Week 3: 4th May

Another week in which we have seen and experienced all seasons!

The children have been working hard on their final newspaper stories about the Road to Emmaus. In RE we have been looking at the four gospels and the various accounts of the resurrection. The children will be finding out more about the story of Pentecost next week. In Science the children recorded their final ‘egg’ observations and have begun their new topic on Habitats, investigating the school environment and the habitats within it.

In Tennis the children learnt some indoor tennis skills as the rain kept them away from learning outside.
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Home Learning:

Mathletics and Spag.com

Spellings HW is revising the -ous words for their spelling test on Wednesday.

http://www.timestables.me.uk/grid.html    Try this new web link to practise your timestables!

Have a lovely bank-holiday weekend.


Miss Varga and Mrs McNamara