Spring term Week 6

Our final week has certainly been busy!

On Monday, we took part in a drama workshop as part of computing week. Year 5 acted out scenarios about purchasing online content without realising.


On Wednesday, we visited the Hinu Mandir in Neasdon. It was a beautiful and impressive building. Year 5 were respectful and enjoyed looking at the fine detail that had been carved into the stone.


Have a great half term.


Mrs Lines

Mini Police

On Thursday, we had a visit from the police of Potters Bar. They invited us to be mini police and let us wear uniforms. They will be coming to visit us every Thursday and we are looking forward to learning more and being inspired by them. We hope they enjoyed the visit to our school.

Evie and Angelina

Spring Week 5

Year 5 have continued to build on their understanding of the sacraments of healing this week. We were lucky enough to have a visit from Fr Shaun to explain the sacrament of anointing the sick and he brought along his kit to show us. The children listened well and asked some interesting questions. Later in the week, the children brought their knowledge of the sacraments together to create a podcast. I was really impressed with how they worked together to produce some really interesting pieces about how the sacraments offer healing to our world. We will be editing and recording these next week and will share them on the school website when they are complete.

In science, we have been developing our enquiry skills by designing an investigation that required using repeated measures. Year 5 made gyros that they dropped to find out if surface area affects how fast an object falls. We had some interesting results! Year 5 were able to identify some strange data and saw how taking repeated measures created a more reliable result.

To end our week, we learned about copyright and plagiarism as part of Safer Internet Day. Year 5 now know the symbols to look out for and how they can avoid infringing copyright.

Have a great weekend

Spring Term Week 4

In Year 5 this week, we were visited by Hertfordshire School Partnership to talk about keeping safe online. The children listened well and asked questions to help improve their understanding of internet safety. Year 5 were introduced to new concepts, such as having a digital footprint. I hope the session that was run for parents following our talk was helpful to those who attended.

In maths, we have continued with our fraction learning and have made links to how they are used in everyday life. We learnt that 10p is a tenth of £1 and 1p was a hundredth. With this information, the children took part in an investigation into how 76 hundreds could be made using coins and developed their understanding the relationship between tenths and hundredths.

In R.E, we have begun learning about the Sacraments of healing. This week, we focused on Reconciliation. Year 5 made booklets about what the Sacrament is and shared them with Year 3. We hope this will support them as they near the time of celebrating this sacrament for the first time.

Our week came to a snowy end. The children had a fantastic time playing outside.


Spring Term Week 3

Another week has flown by in Year 5. We have been very busy thinking about what it means to be sacramental people and seeing where we could find God in our local area. On Wednesday, Year 5 took a walk to Darkes Lane and were able to identify where they could see God in nature and through others. Once we returned to school, we then thought about where we see God in our own lives and how we let God act through us.  Later in the week, we developed this idea by discussing social dilemmas and what we should or would do. The children were very reflective and made thoughtful contributions.

On Thursday, along with the rest of the school, we were visited by Bishop John Sherington. Year 5 asked some fantastic questions and listened thoughtfully to his responses.

In science, we continued our new topic on forces. We investigated air resistance by dropping paper with different surface areas from a height and timing their fall. Next week, Year 5 will use this knowledge to develop their own investigations relating both surface area and air resistance.

Year 5 have really been enjoying our new class text. ‘Boy in the Tower’ is a mystery story about buildings in Camberwell suddenly falling.  It is narrated by the main character, a young boy named Ade, who lives a challenging life. The children have shown great empathy for this character and have appreciated how lucky they are to be so well taken care of.


Have a great weekend


Mrs Lines

Spring Term Week 2

Year 5 had an exciting week as we were joined by Mike form the Canal and Water Trust on Tuesday. Along with Year 6, we took part in an assembly where we learnt how to keep safe when near a canal. The children made excellent observations and asked fantastic questions. In the afternoon, Mike joined us in our classroom so that we could learn more about bridges. After finding out about the different types, Year 5 began to investigate what makes an effective bridge using multilink, card and cups. The children drew excellent inferences from their results.

To finish the afternoon, Year 5 had a turn a constructing an arch bridge.

As well as learning about design and structure. The children learnt some interesting historical information about bridges.

In R.E, we have been learning about ‘sacramental people’ and how we can see God in the world and others. Year 5 wrote some beautiful poems and recognized how loved and cared for they are. It was wonderful to see them so appreciative of the big and little things their families do for them.


Have a restful weekend.


Mrs Lines



Spring Term week 1

Welcome back. It has been wonderful to see the children again and catch up with their holiday news.

This week, we have focused on the three epiphanies of the lord. Using Fr Shaun’s newsletter as a starting point, we explored each of them through art and drama to explain what they tell us about Jesus and God. This morning, the children wore crowns to assembly to celebrate the Magi’s visit to Jesus and presented what gift they will be bringing to home and school this year. Many of them feel they will be bringing patience and good listening skills to their homes.

Division has now become our focus in maths. We have established the difference between grouping and sharing and have begun to use the short method to calculate.

With our biographies finished, we have now turned our attention to narrative. Over the next half term, we will be reading a picture book and a novel from the ‘mystery and suspense’ genre. This week, Year 5 became detectives and searched illustrations for evidence of tension and suspense; identifying common elements. They also made some interesting predictions about what our first text, ‘The Watertower’, might be about. A large percentage feel there will be an alien element to the story due to the shape of the watertower and the mysterious green light beaming down from it. We shall find out if their predictions are right next week.

In science today, the children developed their enquiry skills. I presented them with a question: what factors might cause the colour to dissolve from a skittle? From this, they generated their own investigations, collected data and presented it. Well done, year 5!

Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines

Autumn 2 Week 8

It has been a busy week filled with a variety of festive fun. On Tuesday, we went to the Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime with the rest of the school. Year 5 partnered up with Year 1 and they were excellent role models to the younger children.

On Wednesday it was Christmas jumper day and our Christmas lunch. The food was delicious and everyone had a great time. In the afternoon, the fun continued with the annual talent show. Well done to Liam, Mikey and Maria for representing Year 5.

Today we said good bye to Miss Clapp. It has been wonderful having her in class with us over the past half term. We wish her every success as she continues her training and will no doubt make a fantastic teacher.

Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your generous gifts. I have enjoyed working with you and your children over the past term and look forward to continuing this in 2019.

Have a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Mrs Lines

Autumn 2 Week 7

This week, the children sang and spoke beautifully at our KS2 advent service. They put a lot of effort into rehearsing and it paid off; they did a wonderful job.

We were treated to two musical performances this week with a guitar concert on Wednesday and a piano,singing, cello and violin concert on Thursday. Well done to the children who performed. Your dedication and practice were evident.

We have continued on our advent journey this week by looking at the purpose of Luke’s Nativity story. We have also enjoyed taking part in acts of worship created by the children that are based on the advent gospel readings. This has really helped us to focus our minds and prepare for the birth of Christ.


We were very lucky today as we were visited by Vincent from the Oscar Romeo Society. He spoke about his work and the links between Oscar Romero and St Paul VI. Vincent also brought along some garments in the style of Oscar Romero for us to try on.

On Monday, we will have auditions for our class entries to the school talent show. Get practising and I look forward to seeing these on Monday.

Have a fantastic weekend

Mrs Lines and Miss Clapp

Autumn 2 Week 5

Year 5 has turned incredibly frosty this week as the classroom has been transformed into the Antarctic. Well done to the children who created snowflakes, penguins and landscapes- they look amazing. This has helped us to imagine and explore the life of Ernest Shakleton. Through our research, we have discovered the amazing life he led and have begun our detailed biographies.

In maths, formal written methods of calculation have been our focus and will continue to be until the end of term. The children have really enjoyed the challenge of missing number sums and problem solving by figuring out what numbers letters stood for in calculations, for example: One +One=two.

We have continued to prepare for the birth of Jesus this advent by looking at the context of Luke’s Nativity story. We considered what we recalled about the story and compared it to the facts found in the gospel.

Along with the rest of KS2, Year 5 have been busy practising for the Advent service. We look forward to sharing our efforts with you on Tuesday at 7pm at Our Lady and St Vincent’s.

This week, home learning consists of spelling sentences and practising words for the advent service.

Autumn 2 Week 4- Year 5

This week was national tree week and Year 5 braved the rain to go outside and learn more about the Hawthorne tree. The children discussed its features and then went on an information treasure hunt to find out facts about it. They showed great teamwork and enthusiasm on that cold and wet afternoon. Well done, Year 5!

During P.E, we have been focusing on our invasion game skills. The children are showing real improvement in intercepting the ball.

We began our learning on our new English unit of biographies this week. So far, we have learnt about the life of Mary Anning, the famous fossil finder. We have been building up our cohesion skills by using fronted adverbials and ensuring relevant information is grouped together to recount her life. Next week, we will begin to write our own biographies of Ernest Shakleton.

In R.E, the children have planned their own acts of worship based on 3 of the advent gospel readings. They have worked hard to bring out the message of Luke’s Gospel. I look forward to taking part in these over the coming weeks.

Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you at the fayre tomorrow.