Spring Week 5

Year 5 have continued to build on their understanding of the sacraments of healing this week. We were lucky enough to have a visit from Fr Shaun to explain the sacrament of anointing the sick and he brought along his kit to show us. The children listened well and asked some interesting questions. Later in the week, the children brought their knowledge of the sacraments together to create a podcast. I was really impressed with how they worked together to produce some really interesting pieces about how the sacraments offer healing to our world. We will be editing and recording these next week and will share them on the school website when they are complete.

In science, we have been developing our enquiry skills by designing an investigation that required using repeated measures. Year 5 made gyros that they dropped to find out if surface area affects how fast an object falls. We had some interesting results! Year 5 were able to identify some strange data and saw how taking repeated measures created a more reliable result.

To end our week, we learned about copyright and plagiarism as part of Safer Internet Day. Year 5 now know the symbols to look out for and how they can avoid infringing copyright.

Have a great weekend