Friday, 26th May 2023

This week, we came together as a community to celebrate Pentecost and the Crowning of Mary. Thank you to all the families who supported and shared in our celebrations this week.

In Maths, the children consolidated their understanding of the formal written method for multiplication through problem solving and reasoning, whilst in English, they have used visual sources to make notes (based on our class book, Stitch Head by Guy Bass).

In Science, they built simple series circuits and later used those to evaluate and fix ‘broken’ circuits, applying their understanding of a full loop.

In Art, the class used clay to mould Tudor Roses and painted them once they were dry.

In Tennis, the children carried on working on their serves and played short rallies afterwards.

We completed the already busy week with a beautiful whole school Mass on Friday, followed by a shared ‘Golden Time’ outside!

I wish all of you a restful and healthy half term holiday,

Ms Varga