Friday 27th January 2023

Another busy week has flown by in Year 6. In English we have discovered more creatures from Artur Spiderwick’s Field Guide, and today we read about changelings. These faeries take human children and replace them with their own young. After hearing about their qualities, we began to suspect each other of being changelings and wrote letters to Mrs Heymoz with our evidence. In maths, we consolidated our knowledge of percentages.

In Art, Year 6 have been looking a line drawings and building the skill of creating a quick sketch with out rubbing out. The outcomes were really impressive.

On Wednesday, we were invited to Nicholas Breakspear to watch their performance of the Addams Family. The show was fantastic and we were treated to juice and biscuits during the interval. Who knows, maybe we’ll be seeing some of Year 6 in this show if they attend NBS next year.

Have a restful weekend

Mrs Lines

Home Learning complete the activity set

Read for 20 minutes daily

Spellingshed- weekly spelling practice.

Mathletics- complete the activity set


For Monday: Can children bring in a photograph of themselves and their parents? This can be an image all together or separately. Photographs will be photocopied so they can be suck in books and sent home. We will use this for our science lesson about evolution and inheritance.