Kingswood Day 4
How is it Day 4 already?! Well they do say that time flies when you’re having fun.
After devouring another Full English, it was onto go-karting, problem solving and environmental art. Some of the children could have given Lewis Hamilton a run for his money in the go-karts!
In the afternoon, things got very wet and sandy down at the beach. Some enjoyed a spot of crabbing, some made sandcastles whilst others were buried alive! It certainly was a highlight!
To end a lovely day, our evening activities consisted of archery, caving and watching the football – a shame we didn’t get the result we wanted though!
The children have loved receiving all your messages and are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow afternoon fresh off the coach! Before that though, they have orienteering and team games to look forward to before we set off after lunch. Will try and get a blog post in before departure!