetables.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Summer 2 Week 5

This has been a short but a busy week!

On Tuesday, we watched the Year 6 play ‘Jungle Book’ The children loved the show and enjoyed talking about their favourite characters.

In Maths, we have continued learning time. Please continue to practise reading the time at home.

In History, the children continued their learning on Egyptians. They learnt about Egyptian beliefs about life after death.

In PE, we did Athletics. The children worked in teams on an obstacle course by running, jumping and crawling. Then they worked together running around the track lines.

In our Art lesson, we followed instructions to draw a Prairie Rose for a whole school display.


Home Learning


Spellings Edshed

teacher, scheme, history, mention, bawl, crescent, eighteen, regular, disable, mane

Maths Practise telling the time and learn the timetables you do not know.


3, 4 and 8 timetables and division facts



Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey

Summer 2 Week 4

In Maths, the children have been practising telling the me. We have focused on how many minutes to the next hour. Telling the time is an important skill for children to learn so please practise telling the time at home.

In English, we have been looking at adverts and identifying the different types of language they use to persuade people to buy their product. We have looked at how adverts make you feel and how these feelings help to persuade you to buy or do something.

On Wednesday, we had sports day. The children were fantastic and demonstrated excellent teamwork skills. It was lovely to see so many parents supporting their children. Well done to St Louise who were the overall winners.

In Science, we have been learning about the function of leaves. The children were asked “Do leaves evaporate water?” Then they discussed and planned how they would find out the answer to the question. They decided to put a plastic bag around a leaf and observe whether the bag collects water. We also planted sweetcorn and watered the gardens.

In Religion, the children have been excited to tell the class about their research about Nelson Mandela that they did at home. Then we discussed how his beliefs in God would have impacted on what he did. Then we thought about how we could be like Nelson Mandela.

Home Learning

Spellings – Test on Thursday Ed shed – freight, hourly, missed, suppose, plaque, descend, grotesque, automatically, daily, scented


Please practise telling the time.

Start with o’clock, then half past, then quarter past and quarter to and then 5 minute intervals.

Complete the activities



Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Carey

Summer 2 Week 3

In English, the children continued their adventure stories. They edited them and wrote their stories neatly for the class display. All of the stories are exciting to read and I was impressed with the children’s vocabulary.

In Maths, we have been comparing and ordering decimal numbers. The children have been regrouping to make a decimal number in a variety of ways.

In Science, the children have been learning about the role of a stem and how it transports water to the flower. The children planned an investigation to prove that this happens. They added red food colouring to water and put a mark on the cup to see if the water level would go down. We observed the changes over a few days and found that the stem does transport water to the flower because the flower turned red.

In History, we began our topic on Egyptians. We started thinking about what we already know about the Egyptians and learnt the meaning of the key vocabulary. Then we made a timeline of events.

In PE, we have been practising Sports Day races. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 28th June for Sports Day. Children must have a sunhat and a bottle of water.


Home Learning

Spellings Complete activities on edshed

pleasure, island, dislocate, disadvantage, decide, survey, exactly, bravely, ordinary, promise


Religion Make a poster about Nelson Mandela – draw a picture and write some facts about him

Send it in by Tuesday 27th June

Ready Theory Complete two activities.


 Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Summer 2 Week 2

This week was Healthy Eating Week. Each day, we tasted different flavoured water to encourage us to drink more and stay hydrated. The children made posters to tell others about the importance of drinking. The most popular flavour water in Year 3 was mint and the overall school favourite was strawberry. On Monday, for Design and Technology, the children made their healthy sandwiches. It was great to see children adapting their plans to use wholemeal or brown bread and adding extra salads to make their sandwiches healthy. They then evaluated their sandwiches, thinking about what went well and what they would change next time. Thank you to all the children who sent in different fruits and to the Year 6 children who  helped to cut all of the fruit. The children enjoyed trying new fruits! The next food group we learnt about was protein and how we can vary the protein we eat. We also learnt about fibre and why it is important and identified food that contain fibre. Then we learnt about foods waste, the children have taken home a survey about food waste, please complete this and send it back.

In Maths, the children have been learning about tenths and how we record tenths as a decimal. The children were given the challenge of making a stick man, a tenth of me. The discussion between partners were great and they worked well to make a stickman of the correct height. Then the children lined up 10 stickmen to see if it was the same height as me and they were!

In English, the children have been using the skills they have learnt over the past few weeks to write adventure stories. I have enjoyed reading each one! They have captured the element of excitement in their stories and all of the stories make you want you to read on. They have included fronted adverbials, conjunctions, prepositions, similes and metaphors.

On Wednesday, Year 3 lead the class mass to celebrate their FIrst Holy Communion. The children sang and responded beautiful and their behaviour was excellent. Well done to the readers and the children who did the offertory procession. It was lovely to see some many of you there.

Home Learning

Spelling Edshed – difficult, important, length, perhaps, position, pressure, question, strange, special, purpose


Maths Practise 8 times tables.


Science Read the letter attached and complete the template by Monday 19th June Home Learning

Complete the food waste worksheet and the healthy eating booklet.



Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Carey

Week 1 Summer 2

In Maths, the children have been solving division problems with   regrouping and remainders. The children have learnt to use resources, draw pictures and use their multiplication facts to support their understanding.


In English, the children have been learning how to use and punctuate direct speech. They have been identifying synonyms for the word ‘said’. They have planned an adventure story that they will write next week.


In Design and Technology, the children made their magic boxes. They started with a net, folded it, cut it and decorated it. They look wonderful! Next we the children will evaluate their box against their design.

In Religion, the children learnt about parables. They listened to some parables in the Bible and thought about what the story was telling us. They then designed their own kingdom of heaven and explained why it was a great place to be.

On Thursday, the children led the Blessed Sacrament Procession and led the sing in church. They were prayerful at all times.

Well done to the choir who sang at the Wyllyotts Theatre!

Remember – Year 3 class mass on Wednesday 14th June at 9.15am.

Home Learning

Next week is Healthy Eating Week, please find an exotic fruit or a vegetable or one that you have never eaten before and bring it into class by Tuesday 13th June.

If you have not sent a photograph please send it in by Monday in preparation for our class mass.

Spellings Spelling shed – division, invasion, confusion, collision, television, erosion, vision,   fusion, revision
Mathletics Complete activities
Read Theory Complete two activities


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey