Wednesday Word – 6th Sunday of Easter (A)

Each week, a Year 6 Liturgy Leader will be guiding you through the Wednesday Word. Take the time to follow it as a family and reflect on each Sunday’s Gospel reading.

This week, Elysia has prepared a beautiful powerpoint to take you through yesterday’s Gospel. Click here to open it.

Week Beginning 18.5.20 Reception Home Learning Overview

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week is Spirituality Week.

Please check the blog daily for the set activities.

Thank you for your continued support and have a great week and half term holiday!

Mrs Theo


As it is Spirituality Week, it is important that you complete the daily activity on the class blog. In addition to this, I have also planned a few activities around the theme of ‘Space’- an idea suggested by Eloise!

Please watch the following:

Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy

How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers

Man on the Moon John Lewis Advert

*Remember, you do not need to do everything on this overview- just choose one or two things from each area to do over the week.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

  • Discuss the things that your child would miss, if they suddenly had to live on the moon or in a space station.
  • Talk about the range of emotions that the man on the moon and the little girl was feeling throughout the advert.

 Communication and Language

Please continue to focus on asking and answering: who? where? why? what? when? questions. 

  • Make up an alien language and teach it to your family.
  • Think about how you would communicate with your friends and family from the moon.
  • Talk about how you would get a package to the man on the moon.   

Physical Development

Watch the Apollo 11 takeoff and moon landing on YouTube and try the following:

  • Move around like an astronaut who is walking on the moon.
  • Take off like the Apollo 11 spacecraft.
  • Move around as if you were weightless.

Understanding the World

  • Find out what you can about Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon and the Apollo 11 takeoff and landing.
  • Baby bear met an Owl in the story ‘Whatever Next!’ What other nocturnal animals do you know?
  • Learn about the planets in our solar system.
  • If you are lucky enough to have a telescope, have a go at some stargazing, if it’s not too late.
  • Explore the Space topic on the CBeebies website. It has stories, games, podcasts and much more!
  • Listen to this interview with an astronaut: 

Expressive Arts and Design

  • 3D models-Use a range of different materials to make some of the following: space helmet, sparkly moon dust, space boots, power packs, telescopes, rockets, spacecrafts, aliens, planets, stars.
  • Paint a picture of what you think an alien might look like!
  • Paint pictures of the Apollo 11 takeoff and moon landing.
  • Design your own planet- what would it look like? What would humans need to live there?


Moon rock investigation

 Collect lots of different sized stones, while you are out and about. Cover them all in tin foil to become ‘moon rocks’.

  • Count how many moon rocks there are in total.
  • Add and take away using the moon rocks.
  • Order according to size.
  • Pick 5 moon rocks of different sizes. Weigh each rock, record and order by weight.
  • Practise saying one more/one less and check using the stones.
  • Explore doubling and halving practically using the rocks.


Parents, as tempting as it is, please try to limit the number of worksheets you give to your child as eventually, it will take the joy out of learning. The children are used to doing maths activities in a very practical way, both in the inside and outside learning environment. Rather than adding up pictures on a piece of paper, they could be adding up two piles of cars, two groups of daisies, goals scored altogether by two people etc. Thank you! 


  • Write a list of things that you would take into space.
  • Plan a picnic on the moon. What things would you need to bring in your basket?
  • Write a letter to the man on the moon in the John Lewis advert.
  • Write about how you would catch a star, just like the boy in the story.

Phonics- It is highly important that your child practises their letter sounds and tricky words and applies them through a reading and writing activity daily. Reading will help improve their vocabulary and a child’s academic success depends upon the ability to read and write and so this should be a priority.

Please do the daily Department for Education (DFE) ‘Letters and Sounds’ live phonics lesson.


To show that RE is a special learning time, we always light a candle to mark the beginning of lesson and ask ‘Who is with us when we light the candle?’ and ‘Who do we learn about in our RE lesson?’

We then say the school’s Mission Prayer together. 

Please see the daily Spirituality Week blog.

On Thursday, we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Please read the Ascension story from the children’s Bible with your child and talk about what it must have been like for the Apostles to witness this.

Mass will be live-streamed at 10am at


Week Beginning 11.5.20 Reception Home Learning Overview

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for sending in your photographs for the May Procession last Monday; I hope you enjoyed watching it. It was lovely to see all of our school community coming together in such a special way.

