On Monday, Year 6 had CPR training with paramedic Mrs Edwards – Conrad’s mum – and learnt some very important life skills. The children were taught what to do if they find someone who has stopped breathing, then explored various equipment used by paramedics, before an engaging and inspiring Q&A session. Thank you Mrs Edwards for giving your time and for teaching us all so much.
As part of transition week, Year 6 joined forces with Year 5 on Tuesday morning to produce a collaborative art display. Come and have a look at it in the school hall and see if you can identify the animal hidden within!
Year 6’s musicians treated us to an exceptional music concert on Tuesday afternoon. There is such talent in this class and it was a joy to watch so many of you displaying the progress you have all made this year.
We had a very close rounders game on Wednesday afternoon and it was brilliant to see how much their fielding improved as the game went on.
Today, the class worked in groups to create their own Acts of Worship, and had our first one this afternoon – thank you Cassia, Enzo and Krystian for leading us in prayer.
You will hopefully now have read your reports and looked at your SATs results; I will reiterate my congratulations on how well you have all done. You are fantastic!
Please rehearse your lines for Monday’s mass and see my previous blog post to practise the hymns.
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday for your final week in Year 6.
Miss Donatantonio