
What an exciting past two weeks Reception have had!

Last Monday, Reception Class received a letter from Professor John Pemberton from the Natural History Museum in London. He wanted to know if the class could take care of one of the museum’s very precious and rare dinosaur eggs, while they had a new display cabinet made.


The children immediately wrote back to find out more information such as- How big is the egg?

What type of dinosaur is inside?

How exactly do you keep a dinosaur egg safe?

Professor Pemberton wrote back and assured them that they would be fine and so the class agreed!


On Wednesday Pope Paul took delivery of the precious egg. The children decided to keep it in the protective box on the prayer table, as they felt that it was probably the safest place, while they designed and made a safe display area for it.

The children did lots of research about dinosaurs and discovered that like crocodiles, dinosaurs lay their eggs in nests under the ground. Some of the class decided to make their own nests.

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The children also enjoyed digging for fossils and pretending to be archaeologists in their very own Pope Paul History Museum.

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After the weekend, Reception class were shocked and bewildered to find out on Monday morning that unbelievably, the dinosaur had hatched from the egg and was nowhere to be seen!

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The children immediately told Mrs Heymoz, who alerted the police and surrounding schools straight away. The children then went about the urgent business of setting traps, making CCTV cameras, looking for clues and creating warning signs and posters to alert everybody about the danger.

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By the next day, there had been several sightings of a little purple dinosaur with massive teeth! The class began to write down evidence reports as they came in.

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After several days of trying everything  to catch the dinosaur, Mrs Theo had to make a nervous phone call to the museum and explain what had happened to their precious egg. She was invited to go down into London this afternoon, to meet with Professor Pemberton, to give more details and to help the scientists and emergency services decide a plan of action to get the dinosaur back over the weekend!

Watch this space….


Week 24

Reception class have been very busy learning about the Easter Story this week.

On Monday, the children learnt about The Last Supper. They acted out the story during RE and some children role-played it again during their Free Learning.

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On Tuesday, the children learnt about the Stations of the Cross. They then made their own crosses from a wide range of different materials and displayed these in the classroom.

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Yesterday, the children made their own beautiful Easter cards for their families.

Today, the children took home their germinated runner beans. Once the leaves appear, they will need to be potted. The class have been asked to bring them back to be measured by Mrs Theo, on Friday 20th April. The child with the tallest beanstalk will win a packet of flower seeds to be planted in their garden at home. Good luck!

Please see below for the whole school Easter Home Learning project.















Wishing you all a peaceful and blessed Easter.


Week 23

This week was Computing Week. Reception started the week by participating in an action packed eSafety workshop. The children learnt about the importance of not sharing personal information to strangers and how to stay safe online.

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Later on in the week, Reception used some very exciting apps on the iPads to bring their pictures to life. The children couldn’t believe their eyes when their birds started walking around the page!

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The children have also been very busy using technology to record their favourite activities and places in school.


It’s been wonderful to be able to get outside without any disruption from the weather this week. The children have really enjoyed performing stories, songs and shows on the new stage area, as well as using the PE equipment to make up their own games and using the mud kitchen.

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Week 22

As part of British Science Week, Reception focussed on things that live and grow under the ground. We began by  starting the process of germinating runner beans.

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We also found a pot of forgotten bulbs that had begun to grow, and so we quickly planted them in the soil!

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We had some great responses to the Big Question, “What would be positive or negative if we lived underground?

Ollie     “I wouldn’t like it. There are worms under the ground. I don’t like worms.”

Grey   “It would be great. Not many predators would know where you lived.”

Lucy “I wouldn’t like to live underground. It would be dark because there would be no light.”

Our Literacy focus has been the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. In class, we made our very own giant’s castles from large and small construction, used lots of mathematical language to describe different sizes, imagined what else could be at the top of the beanstalk and thought about what we would like our magic beans to do, if we had some.

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In Maths, we have been busy learning about 3D shapes and their properties.

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It was lovely to see so many of you at the Learning Celebration Morning yesterday.

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Thank you for coming!

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team

Week 21

It was lovely to see you all at the Parent Consultations- thank you for your continued support!

The week started with the much anticipated World Book Day. What a wonderful array of book characters we had in Reception!  During the day, the children shared their favourite stories with each other, spent time reading with their Year six reading partners and participated in the whole school special World Book Day assembly.

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The children have been learning about Fairtrade, what it means when you see the Fairtrade symbol and how it is making a difference to lives around the globe.