Thank you for your continued support and have a great week!

Mrs Theo


This week’s theme is ‘The Gingerbread Man’

*Remember, you do not need to do everything on this overview- just choose one or two things from each area to do over the week.

Listen to Mrs Theo reading the story The Gingerbread Man, while watching the video below.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

  • Discuss the character of the Gingerbread Man. Why do you think he was running away? How was he feeling? What would you have done if you had seen the Gingerbread Man running away from all of the other characters?
  • Discuss the characters of the old man/baker and his wife. How do you think they felt when the Gingerbread Man ran away from them?
  • Ask your child what object they would like to come to life, in the same way that the Gingerbread Man did.
  • Discuss the way in which the characters tried to catch the Gingerbread Man. Was this the right thing to do?
  • Remind your child about stranger danger. Explain that the fox was pretending to the Gingerbread Man that he was going to help, when in fact he was not planning to help him at all. Talk about the importance of staying away from strangers. Encourage your child to think about what the Gingerbread Man should have done in that situation.

 Communication and Language

Focus on asking and answering: who? where? why? what? when? questions. 

  • Whilst reading the story, encourage your child to join in with the repeated refrains.
  • Use the Gingerbread Man’s journey from the story to look at prepositions such as ‘under’, ‘on top’, ‘behind’.
  • Play a listening and attention game with your child. Place a number of items from the Gingerbread Man story on a tray and cover with a blanket. Ask your child to guess how many there are, double-check by counting. Remove one of the objects. Can they say which one has been removed?
  • Once your child has become familiar with the story, introduce new elements to it. Instead of the baker making a gingerbread man, what else could he create? A dinosaur or a unicorn perhaps? Could the character have to jump over something different, such as a volcano instead of a river? Have fun changing the story.

Physical Development

  • Encourage your child to physically act out the story of The Gingerbread Man- take a photograph of each scene. (To be used in Literacy)
  • Re-enact the story with your child and encourage them to experiment with different ways of moving. Ask them to think about the ways the different characters in the story would move.
  • Support your child in making gingerbread man paper chains to help develop cutting skills. (Like we did during the recent Celebration Morning)
  • Make a gingerbread assault course, thinking about the different tricky situations in the story (The story starts in the kitchen, then through the door (hoop?) over the gate (skipping rope?) away from the animals (under the bed sheet?) and across the stream (balanced on something). Develops the skills of moving around and avoiding obstacles.
  • Take your child outside to run fast and slow. Can they jump like the Gingerbread Man?
  • Play gingerbread man tag. Use the fox as the chaser and your child as gingerbread men being chased. Swap over.
  • How many gingerbread men can the fox (child) eat in a given time?
  • Encourage your child to wash their hands and keep surfaces clean as they prepare their gingerbread men.
  • Use playdough for rolling and cutting into gingerbread men shapes.
  • Ask your child to draw around someone else in the house and make a big gingerbread man that can be painted and decorated. Display the gingerbread man on the wall.

Understanding the World

  • Will a gingerbread man float or sink in water? Create a Science experiment to find out.
  • Why didn’t the gingerbread man want to get wet? Experiment to see.
  • Gingerbread baking-discuss what happens to ingredients as we bake?
  • Discuss the different features in the landscape that the gingerbread man went through during his escape.
  • On your daily walk, look for grass, hillocks, trees, ponds and rivers etc to give you child an idea of where the story may of taken place or where the crafty fox outwitted the Gingerbread Man.
  • Help your child to make a gingerbread man; this will help them to develop an interest in baking and understand the need for hygiene when making things to eat. 

Expressive Arts and Design

  • Provide lots of cardboard boxes and encourage your child to try to build a gingerbread house for the Gingerbread Man to live in.
  • Design and make your own gingerbread man from a range of different materials.
  • Split pin gingerbread man.
  • Design and make your own waterproof vessel to help the Gingerbread Man cross the river safely.


