Summer 2 Week 5

This has been a short but a busy week!

On Tuesday, we watched the Year 6 play ‘Jungle Book’ The children loved the show and enjoyed talking about their favourite characters.

In Maths, we have continued learning time. Please continue to practise reading the time at home.

In History, the children continued their learning on Egyptians. They learnt about Egyptian beliefs about life after death.

In PE, we did Athletics. The children worked in teams on an obstacle course by running, jumping and crawling. Then they worked together running around the track lines.

In our Art lesson, we followed instructions to draw a Prairie Rose for a whole school display.


Home Learning


Spellings Edshed

teacher, scheme, history, mention, bawl, crescent, eighteen, regular, disable, mane

Maths Practise telling the time and learn the timetables you do not know.


3, 4 and 8 timetables and division facts



Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey