Friday, 14th July 2023
This week, the children in Year 4 used Scientific vocabulary to describe invertebrates found around the school grounds and used classification keys to name and describe them.
In RE, they further developed their understanding of the life and work of Nelson Mandela and made links with the Kingdom of Heaven and Gospel values.
Tuesday afternoon we enjoyed listening to the wonderful performance of our class musicians.
On Wednesday we went to Nicholas Breakspear School for a Community Mass. With Year 5, we joined the Year 7s from NBS and two other Catholic primary schools for Mass followed by an exciting rounders tournament.
Thursday was D&T day for Year 4, with a whole-school focus on Building a Better World. Our task was to test and evaluate alternative, more sustainable ways to generate electricity. We tried our hands at building potato and lemon batteries with some success.
On Thursday, the class also had the chance to spend some time in their new classroom, with their new teacher Miss Donatantonio as part of Transition Day.
Thank you for all of you who came to ‘say goodbye’ to our lovely Year 4 classroom and the children’s amazing work; it has been lovely to see you and have a final few words of celebration before the end of this year.
Please, could you send in a strong tote bag next week, as we will slowly start sending books and artwork home.
Have a lovely weekend and see on Monday for our final 4 days together (Mrs McDonald finishing the week off on Friday)
Ms Varga
Please practice your spelling words from this week.- and update reading logs.