Friday, 14th July 2023

This week, the children in Year 4 used Scientific vocabulary to describe invertebrates found around the school grounds and used classification keys to name and describe them.

In RE, they further developed their understanding of the life and work of Nelson Mandela and made links with the Kingdom of Heaven and Gospel values.

Tuesday afternoon we enjoyed listening to the wonderful performance of our class musicians.

On Wednesday we went to Nicholas Breakspear School  for a Community Mass. With Year 5, we joined the Year 7s from NBS and two other Catholic primary schools for Mass followed by an exciting rounders tournament.

Thursday was D&T day for Year 4, with a whole-school focus on Building a Better World. Our task was to test and evaluate alternative, more sustainable ways to generate electricity. We tried our hands at building potato and lemon batteries with some success.

On Thursday, the class also had the chance to spend some time in their new classroom, with their new teacher Miss Donatantonio as part of Transition Day.

Thank you for all of you who came to ‘say goodbye’ to our lovely Year 4 classroom and the children’s amazing work; it has been lovely to see you and have a final few words of celebration before the end of this year.

Please, could you send in a strong tote bag next week, as we will slowly start sending books and artwork home.

Have a lovely weekend and see on Monday for our final 4 days together (Mrs McDonald finishing the week off on Friday)

Ms Varga

Please practice your spelling words from this week.- and update reading logs.



Friday, 7th July 2023

This has been a short but busy week with lots of entertainment for the children in Year 4!

On Tuesday, we watched the Year 6 production of  ‘Jungle Book’, whilst on Thursday, we travelled to Hatfield House Park for our class trip.

During our visit, we found the place where the Elizabethan Oak once stood; a magnificent tree where Elizabeth was told that she is to be queen. We visited the Old Palace and its beautiful garden with a flower maze. We also walked around the ‘stable yard’ which is full of typical Tudor buildings. That allowed us to look at features of architecture from the period. We roamed around the other 3 gardens as well and inspected the sundial which is although not from the Tudor time, fascinating nonetheless. We sketched Elizabeth I’s portrait before having lunch and a bit of play time on the grounds.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Practice your spelling words:  Set 33- Revision Words.

Read and update reading log:

Please open your assigned pod on StudyLadder and complete your activities linked to identifying, ordering and comparing angles, our current maths topic.


Friday, 30th June 2023

Another busy week for the children in Year 4. On Monday and Tuesday, the class completed their last narrative, based on our class book Stitch Head. Their alternative endings are very entertaining; it has been a pleasure reading their imaginative stories.

On Wednesday, Year 4 took part in Sports Day, where they demonstrated real team spirit.

On Thursday, we celebrated Mass in Church focusing on two important saints, Peter and Paul.

In Science, the children learnt about the different vertebrate groups and sorted interesting animals accordingly.

In RE, the class has learnt about Nelson Mandela and linked his legacy to their understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Next week Thursday is our class trip. Please make sure you give consent on School Comms and order a school packed lunch (if needed) in advance. Since we will be walking quite a lot and use clipboards throughout our visit, please may I ask that you put packed lunches, water bottles and sun hats into a small backpack, allowing the children to have their hands free. Thank you for you support with that.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see below your Home Learning

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 4th July 2023
Spelling Words that are plurals with possessive


Please complete 2 activities and update reading logs.

Study Ladder

Complete the revision activities in your assigned pod.



Friday, 23rd June 2023

The children in Year 4, spent considerable time planning for their big narrative based on our class book Stitch Head. The class recapped the use of expanded noun phrases, similes and metaphors, fronted adverbials and the use of conjunctions. They created a bank of powerful verbs and also planned some short dialogues to practice speech. We shall start our alternative endings on Monday, writing across 3 days, including lots of editing.

In Maths, the children completed arithmetic papers applying all 4 formal methods and revising their learning on decimal numbers and fractions.

In Science, the class started their new unit of Living things and their habitat and looked at different ways to classify animals and plants, whilst in RE they reflected on the Kingdom of Heaven and came up with an action plan to explain how to achieve their ideal worlds.

In PE, we have been practicing for Sports day and we are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, 28th June 2023. Please make sure all children have a sun hat and water bottles.

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 27th June 2023
Spelling Set 31- Challenge words


Please complete 2 activities and update your reading log.

Study Ladder

Please complete the activities in your assigned pod all centred around fast recall activities.