  • Use the story to explore ordinal numbers with your child. Can they say which order the characters are in?
  • The Gingerbread Man is symmetrical; what other symmetrical objects or paterns can your child find?.
  • Help your child to weigh the ingredients out for the gingerbread men and compare the amounts of different ingredients used. Do we use more flour or more ginger in the recipe?
  • Encourage your child to count how many currants will be needed for the eyes, nose and buttons on each gingerbread man.
  • Draw attention to the many different animals the Gingerbread Man escaped from; make a chart to show the different animals.


Parents, as tempting as it is, please try to limit the number of worksheets you give to your child as eventually, it will take the joy out of learning. The children are used to doing maths activities in a very practical way, both in the inside and outside learning environment. Rather than adding up pictures on a piece of paper, they could be adding up two piles of cars, two groups of daisies, goals scored altogether by two people etc. Thank you! 


  • Retell the story of The Gingerbread Man.
  • Sequence the story using the photographs taken.(See PD) Write down what is happening at each stage, underneath each photo.
  • Write a story map of The Gingerbread Man showing the Gingerbread Man’s journey.
  • Speech bubble writing- draw the Gingerbread Man and write a speech bubble to show what he is saying.
  • Write a happier alternative ending.
  • Create ‘Lost’ posters describing the Gingerbread Man.
  • Write simple instructions explaining how to make some gingerbread men.
  • (From C&L)Once your child has become familiar with the story, introduce new elements to it. Instead of the baker making a gingerbread man, what else could he create? A dinosaur or a unicorn perhaps? Could the character have to jump over something different, such as a volcano instead of a river? Have fun writing a different version of the story. 


  • Phonics- It is highly important that your child practises their letter sounds and tricky words and applies them through a reading and writing activity daily. Reading will help improve their vocabulary and a child’s academic success depends upon the ability to read and write and so this should be a priority.
  • Please do the daily Department for Education (DFE) ‘Letters and Sounds’ live phonics lesson.



To show that RE is a special learning time, we always light a candle to mark the beginning of lesson and ask ‘Who is with us when we light the candle?’ and ‘Who do we learn about in our RE lesson?’

We then say the school’s Mission Prayer together.

Tell the story ‘The Road to Emmaus’ from a Beginner’s Bible.

Then watch this retelling:

 Choose from the following activities:


Ongoing Further Activities and Information



The class also really enjoy singing the following songs during special prayer time:

Ongoing Maths Activities – try at least one a day

  • Go on a walk and count how many rainbows or teddies you can see in the windows of different houses. Which road has the most?
  • Counting objects within the house-This could be anything as simple as counting the cutlery in your drawer!
  • Looking for shapes in the environment- Can you see the rectangle on the table? The square on the oven door? How many edges does the bookcase have? Can you name the 3D shape that your cereal box is?
  • Using positional and directional language- Where is the teddy? On top, under, behind, in front of, next to, in between etc. Use directions to get from one room to another e.g. walk two steps forward, turn left…
  • Capacity-Fill the bath and give them your child whichever containers you have at home (jugs, Tupperware). Encourage the language of full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty, empty. Will the water to fill this container fit into another container?
  • Time- Create an ‘at home’ timetable together. What shall we do first? What shall do next? What shall we do at the end of the day? Begin to recognise o’ clock times on a clock.
  • Money- Empty your purse or money box. Learn the names of the different coins. Use 1p coins to count and add with.
  • Patterns- Use every day objects around the home to create patterns e.g. pen, fork, sock, pen, fork, sock. Can they continue and copy your pattern? Can they make their own pattern.
  • Length and height- Find three objects from around the home. Can they order them from smallest to largest? Use your feet to measure the length of items in your home (e.g the sofa). How many feet long is it? Counting objects within the house. This could be anything as simple as counting the cutlery in your drawer.
  • Addition using objects found within your home- If we have 5 spoons and 3 forks, how many do we have altogether? Include missing numbers e.g I have 5 buttons. How many more do I need to make 10?
  • Subtraction using objects found within your home- If we have 7 biscuits and I eat 2 how many biscuits are left?
  • Subitising (recognising how many without counting) the amount of objects in a set. How many candles are on the fireplace? How many plates are on the table? Etc
  • Watch a Numberblocks episode each day at: BBC ​iplayer or ​CBeebies​.
  • Practise counting up to 20. This can be done through playing hide and seek, singing number songs, chanting, board games etc.
  • Write out the digits 0 – 9.
  • Sing Number songs to practice counting, reciting numbers in order, one more, one less using number songs: Five Little Ducks, Five Little Men, Ten Green Bottles
  • Practise counting backwards from 20.
  • Look for the numbers on the doors of houses. Do the numbers get bigger or smaller as you go up and down the street?
  • Listen to a number song from the CBeebies​ website. After listening to them, watch again and sing along if you can. Talk about the maths you can see in the video clip.
  • Look out of the window and count how many houses or buildings can be seen
  • Explore weighing and measuring food on the kitchen scales. Ask, what happens as you place more on the scales?
  • Look for numerals on packaging you find around the house. Can your child recognise the numerals and count out a matching amount?

