Week 24
Reception class have been very busy learning about the Easter Story this week.
On Monday, the children learnt about The Last Supper. They acted out the story during RE and some children role-played it again during their Free Learning.
On Tuesday, the children learnt about the Stations of the Cross. They then made their own crosses from a wide range of different materials and displayed these in the classroom.
Yesterday, the children made their own beautiful Easter cards for their families.
Today, the children took home their germinated runner beans. Once the leaves appear, they will need to be potted. The class have been asked to bring them back to be measured by Mrs Theo, on Friday 20th April. The child with the tallest beanstalk will win a packet of flower seeds to be planted in their garden at home. Good luck!
Please see below for the whole school Easter Home Learning project.
Wishing you all a peaceful and blessed Easter.