Friday, 16th June 2023

This week was Healthy Eating week and the children in Year 4 partook in various activities to think about staying hydrated, consuming more fruit and vegetables, incorporating more fibre in their diet and also considering ways to reduce food waste. Throughout the week, they researched fruits and vegetables and identified which parts of the plant we actually eat. They designed a healthy meal whilst grouping their ingredients according to  food groups. They tasted 4 wholemeal items: morning cereal, tortilla, rice and wholemeal oat biscuits. They also sampled exotic fruits, evaluating not only the taste but the look, smell and texture. After creating a class database, they plotted their results on a graph. The class also had a chance to taste different infused water during the week, thinking about the importance of hydration, especially in the current heat. Thank you for all of you who kindly supported our learning by sending in fruit and veg; the children had a lovely time. It has been lovely to see them so open to new flavours and I am proud to announce we have 5 new wholemeal enthusiasts!

A huge well done to the class who sat their MTC tests this Tuesday. They worked very hard on their multiplication facts all year and tackled this rigorous exam with composure and confidence.

In English, the children used expanded noun phrases to describe characters whilst in Maths, we revised our formal written methods for the 4 calculations and consolidated long division. In RE, we deepened our understanding of Matthew’s parables further whilst in Art the children looked at artists from the 1960s to understanding how abstract art creates effect. In PE, we practiced our running and throwing skills when completing sprints, javelin throwing long jumping and obstacle drills.

A quick reminder that next Friday (23rd June) is non-uniform day in return for a hamper item (bottles, chocolates, raffle prizes, etc).

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see below your Home Learning:

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 20th June 2023
Spelling Words with the prefix ‘bi-’ meaning ‘two’


Please complete 2 activities and update reading log

Study Ladder

Please complete the activities in your assigned pod, all Maths revision tasks.

Friday, 9th June 2023

The children in Year 4, this week moved on to the formal written method for division, practicing the ‘long’ division layout in Maths, whilst in English, they used expanded noun phrases, similes and metaphors to describe Castle Groteskew, our setting.

In computing, they have applied their understanding of count -controlled loops to draw shapes, changing and debugging code in their Logo interface.

In RE, the class looked at Matthew’s parables and wrote explanatory paragraphs about their deeper meaning. It has also been a privilege to walk with them behind the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday. Their reverent and prayerful attitude gave real depth to this special celebration.

On Wednesday, whilst the choir went for their rehearsal, the rest of the class created amazing posters and boards for this weekend’s Potters Bar Carnival, where our school will have a ‘Fairtrade’ themed float. Please support our school community if you can and join in with the fun!

A huge well done also to the choir, who performed beautifully on Wednesday evening in the Wyllyotts.

Finally, a few events coming up:

The Multiplication Table Check (government) test will take place next week Monday and Tuesday (12th, 13th June 2023). On Monday the children will partake in the website’s ‘practice’ test, enabling them to have a feel for the layout and pace, preparing them for the actual test on Tuesday. The children will complete the test in groups of 5 in a quiet room supervised by myself, using iPads. The website generates separate sets for each child, therefore they will all have different questions. The test asks the children to complete 25 questions with a time limit of 6 seconds/question. Results will come once the government site closes and the responses are marked. We will give feedback, via the children’s summer reports.

The Year 4 summer term class trip will take place on Thursday, 6th July 2023. The class will visit the parks of Hatfield House, with a history focus on the Tudors. We will tour the gardens and look at the main building from the outside whilst learning about historical events and characters linked to the location. The children will have a picnic lunch and enjoy the outdoors (hopefully under the sun). The class will travel by train to Hatfield before walking the short distance to the park entrance. They will return to school for a normal pickup. A letter detailing the costs will follow next week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Spelling- Words with the prefixes ‘super-’, ‘anti-’ and ‘auto-’

Reading- Please complete 2 activities and update reading logs.

Multiplication- Please spend time practicing your facts, ready for Tuesday’s MTC test.


Friday, 26th May 2023

This week, we came together as a community to celebrate Pentecost and the Crowning of Mary. Thank you to all the families who supported and shared in our celebrations this week.

In Maths, the children consolidated their understanding of the formal written method for multiplication through problem solving and reasoning, whilst in English, they have used visual sources to make notes (based on our class book, Stitch Head by Guy Bass).

In Science, they built simple series circuits and later used those to evaluate and fix ‘broken’ circuits, applying their understanding of a full loop.

In Art, the class used clay to mould Tudor Roses and painted them once they were dry.

In Tennis, the children carried on working on their serves and played short rallies afterwards.

We completed the already busy week with a beautiful whole school Mass on Friday, followed by a shared ‘Golden Time’ outside!

