Reception Spring 2 Week 3

What an exciting week of science learning Reception have had!

The class started the week with a science problem set by Mrs Heymoz. She told the children that she enjoyed dipping her biscuit in her tea, but she was tired of her biscuits breaking apart and dropping to the bottom. She asked the children to investigate which biscuit was best for dunking.

The children had fun predicting which biscuit would be best and they had lots of really good reasons as to why they had chosen their particular biscuit. The most exciting part however, was when the children took part in the practical part of the investigation!

The whole class were astonished to find that the Rich Tea biscuit was the best!

During the week, Reception also joined the rest of KS1 listening to Mrs Worrell (Lucy and Caitlin’s mum in Year 2) explain how she uses science in her job as a nurse.

Reception class also took part in a colour hunt. First, the class coloured in their own strip of boxes in different colours and then placed double sided sticky tape down the centre. Next, the children went outside and searched the schools grounds for natural objects that matched their colours. When they found something, they stuck it onto their chart. The children found out that the hardest colour to match was blue!

Reception finished their week with a special assembly and celebration morning. It was wonderful to see so many parents and grandparents! Thank you for your continued support!

Next week we will be  learning about plants and growing. Our story focus will be Jack and the Beanstalk.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer










Reception Spring Term 2 Week 2

Reception started the week by asking themselves the question,

‘How can we look after our planet?’

The children have learnt about food, water, material and energy waste and ways to cut pollution. They also learnt to identify the recycling logo on packaging and sorted rubbish into different groups according to their material.

Reception have also continued to learn about the importance of Fairtrade and have been busy designing their own Fairtrade promotional posters.

On Thursday, Pope Paul school celebrated World Book Day. The children looked fantastic in their costumes and enjoyed sharing the stories about their chosen characters from the Bible.

Next week, the children are looking forward to taking part in ‘Science Week’ alongside the rest of the school.

Today we said goodbye to our wonderful student Mia. She has been a great asset to the Reception team and we will all miss her!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer


Spring 2 Week1

We hope you all enjoyed your half term break!

It was lovely to see you all at the Parent Consultation evenings this week. Mrs Gymer and I were delighted to hear how much your children are enjoying the learning opportunities here at Pope Paul School! We also had a fantastic response to how parents feel about Tapestry. Thank you to all the parents who frequently upload photos/ observations of their child’s experiences at home! They really do help us when it comes to assessing how well your child is developing.

This week saw the start of the whole school English book focus- The Tin Forest. The children have been very busy writing about different themes from the story, thinking about their own hopes and wishes for the future, learning about rainforests and making their own tin art.

On Wednesday, Reception took part in the KS1 Ash Wednesday service, where they received ashes. As usual, they made their teachers proud with their reverent behaviour and beautiful singing.

On Friday, Reception joined the rest of the school in the special Lenten assembly where their Lenten promises became part of the whole school display.

Next week, we will be continuing our learning focus on themes from The Tin Forest, looking closely at ways in which we can help protect our planet.

Enjoy your week,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer


Reception Spring Term Week 6

Reception have officially made it to the half way point!

We hope that you enjoyed Reception’s first ever class assembly this morning. The children have worked extremely hard this week, in preparation for this special occasion. Thank you for your support!

This week was ‘Other Faiths Week’ in school. Reception took part in a workshop about Judaism. As well as learning about Jewish artifacts and traditions, the children had fun learning a Jewish children’s song.

Next half term, we shall be joining the rest of the school in focusing our learning around the book The Tin Forest. Please see the school’s newsletter for the whole school home learning activity in preparation. Please note, this is optional for Reception.

Well done Reception, you have been fantastic this half term! Wishing you a restful half term holiday.

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Reception- Spring Term Week 5

What a busy week Reception have had!

On Monday the children joined the rest of the children celebrating Candlemas. This was followed by RE in the afternoon, when the children learnt about how God is with us when we are being fair. They had lots of fun in the hall playing turn-taking games.

On Wednesday, the class had a drama workshop, where they travelled around the world singing and dancing in different countries.

The story focus this week has been ‘The Ugly Duckling’. The children were challenged to make something that could fly independently, like the swan at the end of the story. There was lots of excitement on the playground as the children tested their models!


