7th December
Another busy week in Year 4. Our Advent Service practising is well under way!
This week children mastered their songs, readings and acts for our KS2 Advent Service, spending some time in the hall practising. Props are being made, costumes sorted and our merry Spanish song Pidiendo Posada performed daily! We decorated our classroom Christmas Tree and read Luke’s Gospel on the Birth of Jesus.
Children had a go at their Electricity Science/ D&T project and used papier-mâché technique to create their structures. They spent some time designing their lamps and lanterns and are getting close to painting them. Next we are going to assemble their circuits and make switches to make their lamp work more efficiently.
We also had the opportunity to work with Mr Cowan again this week looking at how the children could improve their defending skills.
This afternoon, we joined with Year 5 and Year 2 to have our benches blessed by Fr Shaun. Aisling did a reading for this service and read beautifully to the friends of Pope Paul School and her peers.
Have a lovely weekend.
PS: Homework this weekend is to learn your words for the Advent Service and log onto Mathletics to complete the tasks that have been set for you.
This-week-in-Year-4-7th-Dec PHOTOS
Please practice your part for the dance/words that you are reading/song above
FOR YOUR DIARIES!! Tudor Day: Thursday 20th December
tudor letter for parents 20th DEC