Friday, 19th May 2023

This week, the children in Year 4 celebrated  ‘Spirituality week’, focusing on our daily journeys with Jesus. On Monday, the class wrote a prayer for our prayer partners in Year 1. Later, we met in the Peace Garden and read our prayers to each other. On Tuesday, we looked at prayer and completed an activity titled, ‘praying in colours’ thinking of different titles we have for Jesus . On Wednesday, we went on a nature walk to appreciate God’s Creation. On Thursday, we walked to Church to celebrate Mass and then walked through the peace garden at church. In the afternoon, the children took part in some prayer stations led by the Year 5 children.

In Maths, the children moved on from their fraction learning to formal written multiplication. They revised mental strategies and known facts before moving onto the procedure, aligning their place value correctly.

In English, the class have written their final explanation texts, using causal conjunctions and fronted adverbials, sequencing their explanation logically. They have edited them and written them up in the neatest before adding their labelled diagrams.

In PE, we looked at serve this week and carried on practicing different hits.

In D&T, the children used fireproof lantern paper to start creating their electric bedside-lanterns. They incorporated different techniques and lines to  create a really imaginative and personal pattern. We will start building our circuits and switches next week, to complete the design.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

See your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 23rd May 2023

Words containing ‘sol’ and ‘real’- set 27


Complete 2 activities and update your reading logs.


Please spend 15-20 mins practicing your mixed facts.

Maths Please open the attached documents and practice your written multiplication method. (answers included)

