Year 6 Week Beginning 15.4.24

Image result for He Is Risen Cross

Welcome back!

The children have returned to school with a wonderful attitude towards their learning and have worked extremely hard this week, preparing for SATs in a few weeks time.

In RE, Year 6 created some beautiful Resurrection art, which will be displayed above our prayer table in class.

In PE today, the class were introduced to their new topic- cricket; they had lots of fun playing target games, in order to improve their throwing and catching skills!


Year 6 were also reunited with their reading partners this afternoon, after the long Easter break away from each other.

Well done to Amber and Christoph, who both wrote and led a lovely whole school assembly about St Bernadette , along with some of their friends from St Bernadette house, this morning.

To celebrate the Feast of St Bernadette (which was on Tuesday), Amber and Christoph generously baked cakes for their house, which they shared during their extra playtime this morning!

Home Learning

You have all worked so hard this week and deserve a good rest and so this week’s home learning is optional.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton

Summer 1 Week 1

I hope you had a lovely Easter!


It was great to welcome the children back and hear about their holidays. This week we read the story Where the Wild Things Are. In the story Max travelled by a boat across the water, we discussed the different ways we can travel across water. The children made their own wild things masks and puppets and then performed a puppet show using their hand puppets. The children acted out the story using skylanders. We wrote postcards from Max to his mum and letters to the wild things. Each child described what they would like thier wild thing to look like and drew pictures of their wild things.


In Maths, we have been making ten, doubling and finding odd and even numbers. The children have been using a variety of resources and printing with numicon.


Outside, the children have been acting in our travel agents. They have been writing plane tickets and bag labels and thinking about different ways we travel on our holidays.

In Religion, we have been thinking about how God loves us and  how we are all unique. The children drew pictures about themselves and what they love.

In Ten Ten, we have been learning about the Internet and how we stay stay.

Home Learning 

Take a photo of your child in their local area. For example – outside the church, a local park or swimming pool, Tescos or Sainburys. Please send it in by Wednesday or email it to

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Friday, 19th April 2024

It has been wonderful to welcome the children back into class and hear all about their exciting Easter breaks!

In English, we have started our new unit, an explanation text, based on a brilliant picture book by Roger McGough titled, ‘Until I met Dudley’.

The children looked at some common appliances such as a toaster and created labelled diagrams, flowcharts and wrote short explanations using causal conjunctions and fronted adverbials to explain how they work. We also looked at video clips from Wallace and Gromit, describing ‘cracking contraptions’, such as The Snoozatron, The Tellyscope or The Autochef.

In Maths, we spent the week revising, going through areas of Maths we have covered since September such as Place Value, number representation, formal addition/subtraction, formal multiplication/division, fractions, measurements and shapes/angles.

In RE, the children looked at all four Gospel writers’ interpretation of the Resurrection and made comparisons before identifying the common truths that form the basis of our beliefs.

In PE, the children started their next unit of Rounders with Mrs Heymoz on Wednesday, whilst in Science we looked at melting points and carried out a practical investigation before moving on to our next unit of Electricity. The class looked at identifying what electricity changes in common appliances (movement, sound, light, heat).

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga


Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 23rd  April 2024
Spelling Words that are homophones

Next week’s words: circle, century, centaur, circus, princess, voice, medicine, celebrate, celery, pencil




Complete the assigned activities based on time.



Summer 1 Week 1

I have loved welcoming the children back and hearing about their Easter breaks.

In English, we used our senses to gather information about Spring. We have also learnt about past and present tenses and created expanded noun phrases about Spring.

Our Maths focus has been to use repeated addition for multiplication. We have used arrays to help us with this learning.

On Tuesday we started Tennis lessons with Mr Mills. We learnt how to control the ball with a racket, get into the ready position and to turn sideways when receiving the ball.

In Art we have created mixed media pictures all about ourselves. These pictures allowed us to express ourselves, whilst celebrating how diverse we are.

As part of our new Science topic (Plants) we have planted sunflower seeds under different conditions, to see what plants need to be healthy.

Reminder – Swimming starts next Wednesday, please wear your PE kit to school and remember your swimming kits.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Reading and comprehension – please read your new reading books and complete the reading paper in your home learning packs.

SPaG – simple past and present tense questions have been set on