Week 14

The Magical Christmas Jigsaw!

We hope you enjoyed our Christmas Production! The children were fantastic and should be proud of themselves. The children worked hard learning the songs and dances.  Thank you to all the parents for your help learning the songs and providing costumes.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Carey

Year 2 Blog Week 13

The Magical Christmas Jigsaw

It has been a joyous week in school. It was Lights… Camera …. Action for the KS 1 Christmas Nativity.  

At a bustling Christmas market full of the joyful sounds of carol singers and market sellers, five excited children come across a very special stallholder. She gives them a very old Christmas jigsaw in return for the promise that they will find time to complete it on Christmas Eve. As the children gradually piece the jigsaw together with the help of a very special visitor, the Christmas story comes to life.

Year 2 along with Year 1, acted, sang and danced brilliantly and they should all be very proud of themselves.

Thank you to everyone for attending and for your donations to The Passage.

Have a peaceful weekend.

Miss Davey

Autumn 2 Week 5

Year 5 has turned incredibly frosty this week as the classroom has been transformed into the Antarctic. Well done to the children who created snowflakes, penguins and landscapes- they look amazing. This has helped us to imagine and explore the life of Ernest Shakleton. Through our research, we have discovered the amazing life he led and have begun our detailed biographies.

In maths, formal written methods of calculation have been our focus and will continue to be until the end of term. The children have really enjoyed the challenge of missing number sums and problem solving by figuring out what numbers letters stood for in calculations, for example: One +One=two.

We have continued to prepare for the birth of Jesus this advent by looking at the context of Luke’s Nativity story. We considered what we recalled about the story and compared it to the facts found in the gospel.

Along with the rest of KS2, Year 5 have been busy practising for the Advent service. We look forward to sharing our efforts with you on Tuesday at 7pm at Our Lady and St Vincent’s.

This week, home learning consists of spelling sentences and practising words for the advent service.

Year 6 – 07/12/18

We have entered into Advent thinking deeply about what it is we are preparing for and how we can better ourselves for the Lord’s coming. A couple of weeks ago, the children worked in groups to prepare Acts of Worship to align with the Advent Gospel readings, and this week we had our first two groups leading us in prayer. Well done for allowing us to reflect on how we can prepare ourselves for Christmas.

On Tuesday, the children practised their recent learning on addition and subtraction of fractions by playing a competitive card game.

The Healthy Living Team are still leading their fruit competition and this week it was Year 3’s turn to fill the hamper. Well done to the team for your efforts in promoting this.

Well done for your efforts in rehearsing for the Advent service so far. Please continue to practise your lines and the songs (see last week’s blog post) to make Tuesday night a special and memorable occasion.


This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 11th December) is as follows:

English spag.com:

·         Hyphens, dashes and bullet points (A)

·         Hyphens, dashes and bullet points (B)

Spellings Words ending in -cious and -tious (see below for list). Spelling sentences/paragraph to be completed in pink home learning book.

Times tables

Questions to be completed in the yellow Home Learning book:

·         CGP Year 6 book pp. 20-21 (Adding and subtracting fractions)

·         CGP Year 5 book pp. 30-31 (Adding and subtracting fractions)

Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Daily reading, with parent signature once a week.


malicious atrocious
precious ambitious
vicious infectious
delicious cautious
conscious nutritious
suspicious fictitious
ferocious repetitious
spacious pretentious

Enjoy your weekend and hopefully see some of you tomorrow at the Potters Bar Christmas Lights event.

Miss Donatantonio

Year 2 Blog Week 12

The Year 2 classroom has been a hive of activity this week. In English, we have been learning about The Legend of the Poinsettia. There is an old Mexican legend about how Poinsettias and Christmas come together. The children thoroughly enjoyed finding out about the ‘Flowers of the Holy Night’ and everyone created some fantastic story maps. Thank you to Eric for bringing in a beautiful Poinsettia for our classroom! Watch this space for our finished retellings of The Legend of the Poinsettia. 

In Maths this week, we have been looking at reasoning problems. The children worked well at solving these problems and explaining the reasons for their answers.

Can you solve this number problem?

I am not below 20.     I am a multiple of 5.    One of my digits is 5.     I am above 21.

Add my digits and the total is 7.

Who am I?    12    43    25    6     35    15


We are now in the final stages of preparations for our KS1 Christmas Nativity. Please see below the list of costumes the children require. We have some costume accessories and props in school however if children have a complete costume for their part at home they may use that if they wish.

Children – Christmas/Festive clothes, hats

Stall holders – Christmas/Festive clothes, hats

Angels – White top, leggings, tights

Romans – Black top and trousers

Nazarenes – Black or white top and trousers

Shepherds – Black or white top and trousers

Wise Men – Black or white top and trousers

Inn Keepers – Black or white top and trousers

Mary – White top, leggings, tights

Joseph – Black or white top and trousers

Please bring in costumes on Monday 10th December, in a bag with your child’s name on it, ready for the dress rehearsal on Tuesday 11th December. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Home Learning: Rehearse lines and songs for the play. No spelling test!

I look forward to seeing all you on Wednesday 12th December at 9:30 a.m. for the big show!

Have a peaceful weekend.

Miss Davey

7th December

Another busy week in Year 4.  Our Advent Service practising is well under way!

This week children mastered their songs, readings and acts for our KS2 Advent Service, spending some time in the hall practising. Props are being made, costumes sorted and our merry Spanish song Pidiendo Posada performed daily!  We decorated our classroom Christmas Tree and read Luke’s Gospel on the Birth of Jesus.

Children had a go at their Electricity Science/ D&T project and used papier-mâché technique to create their structures. They spent some time designing their lamps and lanterns and are getting close to painting them. Next we are going to assemble their circuits and make switches to make their lamp work more efficiently.

We also had the opportunity to work with Mr Cowan again this week looking at how the children could improve their defending skills.

This afternoon, we joined with Year 5 and Year 2 to have our benches blessed by Fr Shaun.  Aisling did a reading for this service and read beautifully to the friends of Pope Paul School and her peers.

Have a lovely weekend.

PS:    Homework this weekend is to learn your words for the Advent Service and  log onto Mathletics to complete the tasks that have been set for you.


This-week-in-Year-4-7th-Dec PHOTOS


Our song:  Para Pedir Posada

Please practice your part for the dance/words that you are reading/song above

FOR YOUR DIARIES!!           Tudor Day:  Thursday 20th December 

tudor letter for parents 20th DEC


The Nativity

It’s been a very busy past couple of weeks for Reception, as they prepared for their very first class performance- The Nativity.

We hope you enjoyed it as much as they did!

We were extremely proud of them all and think that they were fantastic!

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team


Week 13

We have had a busy week! We have been practising for our Christmas Play, thank you for sending in the children’s costumes. Keep practising the songs and dances over the weekend.

Each day we open our Advent calendar and focus on something good to do.

We all made Advent promises on stars and added them onto the display in the hall. The children have been very good at trying to follow their promises and we have had lots of Advent angels.

On Tuesday some of the children planted some trees donated by Sainsbury’s. Year 1 will look after these trees and watch them grow.  They planted two silver birch, two rowan and a hazel tree.

The children have written some fantastic shape poems about Winter


In PE we did Jungle Gymnastics, the children were thinking about the different movements that animals make. We had some excellent flamingos, tigers and giraffes.


See you on Wednesday at 9.30am for The Magic Jigsaw Puzzle.


Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Carey