Spring 2 Week1
We hope you all enjoyed your half term break!
It was lovely to see you all at the Parent Consultation evenings this week. Mrs Gymer and I were delighted to hear how much your children are enjoying the learning opportunities here at Pope Paul School! We also had a fantastic response to how parents feel about Tapestry. Thank you to all the parents who frequently upload photos/ observations of their child’s experiences at home! They really do help us when it comes to assessing how well your child is developing.
This week saw the start of the whole school English book focus- The Tin Forest. The children have been very busy writing about different themes from the story, thinking about their own hopes and wishes for the future, learning about rainforests and making their own tin art.
On Wednesday, Reception took part in the KS1 Ash Wednesday service, where they received ashes. As usual, they made their teachers proud with their reverent behaviour and beautiful singing.
On Friday, Reception joined the rest of the school in the special Lenten assembly where their Lenten promises became part of the whole school display.
Next week, we will be continuing our learning focus on themes from The Tin Forest, looking closely at ways in which we can help protect our planet.
Enjoy your week,
Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer