Autumn 2 Week 5

Year 5 has turned incredibly frosty this week as the classroom has been transformed into the Antarctic. Well done to the children who created snowflakes, penguins and landscapes- they look amazing. This has helped us to imagine and explore the life of Ernest Shakleton. Through our research, we have discovered the amazing life he led and have begun our detailed biographies.

In maths, formal written methods of calculation have been our focus and will continue to be until the end of term. The children have really enjoyed the challenge of missing number sums and problem solving by figuring out what numbers letters stood for in calculations, for example: One +One=two.

We have continued to prepare for the birth of Jesus this advent by looking at the context of Luke’s Nativity story. We considered what we recalled about the story and compared it to the facts found in the gospel.

Along with the rest of KS2, Year 5 have been busy practising for the Advent service. We look forward to sharing our efforts with you on Tuesday at 7pm at Our Lady and St Vincent’s.

This week, home learning consists of spelling sentences and practising words for the advent service.