Year 2 Blog Week 30

It has been another fun-filled week in Year 2! Royal wedding fever has well and truly taken over! It was wonderful to see all the children dressed up in their costumes and party clothes to help celebrate the upcoming nuptials of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Year 2 had great fun perfecting the royal wave!


We had a very special assembly about marriage and afterwards we enjoyed some delicious ice-creams!

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IMG_1897 IMG_1896 IMG_1860IMG_1895 IMG_1877 IMG_1854 IMG_1892Don’t forget that  Monday 21st May is our Grandparents Celebration Morning! Enjoy the weekend festivities!

Year 2 Blog Week 28

This week we have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties. The children have had great fun looking at nets and making their own 3D shapes.

Guess my shape!

Joseph: I have 6 faces and 8 vertices. What shape am I?

Alice: I have 5 vertices. I have 1 square face and 4 triangular faces. What shape am I?IMG_1785IMG_1780 IMG_1781 IMG_1782


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Week 3: 4th May

Another week in which we have seen and experienced all seasons!

The children have been working hard on their final newspaper stories about the Road to Emmaus. In RE we have been looking at the four gospels and the various accounts of the resurrection. The children will be finding out more about the story of Pentecost next week. In Science the children recorded their final ‘egg’ observations and have begun their new topic on Habitats, investigating the school environment and the habitats within it.

In Tennis the children learnt some indoor tennis skills as the rain kept them away from learning outside.
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Home Learning:

Mathletics and

Spellings HW is revising the -ous words for their spelling test on Wednesday.    Try this new web link to practise your timestables!

Have a lovely bank-holiday weekend.


Miss Varga and Mrs McNamara

Blog week 28

This week, we have been studying the work of Vincent van Gogh. The children recreated some of his most famous paintings such as; ‘Starry night’and ‘Sunflowers’.

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blog week 27

Congratulations Year 1 for your wonderful assembly on Monday, and thank you parents for your support.

This week  in science the children were excited to make bird feeders and hang them in the peace garden. They learnt to recognise birds by colour, patterns and song through observation and secondary information.

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Summer Term Week 1

It was lovely to welcome the children back to school this week after the Easter break. They have been very enthusiastic about our newspaper writing in English and have even helped Y2 answer interview questions. Look out for news headlines about The road to Emmaus. The children’s Easter gardens look brilliant – well done.

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In maths the children have been estimating and finding equivalent fractions, using mm, cm and m. Maybe this weekend they could measure, compare and estimate the difference between the foot length of the people in their family?

Our P.E. days are going to be Wednesday and Thursday this term but please ensure kits are in on Monday should these days have to change for any reason.


  1. Please follow this link for this weeks spelling list and activities.

2. Please practice the 4, 8 or 9 times tables using hit the button online, verbally or by writing them down

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Week 24

Reception class have been very busy learning about the Easter Story this week.

On Monday, the children learnt about The Last Supper. They acted out the story during RE and some children role-played it again during their Free Learning.

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On Tuesday, the children learnt about the Stations of the Cross. They then made their own crosses from a wide range of different materials and displayed these in the classroom.

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Yesterday, the children made their own beautiful Easter cards for their families.

Today, the children took home their germinated runner beans. Once the leaves appear, they will need to be potted. The class have been asked to bring them back to be measured by Mrs Theo, on Friday 20th April. The child with the tallest beanstalk will win a packet of flower seeds to be planted in their garden at home. Good luck!

Please see below for the whole school Easter Home Learning project.















Wishing you all a peaceful and blessed Easter.


Year 2 Blog Week 24

Computing Week!

Year 2 kicked off Computing Week with an eSafety workshop –Into the Screen. The children learnt about how to stay safe online and what information should be kept private. We were joined by the Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, the Big Bad Wolf, Cinderfella and the Ugly Sisters.


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Year 2 gave out some great advice to these characters about keeping passwords protected and not giving away any personal information.

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Year 2 also used some very exciting augmented reality apps. The children had great fun watching their volcanoes exploding in the middle of our classroom. We were even joined by a tyrannosaurus rex!

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To finish the week, Year 2 perfected their algorithms and ensured their Beebots reached the flowers.

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Week 22

As part of British Science Week, Reception focussed on things that live and grow under the ground. We began by  starting the process of germinating runner beans.

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We also found a pot of forgotten bulbs that had begun to grow, and so we quickly planted them in the soil!

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We had some great responses to the Big Question, “What would be positive or negative if we lived underground?

Ollie     “I wouldn’t like it. There are worms under the ground. I don’t like worms.”

Grey   “It would be great. Not many predators would know where you lived.”

Lucy “I wouldn’t like to live underground. It would be dark because there would be no light.”

Our Literacy focus has been the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. In class, we made our very own giant’s castles from large and small construction, used lots of mathematical language to describe different sizes, imagined what else could be at the top of the beanstalk and thought about what we would like our magic beans to do, if we had some.

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In Maths, we have been busy learning about 3D shapes and their properties.

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It was lovely to see so many of you at the Learning Celebration Morning yesterday.

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Thank you for coming!

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team

Week 21

It was lovely to see you all at the Parent Consultations- thank you for your continued support!

The week started with the much anticipated World Book Day. What a wonderful array of book characters we had in Reception!  During the day, the children shared their favourite stories with each other, spent time reading with their Year six reading partners and participated in the whole school special World Book Day assembly.

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The children have been learning about Fairtrade, what it means when you see the Fairtrade symbol and how it is making a difference to lives around the globe.


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In RE this week, Reception learnt story of  Palm Sunday. They made their own palm leaves and acted the story out as a whole class.











Wishing you all a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday,

The Reception Team