Friday, 5th May 2023

Although it has been a short week, Year 4 had lots of opportunities to have fun!

On Wednesday, they participated in a skateboarding workshop, making their first jumps and zooming around the playground. Special thank you to Gene, who later showed off his amazing skills to the whole school! Very well done, Gene!

Later in the day, the class took part in yet another percussion workshop, practicing their ‘call and response’ skills.

During the rest of the week, the children completed learning centered around the Coronation. We looked at the concept of a constitutional monarchy, understanding the role of the King and the Parliament. We looked at King Charles III’s life and learnt the most important events of the Coronation. The class also used atlases and maps to locate countries of the Commonwealth and researched the role of the King in those. We spent some time looking at the Prince’s Trust as His Majesty’s most important charity and started working on some Coronation themed art, as well.

On Friday, the children enjoyed another Coronation inspired day, participating in an assembly and having a school party in the afternoon!

I hope you have a lovely long-weekend enjoying some of the celebrations and festivities!

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Please spend some time practicing your multiplication facts using the usual link:

Please complete 2 reading activities and update reading logs:

In English, the children have been learning about explanation texts. Their final piece for this unit will be an explanation text describing in detail how an invention of their own works, what parts it has and a sequenced guide using specific fronted adverbials, technical words and causal conjunctions.

This week, I would like the children to ‘design’ an invention and create a detailed, labelled diagram of it, that they can present in class and which they can use as a foundation for their writing. In class, we have already looked at inventions and grouped them according to ‘themes’. Inventions that help us multitask, inventions that allow things to work remotely and inventions that are small or foldable, therefore saving space.

The inventions need to be realistic but they can come from the children’s imagination. E.g.: a football kit cleaning station (checks the ball and pumps it up whilst simultaneously cleaning the boots and washing the kit) In class, we used Wallace and Gromit’s cracking contraptions as a starting point. Please see the link below for short video clips of those:

Please note, I am expecting an A4 sized detailed diagram, not written explanations! The children need to design an invention that they can later describe and explain in detail. Please be prepared to present these on Tuesday, 9th May 2023.