Spring Term week 1
Welcome back. It has been wonderful to see the children again and catch up with their holiday news.
This week, we have focused on the three epiphanies of the lord. Using Fr Shaun’s newsletter as a starting point, we explored each of them through art and drama to explain what they tell us about Jesus and God. This morning, the children wore crowns to assembly to celebrate the Magi’s visit to Jesus and presented what gift they will be bringing to home and school this year. Many of them feel they will be bringing patience and good listening skills to their homes.
Division has now become our focus in maths. We have established the difference between grouping and sharing and have begun to use the short method to calculate.
With our biographies finished, we have now turned our attention to narrative. Over the next half term, we will be reading a picture book and a novel from the ‘mystery and suspense’ genre. This week, Year 5 became detectives and searched illustrations for evidence of tension and suspense; identifying common elements. They also made some interesting predictions about what our first text, ‘The Watertower’, might be about. A large percentage feel there will be an alien element to the story due to the shape of the watertower and the mysterious green light beaming down from it. We shall find out if their predictions are right next week.
In science today, the children developed their enquiry skills. I presented them with a question: what factors might cause the colour to dissolve from a skittle? From this, they generated their own investigations, collected data and presented it. Well done, year 5!
Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs Lines