Reception Spring Term Week 4

Reception started the week participating in an esafety workshop. They became cyber superheroes and learnt all about keeping safe online. The children were also taught about how important it is to only play age appropriate games and how you must never talk to a stranger online. The class were then given strategies in case someone isn’t being kind online and what to do if you notice something that isn’t right and doesn’t feel safe. They were taught the phrase ‘POP’ which means ‘Pause Our Play!’

Our story focus this week has been ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Among other things, the children have attempted to make their own structures and buildings from straws, bricks and sticks. They also had lots of fun trying to huff and puff them down!

The maths focus this week has been the number 8. The children have explored different ways to practically make 8 using a range of maths frames to support their understanding. They also made octopuses and spiders, created pictures using the octagon shape and created their own 8 sided shapes. Some of the Reception children even set themselves the challenge of trying to stack 8 bricks into a tower without it falling down!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer