Friday 22nd September, 2023
Another week has whizzed by!
In Maths the children have been working hard in their fluency lessons revising number work and place value. In Maths lessons the children have continued in building upon their place value understanding to notice what changes and what does not when they count in ones, tens and hundreds from a given number within the number range.
They have been provided with a variety of opportunities to represent numbers in different ways
using resources, pictorially, using language and symbols.
Our English unit has come to an end with the children completing their own fables. They have thought carefully about the conjunctions and speech dialogue to create some wonderful pieces. Next week, we will move on to our next genre: newspaper reports. These will be based on The Tortoise and the Hare so you could refresh your memory of the story:
Our RE learning has been focused on the Sacraments of initiation. The children looked at symbols of each of them and what they mean. We also learnt about the four parts of the mass. It would be wonderful for them to see each of these in the handout at mass on Sunday.
In PE the children have been working on developing their skills of dodging and in French learnt the names of various parts of their bodies. We finished the lesson by learning the ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’ song in french which they really enjoyed. The Egyptians is a well liked topic and as such, we have learnt two new songs: Two piles of stones and Tutankhamun. ( This song, with its distinctive Egyptian flavour, introduces the legendary child king Tutankhamun.) The children have learnt how the ancient Egyptian civilisation began and have begun to learn about the Kingdoms of Egypt.
As part of our cup stacking team building activity, the children have been busy practising building a pyramid stack and pairs competed against others in the class to find out who could stack the quickest! If your child asks you for 6 cups, make sure they are not breakable!
This afternoon we were treated to a panto performance in the hall. What a great way to end the week!
Can we remind you to ensure that your child’s reading book is in their bag as a number of children forgot their reading logs and reading books this week. Thank you!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McNamara Mrs Lines
Home Learning this week:
Mathletics Activities with a focus on Place Value have been set.
TTRs Log onto account and practise.
Spellings on spellingshed.