Summer 2 Week 6
It was wonderful to see so many Year 3 children singing, playing the piano or the violin in the Music Concert. Well done to D’hani, Sophia P, Isabella P, Leo S, Raphaella, Rose, Gabriella, Clodagh and Eloise.
In In PE, we played rounders. The children worked well in teams and learnt to follow the rules.
On Tuesday we had Design and Technology Day. We learnt about windmills and what they are used for. The children designed, made and evaluated a windmill that rotates when we put it near a fan. The children thought carefully about the amount and shape of the propellers. When the children tested their windmills, some did not work so they had to think about why and make changes until they did work.
On Wednesday, we went to Hatfield House. The excitement started with the train journey! The children were a credit to the school with their wonderful behaviour. First the children observed the leaves on different trees and matched them with pictures to identify the name of the tree. Then the children went on a plant hunt and identified different plants in the gardens. Next they found different mini beasts around the gardens and the grounds. After we had lunch and they got to play on the big field. We ended the day with the children sketching flowers in the gardens.
See PowerPoint of picture here Year 3 Trip to Hatfield House
On Thursday, we had a journey around the school to our new class. It was lovely to walk through all the classes we have been in since joining Pope Paul School. The children were excited to go into Year 4 with Ms Varga for their transition day.
Siofra could not receive her Gold Award in assembly so Mrs Heymoz presented it to her in class. Well done!
Home Learning
Please read and practise timetables.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Carey