Year 6 14/09/18

It’s been a jam-packed first full week back at school for Year 6. On Monday, Alex, the priest-in-training, came to be interviewed by the children. It was very interesting to hear about his vocation, the difficulties he has in his training, and how his training in Rome is structured. Our main focus  for the week was our class assembly on the topic of Oscar Romero. The children completed learning on Romero meant when he said ‘Aspire not to have more but to be more’, they made their own Romero crosses, and then rounded it off with a beautiful assembly on Friday morning. Well done for leading the school so reverently and for spreading an important message.

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Thursday was Roald Dahl Day, which was celebrated in Year 6 by continuing an unfinished Roald Dahl story in the style of Dahl. They followed this on in the afternoon by looking at what makes Quentin Blake’s illustrations so distinctive, and subsequently illustrating their story in this style.

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This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 18th September) is as follows:


·         Grammar – Y5 (A)

Spellings Revision of words from the Y3/Y4 Statutory Spelling word list – spelling sentences to be written in pink Home Learning book. See below for this week’s spellings. The children also have 2 envelopes – one containing this week’s words and one empty one. Once they feel they are secure with a word from Envelope 1 (short-term memory), they put it into Envelope 2 (long-term memory). I could test them on their long-term memory words at any time, and they will be revisiting them in class. If they misspell a word that they’ve put into Envelope 2, it goes back into Envelope 1.

Times tables

Questions on place value, to be completed in the yellow Home Learning book:

·         CGP Year 6 book pp. 6, 7 & 8

·         CGP Year 5 book pp. 6, 8 & 10

Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Daily reading. Reading Records are on order.


Spelling list (to be tested Friday 21st September)

Words from the Y3/Y4 Spelling List

although believe
caught century
certain different
difficult disappear
enough favourite
important knowledge
occasion peculiar
remember separate

Enjoy your weekend.

Miss Donatantonio