Friday 24th February

Our Spiderwick learning in English has now progressed to designing our own creature. Next week, Year 6 will create their own entry for the fieldguide. Maths learning this week has focussed on translation and reflection, learning to draw and translate shapes in all four quadrants of the co-ordinate grid and reflect a shape in the mirror line where the mirror line is not only horizontal and vertical but also diagonal.

Our science learning this week was based on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Year 6 learnt about how the finches in the Galapagos islands varied in their beak shape and size depending on what island they were from and the food sources available. We then investigated this by creating our own beaks and saw how effective they were with a range of foods.


On Wednesday, we attended the Ash Wednesday mass at Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church.  Well done to Tymon and Albion who read at the mass. In the afternoon, some members of the liturgy group attended the Key Stage 1 Ash Wednesday service and read alongside the Key Stage 1 Class teachers.  Well done to Albion, Caroline, Eric and Maria.  A special thank you to Sophie who kindly stepped in to assist with the power point.

Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning:

Reading comprehension provided. Answers can be written on the back. This must be in school by Tuesday 28th February.

Spellings set on spellingshed

Mathletics log on and complete the activities set.

Times table Rockstars – log on and keep practising your times tables!!