2.2.18 Year 3

This week we have been exploring forces in science. The children have enjoyed finding out about gravity and what it would be like without this force. They have also learnt how forces are measured and the effects of a force.

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In English we have been using similes, 2ed sentences, adverbs and adjectives to create some very atmospheric stories. We are going to be finishing these stories next week and incorporating some of our writing into our wonderful ink marbling.

During maths we have been applying our multiplication and division knowledge to tackle some tricky word problems and maths fluency – well done Y3, your timetable knowledge is impressive.



Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle

Week 2: 12th January

This week has flown by!

We started our new English unit looking at an old Vietnamese Folk-tale – ‘The Fly and the Fool’ and learnt about the characters – Mr Lo, The Judge, Lo and Lan.  The children worked in partners and their table groups to ensure they understood the story and acted out part of the story as well.  We are continuing with this focus on playscripts next week.  In Mathematics, we learnt about conversion in our topic of Measurement and starting learning more about shapes. In RE we spent time talking about Pope Francs’ teaching on the Joy of Love through his  writing ‘Amoris Laetitia’.

In PE this week, Coach Duggan joined us to assist with our learning and he will be with us this term.  The children had great fun doing a variety of athletic activities.  On Wednesday, the children went to Furzefield for their swimming lesson and a great time was had by all.

As part of a project with Stormont School to enhance our outdoor learning focus we are taking part in an environmental art project with their art specialist Ruth Burgess.  They will be planning and creating willow sculpture to enhance our Peace Garden trellis so we are all excited on seeing their creations in Spring!

So, for Year 4 this term, we have a lot going on and keeping us busy!

I have signed the children onto e-books via the Oxford University:

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/  Click on the Class Log in icon.

Their user name is: Year 4 love books   Password: McNamara

Please allow your child to choose a book (from the Aged 7-9 area) and listen to it whilst it is being read.


Homework has also been given to the children.  Please examine their home learning books

If the children have any queries, they can come along to the Monday lunchtime homework club.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara


Doing Measurement Conversion using a place value mat (one of our many resources)IMG_0487 IMG_0489IMG_0498 IMG_0502 IMG_0510


Let it snow, let it snow!

Year 3 have had a wonderful time investigating insulation and building snowmen this week.

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Happy New Year From Y3

Happy New Year, I hope you had a restful and prayerful holiday. Thank you all very much for your lovely cards and generous gifts.

The children have made a fantastic start to the Spring term. We started the week by reflecting on the 12 days of Christmas and celebrating Epiphany – they have made wonderful Epiphany promises and enjoyed making crowns to wear.

We have been exploring synonyms and antonyms in English and have enjoyed reading The Mousehole Cat in guided reading. In maths we have been exploring what strategies are most effective. Please keep practising your 4 and 6 timetables.

Home learning will begin next week.

Miss Pringle

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Bishop John Wilson Closes Our Jubilee Year

On Wednesday we welcomed Bishop John Wilson to our school. He took part in a special assembly where he blessed our new Lectionary of Masses for children which was a gift from our Parish. The children then enjoyed asking Bishop John questions when he visited each class.This visit marks the end of our Jubilee Year. We give thanks for 50 years of Catholic Education here at Pope Paul and we look forward to the next 50!


Advent Service 2017

Well done to all our KS2 children who presented a wonderful, moving and thought provoking reflection yesterday evening.  Your singing, reading and acting were fabulous!  Congratulations to all our soloists who sang with confidence and conviction. Thank you to Mrs Joyce for leading the preparation for this Service and to Miss Pringle, Mrs McNamara, Miss Varga, Mrs Lines and Miss Donatantonio for all their hard work practising with the children. Performing in our beautiful church, it was heartening to see our links with the Parish growing from strength to strength. Thank you to all the parents, governors and parishioners who supported the children by sharing in the Service.


Year 2 Blog Week 12

What is a tree’s least favourite month? ……Sep-timber!

It was a very cold morning on Thursday and Year 2 wrapped up warm for their walk in the woods as part of National Tree Week 2017. The children were challenged with the task of creating a waterproof elf shelter using only the materials they could find in the woods in Dame Alice Owen’s school. The children thought carefully about the materials they used and their properties.


















In Religion we have been learning about Advent and the children wrote up their Advent promises and created an Advent calendar for our sacred space.


In Art we created some beautiful Advent wreaths using a mosaic effect.














Week 7: 20th October

The half-term has arrived and this week has been a really busy one with lots of work on our chosen focus country Egypt for One World Week.  It was lovely to see so many of you this morning at our harvest assembly and afterwards in class.

We started the week using picture prompts to help us use description, action, dialogue and rhetorical questions to write some interesting short pieces.  Our Egyptian spellings for the week showed how the children earned stickers by spelling such words as pyramid, hieroglyphics, mummification…!

In Maths we used hieroglyphics to help calculate answers and write our own number sentences.  We baked ‘Cleopatra’s Palace Bread’……..using honey and dried fruit.  Did you sample some when you came today?

The children created their own Egyptian jewellery, created 3D dangling camels, cartoush art and this afternoon had an opportunity to create 3D Egyptian art.

Have a restful half-term.
Miss Varga and Mrs McNamara


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Year 2 Blog Week 7

One World Week- China

When all the people live peacefully in the world, we bring about God’s Kingdom.

It has been a wonderful week of learning in Year 2. Well done to everyone in Year 2 for their wonderful projects on China! We have enjoyed learning all about this wonderful country!  In maths we have been looking at tangrams. A tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle where you make pictures using mathematical shapes. The children enjoyed creating some different animals.





In English we looked at The Willow Pattern story. The children decorated plates with the willow pattern designs and produced some wonderful retellings.


Vegetable Spring Rolls were on the menu and the children washed their hands, rolled up their sleeves, put on their aprons and whipped up these tasty treats.














Thank you for your generous donations for the Harvest assembly. It was great to see so many of you at our celebration morning. Thank you for your continued support.

Enjoy the half term!

Ms Davey

Week 5: 6th October

This week we have been doing a lot of writing….adding a new chapter to our Dilemma story of Lost and Stolen.  Today the children have been doing role play as part of developing the characters within their writing. Also in grammar we looked at the use of direct speech and how to add this to enhance our skills further.

In RE we have been continuing with our focus on Initiation, learning about the importance of Baptism, The Eucharist and Confirmation and what words, actions and symbols are used in these sacraments.

The children also looked at designing a new web page for our school website with the focus on welcoming.  They worked really well and the results were amazing. We hope to show them to Mrs Heymoz next week to ask for her opinion.

The Friday Rosary started today led by our Liturgy Leaders and some of the Y4 children attended it which was lovely to see.

Have a lovely weekend.

Homework Link October 6th Home Learning

Preparing for our role plays to the rest of the class:IMG_0186