Maths Websites

White Rose Maths has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year R-8. They will be adding five more each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully. Click on the link to find out more.

Independent writing

Parents, please encourage your child to write as often as you can, using their phonics and tricky word knowledge. Please take a close up picture of any writing they do and upload it to Tapestry. If they are forming their letters incorrectly, the wrong way around or hold their pencil the wrong way, please correct your child immediately. Please refer to the inside cover of their original home phonics book for the handwriting phrases, if you find yourself in this position.



Please continue to practise all of Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds and tricky words on a daily basis.

Phase 2 tricky and high frequency words

Read: is, it, in, at, and, the, to, no, go, I, on, a

Phase 3 tricky and high frequency words

Read: he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, they, her, all, are 

Write: the, to, no, go, I


For those children who know all of the above, please begin to teach the following words from Phase 4. (Consolidating phase)


Phase 4 tricky words

Read: said, so, have, like, some, come, were, there, little, one, do, when, out, what


Information about Phase 4 Phonics

During the summer term and only when the children are secure in Phase 2 and 3, Reception usually move over to the Phase 4 stage of Letters and Sounds. When children start, they will know a grapheme for each of the 42 phonemes. They will be able to blend phonemes to read CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words and segment in order to spell them.

Children will also have begun reading straightforward two-syllable words and simple captions, as well as reading and spelling some tricky words.

In Phase 4, no new graphemes are introduced. The main aim of this phase is to consolidate the children’s knowledge and to help them learn to read and spell words which have adjacent consonants, such as trap, string and milk.

If your child knows all of the Phase 2 and 3 sounds consistently and the high frequency and tricky words, then please begin to introduce your child to the Phase 4 online games and activities.

Important- Please be aware that if you go onto this phase before they are ready, it may cause your child to have issues with spelling later on in their school life.

The following websites are fantastic for practising phonics phases, word recognition and sentence reading.


Twinkl also have some great phonics and cross curricular resources and are also currently free if you follow these instructions:


Go to  and enter the code: UKTWINKLHELPS

Phonics Play in particular is a fantastic resource for the actual teaching of the Letters and Sounds program. It is currently free to parents due to the Coronavirus situation. 


As well as Oxford Owls, Harper Collins Publishers are now giving parents free access to their Big Cat e-books and activities, which are also organised according to book band colour.

Go to Collins Connect and click on the Teacher portal and enter:


Password: Parents20!

and then click Login.

To login to Oxford Owl please continue using the school’s login.



You must put the detail into Class Login not the general login otherwise it will not work. Once logged in, you can go into the bookshelf. Select 2 books from your child’s book band colour and practise reading them every day. There are two activities to go with each book and parent tips at the end of the book. If you click on the parents section too, you should find even more books and resources.













May Procession 2020

Today we honour Our Lady with our special May procession.

Bring flowers of the rarest, bring flowers of the fairest

From garden and woodland and hillside and vale;

Our full hearts are swelling, our glad voices telling

The praise of the loveliest flower of the vale.

O Mary, we crown you with blossoms today,

Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.


Week Beginning 4.5.20 Reception Home Learning Overview

Click on the links below to see video messages from Mrs Gymer and Mrs Theo!

Mrs Gymer message home 

Dear Parents and Carers,

While going on my daily walks, I can’t help noticing just how many beautiful butterflies there are at the moment. With this is mind, I have decided that this week’s learning focus will be based on the book, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. I’m sure many of you will have this book in your homes, but if you don’t, the following link has a beautiful version of the story:

The next following link is a lovely little film presented by children, about how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. There is some scientific vocabulary that your child probably hasn’t heard before, but I personally think that this is a good thing! The footage itself is incredible and well worth watching.

