Friday, 10th November 2023

This week, the children in Year 4 moved onto formal written methods for addition in their Maths learning, using place value counters to represent number sentences and check their regroupings for ones, tens and hundreds. In English, they have written paragraphs using figurative language to describe setting before creating detailed story maps using our shared story, Ice Palace.

In Science, they conducted practical investigations to explain how sound is made.

They later made links between concepts such as vibration, volume, frequency and pitch.

In Art, the class used threads and needles to stitch patterns into paper, mimicking an artist we learnt about previously, as their last step before creating their final pieces in our Drawing unit.

In RE, we looked at a special form of prayer, the Lectio Divina, which we are going to pray in class during Advent. The children learnt about the structure and explained in groups what they will do in each stage, when, where and why. We also wrote prayers linked to Remembrance day and decorated our classroom with poppies.

In PE, we moved on in our gymnastics unit and worked on pair balances and contrasting ways of travelling between mats.

Thank you so much for all parents who sent in junk modelling items to support our Science learning. Next week is still great, if you have any of the listed resources as we are starting our project the week beginning 20th November. Also huge thank you for the tissue donations; these are always welcome and much appreciated, especially during these cold months.

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 14th November 2023

Please log onto EdShed and practice this week’s spelling words.

Words ending in -ly


Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities. Alternatively, download the attached comprehension tasks.




Multiplication   (Super well done to Brody, who is already on 179,128 points!!!)

Use the links to practice your mixed tables.

Study Ladder

Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the activities in your pod all related to formal addition.

Friday, 3rd November 2023

Although the weather wasn’t the best, the children had a lovely, active week back after Half term. In Maths, the class moved onto mental strategies for addition and subtraction and learnt about ‘Think 10/100/1000’ and ‘equal sum’ as two new useful methods to add 3 and 4 digit numbers.

In English, we started our new narrative unit based on Robert Swindells’ wonderful book, titled Ice Palace. The children have shown great interest towards the story so far and enjoyed listening to the often scary and mysterious details of Starjik’s land. This week, the class spent time revising their understanding of figurative language and explored personification, similes and metaphors as ways to improve their descriptions.

In RE, the children wrote letters to a friend to explain to them the actions, symbols and words associated with the final Sacrament of Initiation: Confirmation. They made links with Pentecost when the Disciples received the Holy Spirit and watched video clips to understand the Liturgy.

We attended the All Saint Mass on Wednesday, where the children sang beautifully and their reverence created a deeply prayerful atmosphere.

In Science, we also started a new unit on Sound. The children went outside to investigate the effect of distance on the quality of sound. They used percussion instruments and measured their distance from the source using meter sticks to later allocate a score to the volume of the sound.

In PE, we started Gymnastics, revising our knowledge on point and patch balances and innovative ways of travelling.

In 2 weeks time, the class in going to investigate pitch, frequency and volume as part of their Science learning. In order to do that, they will make instruments in class using junk modelling materials. Please, if you can, support us with this by sending in: clean empty crisp tubes (Pringles crisps, etc), paper tubes from paper towels, thinner cardboard pieces (Some Amazon packaging uses them), empty tissue boxes, small clean glass jars, paper straws, small plastic tubs with lids, beads, pipe cleaners. Any support with this is greatly appreciated.

Have a lovely, dry weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 7th November 2023
Spelling Words with the suffix ‘-ation’

Please log onto EdShed and practice this week’s spelling words.


Please log onto ReadTheory and complete 2 activities. ALternatively download the attached comprehension tasks.

Liam the park keeper- text


Liam the park keeper-questions

Liam the park keeper- answers


Use any of these links to practice your mixed facts.

Study Ladder

Please log into your Study Ladder account and complete the assigned English activities in your pod all centered around similes and metaphors. Although they are labelled as Y5/6 activities, they are very much relevant to us.


Friday, 19th October 2023

It is the end of our first half term. All the children have settled into Year 4 and it has been wonderful to speak to you at parents evening  to celebrate their achievements so far.

This week was One World Week and we learnt about Colombia. The class used atlases, globes and Google Earth to locate the country and to explore its geography in depth, looking at the surrounding oceans, the Andes and the Amazon rainforest. We later looked at general knowledge questions, such as the currency used, languages spoken or the forms of religion practiced. We also learnt some simple greetings and asked each other about our days in Spanish using chatter boxes made in class. On Tuesday, we welcomed Dino’s aunty, who taught us about everything Colombia, from football to climate, through coffee and music. We sampled plantain crisps and smelt Colombian coffee.