Reception also began preparations for their first ever class assembly, to be held next Friday at 9.15am in the school hall.

The class finished the week with a very special Act of Worship led by Year 6. As usual, the children were reverent and reflective in their prayer.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Reception Spring Term Week 4

Reception started the week participating in an esafety workshop. They became cyber superheroes and learnt all about keeping safe online. The children were also taught about how important it is to only play age appropriate games and how you must never talk to a stranger online. The class were then given strategies in case someone isn’t being kind online and what to do if you notice something that isn’t right and doesn’t feel safe. They were taught the phrase ‘POP’ which means ‘Pause Our Play!’

Our story focus this week has been ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Among other things, the children have attempted to make their own structures and buildings from straws, bricks and sticks. They also had lots of fun trying to huff and puff them down!

The maths focus this week has been the number 8. The children have explored different ways to practically make 8 using a range of maths frames to support their understanding. They also made octopuses and spiders, created pictures using the octagon shape and created their own 8 sided shapes. Some of the Reception children even set themselves the challenge of trying to stack 8 bricks into a tower without it falling down!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Reception Spring Term Week 3

Reception have continued their topic on Fairy Tales, by focusing on the story Little Red Riding Hood.

The children have had fun acting out the story in Fairy Tale Cottage, creating paintings and making Little Red Riding Hood books and puppets. Writing is definitely the most favourite activity in Reception at the moment (much to the adult’s delight) and the children are suddenly very excited about applying their phonic knowledge in their own independent writing!

In RE the children have been learning about how God has no beginning and no ending and that God’s love is everlasting. The children made some beautiful pictures using only circles, to represent this.

In Maths, the children have been busy counting, ordering and finding different ways to make and partition the number 7.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Reception Spring Term Week 2

Reception have continued to focus on the story, ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ this week. On Monday, they worked together as a class and correctly sequenced the whole story and they also had fun building their own cottages for the bears to live in.

On Tuesday morning, the Reception children were astonished to find that their fairy tale cottage had been broken into and generally wrecked!

Porridge had been spilt everywhere, Baby Bear’s chair broken and the bears’ beds had been messed up. Mrs Theo immediately rang the police, and they told her to preserve the crime scene with some special tape. They also told her that they needed the help of the children to search for clues and gather evidence. The class then made their own police badges and despite the terrible weather they all went outside, as they were determined to track down the intruder.

As the week progressed, the children were no closer to catching the criminal and so after a class discussion, they decided to try and trap the criminal. The class made security cameras, wanted posters and designed and made traps!

After all their efforts, sadly, the case is as yet unsolved. If you have any information, please get in contact with one of the Reception police officers.

Next week, the children will be focussing on the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs gymer





Reception Spring Term Week 1

Happy New Year!

It has been wonderful to welcome the children back this week. They have delighted us with tales of their wonderful Christmas celebrations and experiences over the holidays.

This week, we started our new topic- Fairy Tales and began our week focussing on the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This will continue into next week, due to the shorter week.

The class have written letters of apology to the bears on behalf of Goldilocks, they have also made puppets and masks, which they used to retell the story, and they have made bears with moving parts. Reception have also taken part in hot seating the different characters from the story and have written their own versions.

With the help of the adults, the children have turned the outside role play shed into a fairy tale cottage. They have had lots of fun inside retelling the story of Goldilocks and have used props made during Child Initiated Learning to enhance their role play.

Today, Reception joined the rest of the school in a special assembly to celebrate the Epiphany, where they wore their very special Epiphany crowns.

Next week, we will be starting Phase 3 Letters and Sounds. Children will once again need to bring their phonics books into school and complete their home learning every day. Thank you for your continued support!

PE has moved to Wednesday afternoon. If your child wears school shoes rather than trainers, please provide them with some suitable foot wear. Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Reception Autumn 2 Week 7

Reception finished their first term at Pope Paul with an exciting week of Christmas activities!

They went to a pantomime, had Christmas dinner together wearing their Christmas party hats, shared their talents by auditioning for Pope Paul School’s Got Talent and had fun in a class disco. They ended this fun-filled week with a very special Christmas assembly.

Mrs Gymer and I would once again like to thank you for your generosity and support.

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas,

Mrs Theo