Watch one of the class favourites -Come Outside. This episode is all about butterflies.

 As Friday is a bank holiday for VE Day, please take this opportunity to explain to your child what the day it is all about. (I know that they are very young and they may not understand much about it.)If you are celebrating it in anyway, please send me some photos on the class email address:

*Remember, you do not need to do everything on this overview- even if you just pick one or two things to do from each area over the week, you will be doing a fabulous job!

Thank you for your continued support and have a great week!

Mrs Theo


This week’s theme is ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’

by Eric Carle

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

  • Make a large family hand print caterpillar.
  • Encourage your child to try some of the foods from the story and write about whether they like them or not.
  • Talk about feelings – How might the very hungry caterpillar feel when he hatches out of the egg? When he’s trying to find food? When he metamorphoses into a butterfly?
  • Look at how your child and the rest of the family have grown and changed since being a baby. Think about how your child will look as adults. Encourage your child to draw a picture of themselves as an adult.



 Communication and Language

  • Act out the story of the very hungry caterpillar.
  • Make story props, and retell the story.
  • Talk about our favourite fruit as a family and listen to others without interrupting.
  • Discuss with your child, what they think will happen next. Where will the butterfly go now?

Physical Development

  • Make caterpillars from: pom poms, socks, playdough, fingerprints, paper chains, cut out paper circles- all great for strengthening hand muscles!
  • Thread a caterpillar necklace from a range of materials.
  • Thread painted pasta onto pipe cleaners to make a caterpillar.
  • Thread a pipe cleaner caterpillar through hole-punched leaves and food.
  • Move like a caterpillar or a butterfly. Snuggle up like a cocoon.
  • Fold paper to make a paper fan butterfly.
  • Hide different coloured paper caterpillars and butterflies in the garden. Your child/siblings have to try and find their chosen colour. The first one to find all of their butterflies and caterpillars is the winner.
  • Have fun getting your child to roll themselves up in a large blanket or sheet like a cocoon.


Understanding the World

  • Watch the very hungry caterpillar on YouTube.
  • Use the internet or non-fiction books to learn more about the butterfly life cycle.
  • Make your own butterfly life cycle using different shaped pasta.
  • Look for caterpillars and butterflies on your daily walk and take photographs of them.
  • Draw and label the parts of a butterfly.
  • Go on a leaf hunt; try and find leaves of different shapes.
  • Make butterfly and caterpillar shadow puppets. What happens when you move your puppets closer or further away from the light?
  • Look at the pattern on different leaves.
  • Make a map of the very hungry caterpillar’s journey.
  • Use the internet to find out what other animals undergo metamorphosis.


Expressive Arts and Design

  • Make caterpillars and butterflies from a range of materials- see pictures.
  • Leaf rubbings.
  • Make a caterpillar mask.
  • Collage pictures- just like in the book.


  • Draw, cut out and measure different sized paper caterpillars.
  • Sequence the life cycle of a butterfly in the correct order.
  • Count out the right amount of the different fruits in the story, and set them out in the right order.
  • Look at the patterns on butterflies Make different sized egg carton caterpillars. Use them for ordering, comparing and stacking.
  • Create repeating patterns on the caterpillar’s body.
  • Learn the days of the week in the right order. Match the food to the day of the week.
  • Make a butterfly picture using different shapes.
  • Make butterfly doubles. One wing has the numeral on; the other wing has the correct amount of different objects on.
  • Make a picture graph of the food that the very hungry caterpillar ate.
  • Make symmetrical butterfly paintings by painting one side only and folding the paper over.



Parents, as tempting as it is, please try to limit the number of worksheets you give to your child as eventually, it will take the joy out of learning. The children are used to doing maths activities in a very practical way, both in the inside and outside learning environment. Rather than adding up pictures on a piece of paper, they could be adding up two piles of cars, two groups of daisies, goals scored altogether by two people etc. Thank you!



 Phonics- It is highly important that your child practises their letter sounds and tricky words and applies them through a reading and writing activity daily. Reading will help improve their vocabulary and a child’s academic success depends upon the ability to read and write and so this should be a priority.