We later learnt about a traditional Colombian textile art form called Mola and had a go at creating our own pictures using fusion applique technique.

On Wednesday, we had yet another visitor in Gabriella’s mummy who taught us about life in Colombia through Encanto, Disney’s inspirational South America themed movie. We learnt about diversity, export items, nature and also looked at 3 inspirational Colombian people, Gabriel Garcia Marquez- author, Shakira- singer, songwriter and activist, as well as Manuel Elkin Patarroyo- Scientist, creator of the first malaria vaccine. We also tasted bunuelos- a Colombian cheese doughnut and Colombiana- a bright coloured fizzy drink.

We danced the Salsa and listened to traditional Latin American music, as well as baking our own Colombian dessert, Alfajores- a caramel filled sandwich biscuit.

On Thursday, we went off to Epping Forest District Museum to participate in a Roman Britain workshop. We handled artefacts, dressed up, visited the exhibition centre, played Roman board games, looked at coins, practiced being an archeologist and made Roman inspired clay tiles.

Thank you for Dino’s aunty and Gabriella’s mummy for supporting our learning in such a creative and fun way. The children had a fantastic time and gained so much from your sessions. Thank you for generously giving up your time and to spoil us with all your lovely treats!

I wish you all a lovely and restful half term.

Ms Varga

P.S.: Please keep up with your reading and update your logs. Log onto Mathsframe if you can and  practice your mixed multiplication facts.

Other than that, stay dry and enjoy your week off- you all deserve it!

See you in a week’s time.

Friday, 13th October 2023

The children in Year 4 this week continued their learning of rounding whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000, identifying key benchmark numbers along the way and later applying their understanding in missing number problems.

In English, the children edited their final narratives for punctuation and sentence structure before writing them up in the neatest. Next week, we are moving on to a short poetry appreciation unit.

In RE, the class identified the symbols, actions and words associated with the Sacrament of Baptism and explained their meaning whilst in Art, they experimented with lines and patterns using colourful art tapes, creating some very effective pieces.

In Computing, they gained understanding about the services provided by the Internet, including the World Wide Web, file management and emailing. They also investigated how a website is different from a webpage and completed practical activities to understand how routers work.

In PE, we played 5 a side basketball games, practicing dodging, shielding and passing skills.

Thank you for all the parents who joined us for our class Mass this Wednesday. The children created a truly prayerful, reverent atmosphere with their beautiful reading and singing. Well done Year 4!

A few important information:

Tuesday, 17th and Thursday 19th- parent consultation evenings

Thursday 19th- class trip- please check you gave consent and that you have ordered school packed lunch if needed

All week next week- One World Week with a focus on Colombia


Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 17th October 2023
Spelling Words with the prefix ‘inter-‘ meaning ‘between’ or ‘among’

Please log into your account and practice this week’s spelling words.


Please log into your account and complete 2 activities, alternatively download the attached comprehension sheets:

The Hurricane Tree-text

The Hurricane Tree-questions

The Hurricane Tree-answers


Use these links to practice your mixed multiplication facts

One World Week As a preparation for One World Week, please research the flag of a country/ countries your family has connections to. We are lucky in Year 4 to have such a beautifully diverse heritage. From Albania to the Ukraine, Ghana to Italy or Ireland and Scotland to Spain and Colombia; children proudly explained where their families are from. Once researched, please create a not larger than A4 poster of the flag to be displayed in class. You can use a variety of media such as pencil, paint, felt tip, fabric, foil, etc. Please be ready to present your flags by Tuesday. If possible, write your name on the FRONT of the flag so we know who the flag represents.

Friday, 6th October 2023

The children in Year 4 moved on to number magnitude and rounding in Maths. They investigated different number lines and identified benchmark numbers to help them understand the relative size of numbers in relation to these benchmarks. They also used number lines to round 3 and 4 digit numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.

In English, the class worked on sentence structure before planning for their first narrative. Using their plans they put their understanding of compound and complex sentences into practice when writing their first big narratives based on the story of the Spider and the Fly.

In Science, the class looked at and later constructed different food chains depending on habitat and diet. The also identified and explained a variety of roles within food chains such as producers, primary and secondary consumers.

In RE, we researched the life and mission of St Edward the Confessor, who is the focus of our Class Mass next week. We also gained understanding of the 5 main parts of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, such as the consecration or the sign of the peace. We then spent time practicing for our Mass.

In PE, the children moved onto defensive techniques and practiced those through basketball.

