Spring Term Week 2

Year 5 had an exciting week as we were joined by Mike form the Canal and Water Trust on Tuesday. Along with Year 6, we took part in an assembly where we learnt how to keep safe when near a canal. The children made excellent observations and asked fantastic questions. In the afternoon, Mike joined us in our classroom so that we could learn more about bridges. After finding out about the different types, Year 5 began to investigate what makes an effective bridge using multilink, card and cups. The children drew excellent inferences from their results.

To finish the afternoon, Year 5 had a turn a constructing an arch bridge.

As well as learning about design and structure. The children learnt some interesting historical information about bridges.

In R.E, we have been learning about ‘sacramental people’ and how we can see God in the world and others. Year 5 wrote some beautiful poems and recognized how loved and cared for they are. It was wonderful to see them so appreciative of the big and little things their families do for them.


Have a restful weekend.


Mrs Lines