Please do the daily Department for Education (DFE) ‘Letters and Sounds’ live phonics lesson.

Encourage your child to read and write for purpose:

  • Write your own caterpillar life cycle.
  • List the family’s favourite fruits and junk food.
  • Design and write healthy living posters.
  • Write a story about what happens to the butterfly from the story.
  • Write about where you would fly to if you were a butterfly.


To show that RE is a special learning time, we always light a candle to mark the beginning of lesson and ask ‘Who is with us when we light the candle?’ and ‘Who do we learn about in our RE lesson?’

We then say the school’s Mission Prayer together.

 Please join in with the virtual May Procession accessed via the blog on Monday 4th May at 11am.

 This week, we are focussing our RE learning on Mary, the Mother of God.

Begin by talking to your child about the following:

  • That Mary is the Mother of God.
  • That Catholics honour Mary during the Month of May because she is the Mother of God.
  • That we crown our Lady’s statue during May and present her with flowers .
  • That the Hail Mary is a prayer about Mary that we say often.
  • That the Hail Mary is based on words and stories that were said in the Bible.

Remind your child of the story of the Annuncation. They will be familiar with it, due to the class Nativity.

Then choose from the following activities:

  • Create an altar in honour of Mary at home for May – use pictures of Mary if you do not have a statue
  • Make a crown for Mary.
  • Colour in the story of the Hail Mary.
  • Look at different pictures of Mary – which one do you like the best
  • Paint a picture of Mary .
  • Write out the Hail Mary and decorate it.
  • Write your own prayer to Mary.
  • Learn the Hail Mary.

The class also really enjoy singing the following songs during special prayer time:


On-going further activities and information

Sing daily, using the BBC Schools Radio website- Again, the class love this website and it will be very familiar to them!


On-going Maths Activities – try at least one a day

  • Go on a walk and count how many rainbows or teddies you can see in the windows of different houses. Which road has the most?
  • Counting objects within the house-This could be anything as simple as counting the cutlery in your drawer!
  • Looking for shapes in the environment- Can you see the rectangle on the table? The square on the oven door? How many edges does the bookcase have? Can you name the 3D shape that your cereal box is?
  • Using positional and directional language- Where is the teddy? On top, under, behind, in front of, next to, in between etc. Use directions to get from one room to another e.g. walk two steps forward, turn left…
  • Capacity-Fill the bath and give them your child whichever containers you have at home (jugs, Tupperware). Encourage the language of full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty, empty. Will the water to fill this container fit into another container?
  • Time- Create an ‘at home’ timetable together. What shall we do first? What shall do next? What shall we do at the end of the day? Begin to recognise o’ clock times on a clock.
  • Money- Empty your purse or money box. Learn the names of the different coins. Use 1p coins to count and add with.
  • Patterns- Use every day objects around the home to create patterns e.g. pen, fork, sock, pen, fork, sock. Can they continue and copy your pattern? Can they make their own pattern?
  • Length and height- Find three objects from around the home. Can they order them from smallest to largest? Use your feet to measure the length of items in your home (e.g the sofa). How many feet long is it? Counting objects within the house. This could be anything as simple as counting the cutlery in your drawer!
  • Addition using objects found within your home- If we have 5 spoons and 3 forks, how many do we have altogether? Include missing numbers e.g I have 5 buttons. How many more do I need to make 10?
  • Subtraction using objects found within your home- If we have 7 biscuits and I eat 2 how many biscuits are left?
  • Subitising (recognising how many without counting) the amount of objects in a set. How many candles are on the fireplace? How many plates are on the table? Etc
  • Watch a Numberblocks episode each day at: BBC ​iplayer or ​CBeebies​.
  • Practise counting up to 20. This can be done through playing hide and seek, singing number songs, chanting, board games etc.
  • Write out the digits 0 – 9.
  • Sing Number songs to practice counting, reciting numbers in order, one more, one less using number songs: Five Little Ducks, Five Little Men, Ten Green Bottles
  • Practise counting backwards from 20.
  • Look for the numbers on the doors of houses. Do the numbers get bigger or smaller as you go up and down the street?
  • Listen to a number song from the CBeebies​ website. After listening to them, watch again and sing along if you can. Talk about the maths you can see in the video clip.
  • Look out of the window and count how many houses or buildings can be seen
  • Explore weighing and measuring food on the kitchen scales. Ask, what happens as you place more on the scales?
  • Look for numerals on packaging you find around the house. Can your child recognise the numerals and count out a matching amount?