In Art, the class continued their learning of pattern and after looking at artists using some of the learnt techniques, they experimented with the colour, texture and pattern of lines in their sketchbooks.

Finally, just a few dates/information:

Our Class Mass is on next week Wednesday, 11th October at 9.15am. All parents are welcome!

Mr Nicola, our guitar teacher also wanted to let all parents know that he has spaces available if your children are interested in taking up guitar as a musical instrument.

Our chosen One World Week Country is going to be Colombia this year. If you can support our learning in any ways (artefacts, ornaments, pictures, information books, recipes, books, music, clothing, etc from this region), please contact me directly or leave a message in the office and I can get back to you. Thank you for your support with this.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 10th October 2023
Spelling Words with the prefix ‘sub-‘ meaning ‘below’ or ‘further divided’

Please log into your EdShed account and practice this week’s spelling words.


Please log into your Theory account and complete 2 tasks.

Alternatively download the attached documents and complete this comprehension:

Festivals- text

Festivals- questions

Festivals- answers


Use this links to spend 15-20 minutes practicing your mixed multiplication facts

Study Ladder

Please log into your Study Ladder account and complete the activities in your assigned pod, all related to rounding.


Friday, 29th September 2023

This week, the children in Year 4 continued their Maths learning of Place Value by looking at number magnitude and rounding.

In English, they have participated in a rainbow group writing activity, where they have written engaging paragraphs in ‘newspaper style’ warning residents of the evil Spider and his cunning plan.

In RE, the class looked at the Liturgy of the Eucharist and reflected on how the Eucharist is the summit and source of our lives through water colour art.

In Science, they wrote diary entries as a piece of food, naming the most important parts of the human digestive system, explaining their functions along the way.

In PE, we moved on to ‘shielding’ as a new skill which the children practiced through 3 sports: football, basketball and tennis.

A huge well done goes to the children, who performed in their first class assembly with excellence this Thursday! Lovely reading and acting; I was very impressed with their maturity and sense of responsibility! No rest for us though, as we immediately move onto practicing for our class Mass on Wednesday, 11th October in the morning. Parents are welcome!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 3rd October 2023
Spelling Words with the prefixes ‘il-‘, ‘im-‘ and ‘ir-‘

Please log into your EdShed account and practice this week’s spelling words


Please log into your ReadTheory account and complete 2 activities, alternatively download the attached documents for reading comprehension:

In a Minute- text

In a Minute- questions

In a Minute-answers


Please spend 15-20 mins practicing your mixed multiplication facts.

Study Ladder

Please log onto your Study Ladder account and complete the Science activity assigned in your Pod, focusing on Human digestion.



Friday, 22nd September 2023

The children in Year 4 consolidated their understanding of Place value and looked at various ways to practice their multiplication facts. In English, they have written diary entries from a new character’s point of view recalling key events from our class book, The Spider and the Fly before revising speech punctuation as their grammar focus. In Art, the class practiced mark making as part of their new drawing unit, whilst in RE, they learnt about ways of welcoming as a lead up for their later learning about the Sacraments of Initiation. We also started practicing for our assembly centered around the life and work of St Vincent de Paul. In Science, the children reconstructed the entire digestive system consolidating their understanding of the role of each basic part and in Computing, they looked at network switches and their role to keep networks safe.

This afternoon, the children were treated to Alice in Wonderland by a marvellous theatre company…Year 4 were glued to the set!

The class assembly is next week :Thursday, 28th September 2023. All parents are welcome!

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 26th September 2023
Spelling Words with the prefix ‘in-‘ meaning ‘not’

Please log onto your EdShed account and practice this week’s spelling words.


Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 tasks or alternatively open the links to a reading comprehension task:

Houses around the World-text

Houses around the World- questions

Houses around the World- answers


Please spend 15-20 mins practising your mixed multiplication facts.


Study Ladder

Please complete the activities in your assigned pod, focusing of multiplication facts and place value (comparing 4 and 5 digit numbers)


Friday, 15th September 2023

The children in Year 4 this week looked at Place value as part of their Maths learning, focusing on representation. They played strategic games to create 4 digit numbers and reason about their game using specific mathematical vocabulary.

In English, the class worked on writing an effective advertisement in M&S style to promote the often gruesome dishes prepared by Mr Spider from our class book, The Spider and the Fly. The children had great fun with this activity and we ended up with some very persuasive pieces.

In Science, we looked at the basic parts and function of the human digestive system and used ziplock bags to model the stomach. The children made great observations and enjoyed taking a look ‘inside out’.