I wish all of you a restful and healthy half term holiday,

Ms Varga


Friday, 19th May 2023

This week, the children in Year 4 celebrated  ‘Spirituality week’, focusing on our daily journeys with Jesus. On Monday, the class wrote a prayer for our prayer partners in Year 1. Later, we met in the Peace Garden and read our prayers to each other. On Tuesday, we looked at prayer and completed an activity titled, ‘praying in colours’ thinking of different titles we have for Jesus . On Wednesday, we went on a nature walk to appreciate God’s Creation. On Thursday, we walked to Church to celebrate Mass and then walked through the peace garden at church. In the afternoon, the children took part in some prayer stations led by the Year 5 children.

In Maths, the children moved on from their fraction learning to formal written multiplication. They revised mental strategies and known facts before moving onto the procedure, aligning their place value correctly.

In English, the class have written their final explanation texts, using causal conjunctions and fronted adverbials, sequencing their explanation logically. They have edited them and written them up in the neatest before adding their labelled diagrams.

In PE, we looked at serve this week and carried on practicing different hits.

In D&T, the children used fireproof lantern paper to start creating their electric bedside-lanterns. They incorporated different techniques and lines to  create a really imaginative and personal pattern. We will start building our circuits and switches next week, to complete the design.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

See your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 23rd May 2023

Words containing ‘sol’ and ‘real’- set 27


Complete 2 activities and update your reading logs.


Please spend 15-20 mins practicing your mixed facts.

Maths Please open the attached documents and practice your written multiplication method. (answers included)




Friday, 12th May 2023

The children in Year 4 completed revision activities in Maths and English this week, applying all learnt strategies when calculating and also thinking about grammar and punctuation when uplevelling sentences.

They also finished their Coronation Art pieces and started on their ‘crown embroidery’ project.

In music, the children came up with percussion ‘call and response’ patterns in pairs and later performed as a group.

In Tennis, they carried on practicing their different hits whilst in RE they looked at the story of Pentecost.

Next week Thursday, the children will walk down to the Church to attend Mass at 10am, please send them in with a coat that has a hood.

Please also check the information about our International Pentecost Celebration: It would be amazing if you could participate and we could all celebrate together. Please let me or the office know if you can help out.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

See your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 16th May 2023

Set 26:

Words with ‘c’ before ‘i’ and ‘e’


Please spend 15-20 minutes practicing your mixed facts.


Please complete 2 activities.


Friday, 5th May 2023

Although it has been a short week, Year 4 had lots of opportunities to have fun!

On Wednesday, they participated in a skateboarding workshop, making their first jumps and zooming around the playground. Special thank you to Gene, who later showed off his amazing skills to the whole school! Very well done, Gene!

Later in the day, the class took part in yet another percussion workshop, practicing their ‘call and response’ skills.

During the rest of the week, the children completed learning centered around the Coronation. We looked at the concept of a constitutional monarchy, understanding the role of the King and the Parliament. We looked at King Charles III’s life and learnt the most important events of the Coronation. The class also used atlases and maps to locate countries of the Commonwealth and researched the role of the King in those. We spent some time looking at the Prince’s Trust as His Majesty’s most important charity and started working on some Coronation themed art, as well.

On Friday, the children enjoyed another Coronation inspired day, participating in an assembly and having a school party in the afternoon!

I hope you have a lovely long-weekend enjoying some of the celebrations and festivities!

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Please spend some time practicing your multiplication facts using the usual link:

Please complete 2 reading activities and update reading logs:

In English, the children have been learning about explanation texts. Their final piece for this unit will be an explanation text describing in detail how an invention of their own works, what parts it has and a sequenced guide using specific fronted adverbials, technical words and causal conjunctions.

This week, I would like the children to ‘design’ an invention and create a detailed, labelled diagram of it, that they can present in class and which they can use as a foundation for their writing. In class, we have already looked at inventions and grouped them according to ‘themes’. Inventions that help us multitask, inventions that allow things to work remotely and inventions that are small or foldable, therefore saving space.

The inventions need to be realistic but they can come from the children’s imagination. E.g.: a football kit cleaning station (checks the ball and pumps it up whilst simultaneously cleaning the boots and washing the kit) In class, we used Wallace and Gromit’s cracking contraptions as a starting point. Please see the link below for short video clips of those:

Please note, I am expecting an A4 sized detailed diagram, not written explanations! The children need to design an invention that they can later describe and explain in detail. Please be prepared to present these on Tuesday, 9th May 2023.