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In RE this week, Reception learnt story of  Palm Sunday. They made their own palm leaves and acted the story out as a whole class.











Wishing you all a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday,

The Reception Team





Week 20

The new half term started with a focus on Lent and a chance to come together as a school for a whole school Act of Worship. The children put lots of thought into their Lenten promises and placed them on our very special Lenten tree.

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As part of our new topic ‘Growing’, Reception are looking at different life cycles. On Monday, we took delivery of some chick eggs. It has been so exciting watching them hatch and grow. We have them until next Friday; if any younger siblings want to come and meet them, please just ask at the end of the day and you will be very welcome.

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IMG_8930In Maths, we have been very busy learning about the concept of one more than/ one less than. This is actually a very tricky concept for Reception age children, but a very important thing to grasp if they are to understand addition and subtraction!

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Our book focus this week has been The Ugly Duckling. We have had some fantastic discussions about bullying and differences. The children have written messages to the mean ducks, as if they were the poor ugly duckling character,  they have made swan pictures and bird feeders and used a variety of materials to make their own nests!

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Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team


Reception- Week 19

What a busy week! On Tuesday we participated in ‘Safer Internet Day’ with the rest of the school. The children thought about ways that they can be kind to others, both offline and online. They listened to a story called ‘The Three Monsters’, where the monsters were sad because someone had said very unkind things about their picture online. They also learnt about different emojis and how they can be used in a positive way. The class then shared their own pictures with each other and had others comment on them, by saying something positive.


To celebrate ‘Other Faiths Week’, Reception visited St John’s Methodist Church on Thursday. There we met the church warden Peter, who showed us around and taught us about different parts of his faith.

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Today, Reception finally performed their class assembly to their families and to the rest of the school. It was all about the theme ‘Love’ and the story of St Valentine. We were all very proud of their fantastic performance!

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Well done children!

Wishing you all a very happy and safe break,

The Reception Team

Reception- Week 18

This week in Reception, we continued to focus our learning around the book, ‘The Three Little Pigs’.

The children had fun attempting to make a tower with a specified amount of bricks, and then finding a way to knock the tower over without touching it!

We had some children huffing and puffing and blowing their tower over, some children who rolled objects at their tower and some who fanned their tower with large pieces of cardboard!

All very creative and clever methods!

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In RE, the children made their own God telescopes.

We took them outside to look for signs of God in nature.

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During the reflection, the class drew and wrote about what signs of God they had seen and then shared them with each other in a circle.

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In Phonics we have finished Set 2 sounds and are working hard to learn, consolidate and apply these new sounds to our own reading and writing in class.

We are looking forward to visiting St Johns Church in Baker Street on Thursday, as part of ‘Other Faiths’ week. We are in need of three other adults to accompany us down there. If you are able to help us, please see Mrs Theo, thank you.

Enjoy your weekend,

The Reception Team

Reception- Week 17

Despite a week of terrible weather at times, Reception have still managed to have plenty of outdoor learning time. We have been focussing on the traditional tale ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and have turned our outdoor role play area into a building site for the pigs. This story has proven to be so popular this week, that we have decided to take it over to next week too!

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The children had fun working in pairs or groups, to create their own den that didn’t fall down. During this time there was lots of idea sharing and we witnessed lots of lovely team work.

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Inside, the children used Polydrons or straws to make new homes for the Three Little Pigs.

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In RE, we really enjoyed listening to the children talk about their special objects from home. It was so lovely hearing them explain how their object demonstrated the love they had for a family member. Thank you for helping your child with this home learning.

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Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team

Reception- Week 16

Little Red Riding Hood was our learning focus for this week, and the children had lots of fun recreating and deepening their understanding of the story, through role-play and hot seating.


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The children also wrote lists of things to bring to Grandma to make her feel better, made get well soon cards, created 3D mazes to help Red Riding hood get through the forest, sequenced the story, made puppets and retold the tale by drawing story maps.

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In PE, the class were very excited to learn that they were using the large apparatus and balancing equipment to practise travelling over, through and under.

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In Maths, we went on a number hunt around the school and kept a tally of each number that we saw!

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In RE, we learnt that even though we can’t physically see or feel God, we know that he is always there, helping the people in our lives to protect, care and love us. We also thought about the people who have dedicated their lives to serving, helping and protecting us such as doctors, fire fighters, priests, police officers and carers.

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Please remind you child to bring in their special objects for RE by Tuesday, thank you.

Next week, we will be focussing on the story ‘The Three Little Pigs.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team