In RE, the class broke into smaller Liturgy groups and the children planned Liturgical prayers using our ‘Gather, Listen, Respond and Go Forth’ structure, which they are going to present to the rest of the groups on Friday mornings.

In PE, we looked at  dodging as our first skill in our Invasion Games unit and practiced that skill through different ball games, such as rugby, basketball and football.

In Computing, we demonstrated our understanding of how computing networks work by acting as switches, passing messages between machines.

Thank you for those of you who came for our Meet and Greet session on Tuesday. If you couldn’t make it, please find the PPT and handouts under our class blog page along with our Curriculum overview for the year.

I hope you have a nice weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 19th September 2023
Spelling Words with the suffix ‘-ation’

Please log into your Ed Shed account and practice your assigned words.


Please log into your new ReadTheory account and complete your assessment task. Once your ‘level’ is identified, complete 2 tasks.

Alternatively, please see the attached documents which you can print out:

The Parsnips- text

The Parsnips-questions

The Parsnips-Answers


Please use the link to spend 15-20 minutes practicing your mixed multiplication facts.

Study Ladder

Please log onto your Study Ladder account and complete your tasks in your assigned pod. Although, the site labels them as Year 2 activities, please be reassured that they are appropriate for our current learning focusing on understanding place value of 4 digit numbers.


Friday, 8th September 2023

Welcome back !

The children in Year 4 have had a lovely first week! They’ve settled into the school year well and tried their best in all activities.

We are celebrating Diversity at Pope Paul School this year and the children have learnt that diversity means differences. In class, they shared what makes them unique and different and participated in acts of worship around this theme. They also created pieces of artwork inspired by ‘diversity’, which will form their first display in class.

In English, the children started their first unit of work with a focus on sentence structure. We are using Mary Howitt’s wonderful poem ‘The Spider and the Fly’ to gain understanding of characters and plot before composing short persuasive letters, an advert and later on a longer narrative piece applying understanding of conjunctions and fronted adverbials. This week, the children used role play to gain understanding of the main characters and how they change through the ‘story’.

In Maths, the class looked at Place Value and used different concrete resources such as dienes (base 10) equipment and place value counters to represent 4 digit numbers flexibly.

In RE, we started looking at our Mission Prayer from a diversity point of you, understanding how we celebrate our community and our individual gifts.

Thank you for those parents who sent in boxes of tissues; we really appreciate your donations. For some reason we never seem to have enough 🙂

Dates for your diary:

PE- Mondays and Thursdays (please make sure children come in their full PE uniform on those days)

Meet the Teacher- Tuesday, 12th September 2023 at 8.45am

Y4 assembly- Thursday, 28th September 2023

Y4 Class Mass- Wednesday, 11th October 2023

Parent Consultations- Tuesday, 17th October 2023/ Thursday, 19th October 2023

Class Trip to the Epping Forest District Museum- Thursday, 19th October 2023

Home Learning:

Children will receive their new reading records next week, with their log in details for online resources/learning platforms.

Please practice this week’s spelling words: homophones

accept-except, knot-not, peace-piece, plain-plane, weather-whether

Please log onto mathsframe (free resource but be advised it can contain ads and pop ups) and spend 15-20 mins practicing mixed multiplication tables.


Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga






Friday, 14th July 2023

This week, the children in Year 4 used Scientific vocabulary to describe invertebrates found around the school grounds and used classification keys to name and describe them.

In RE, they further developed their understanding of the life and work of Nelson Mandela and made links with the Kingdom of Heaven and Gospel values.

Tuesday afternoon we enjoyed listening to the wonderful performance of our class musicians.

On Wednesday we went to Nicholas Breakspear School  for a Community Mass. With Year 5, we joined the Year 7s from NBS and two other Catholic primary schools for Mass followed by an exciting rounders tournament.

Thursday was D&T day for Year 4, with a whole-school focus on Building a Better World. Our task was to test and evaluate alternative, more sustainable ways to generate electricity. We tried our hands at building potato and lemon batteries with some success.

On Thursday, the class also had the chance to spend some time in their new classroom, with their new teacher Miss Donatantonio as part of Transition Day.

Thank you for all of you who came to ‘say goodbye’ to our lovely Year 4 classroom and the children’s amazing work; it has been lovely to see you and have a final few words of celebration before the end of this year.

Please, could you send in a strong tote bag next week, as we will slowly start sending books and artwork home.

Have a lovely weekend and see on Monday for our final 4 days together (Mrs McDonald finishing the week off on Friday)

Ms Varga

Please practice your spelling words from this week.- and update reading logs.