Maths Websites

White Rose Maths have prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year R-8. They will be adding five more each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully. Click on the link to find out more.

Independent writing

Parents, please encourage your child to write as often as you can, using their phonics and tricky word knowledge. Please take a close up picture of any writing they do and upload it to Tapestry. If they are forming their letters incorrectly, the wrong way around or hold their pencil the wrong way, please correct your child immediately. Please refer to the inside cover of their original home phonics book for the handwriting phrases, if you find yourself in this position. 


Please continue to practise all of Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds and tricky words on a daily basis.

Phase 2 tricky and high frequency words

Read: is, it, in, at, and, the, to, no, go, I, on, a

Phase 3 tricky and high frequency words

Read: he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, they, her, all, are 

Write: the, to, no, go, I 

For those children who know all of the above, please begin to teach the following words from Phase 4. (Consolidating phase) 

Phase 4 tricky words

Read: said, so, have, like, some, come, were, there, little, one, do, when, out, what

Information about Phase 4 Phonics

During the summer term and only when the children are secure in Phase 2 and 3, Reception usually move over to the Phase 4 stage of Letters and Sounds. When children start, they will know a grapheme for each of the 42 phonemes. They will be able to blend phonemes to read CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words and segment in order to spell them.

Children will also have begun reading straightforward two-syllable words and simple captions, as well as reading and spelling some tricky words.

In Phase 4, no new graphemes are introduced. The main aim of this phase is to consolidate the children’s knowledge and to help them learn to read and spell words which have adjacent consonants, such as trap, string and milk.

If your child knows all of the Phase 2 and 3 sounds consistently and the high frequency and tricky words, then please begin to introduce your child to the Phase 4 online games and activities.

Important- Please be aware that if you go onto this phase before they are ready, it may cause your child to have issues with spelling later on in their school life.

The following websites are fantastic for practising phonics phases, word recognition and sentence reading.


Twinkl also have some great phonics and cross curricular resources and are also currently free if you follow these instructions:


Go to  and enter the code: UKTWINKLHELPS

Phonics Play in particular is a fantastic resource for the actual teaching of the Letters and Sounds program. It is currently free to parents due to the Coronavirus situation.


As well as Oxford Owls, Harper Collins Publishers are now giving parents free access to their Big Cat e-books and activities, which are also organised according to book band colour.

Go to Collins Connect and click on the Teacher portal and enter:


Password: Parents20!

and then click Login.

To login to Oxford Owl please continue using the school’s login.



You must put the detail into Class Login not the general login otherwise it will not work. Once logged in, you can go into the bookshelf. Select 2 books from your child’s book band colour and practise reading them every day. There are two activities to go with each book and parent tips at the end of the book. If you click on the parents section too, you should find even more books and resources.

Pope Paul Home Olympics

Please find attached the two week Pope Paul Home Olympics Challenge!

Home-Olympics 2020

I look forward to hearing how you get on.

Miss Pringle – P.E. Leader

Parish Newsletter 3rd May 2020

Please find a copy of the Parish Newsletter below for Sunday 3rd May. Enclosed you will find details of resources, prepared by Deacon Axcel  to support your children with the Sunday liturgy of the Mass.

3rd May Parish Newsletter

May Procession 2020

May Procession 2020


Due to our school closure we will be unable to have our usual May Procession. However we would like to try and have a remote celebration to honour Mary during this month of May.

Please send a photo or 2 second video clip of your child presenting/holding up a flower/blossom, to your class email address. We will then use the images to make a virtual May Procession. It would be lovely if parents would also like to join us!

The dead line to receive photos/video clips is Friday 1st May at 12noon.

The May Procession will take place on Monday 4th May at 11am. 

Access via all the class blogs

Thank you for your continued support.

The Pope Paul Staff Team

Week Beginning 27.4.20 Reception Home Learning Overview

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for the fantastic learning opportunities that you are providing for your children at home. Both Mrs Gymer and I love looking at your posts on Tapestry. It’s so wonderful to see the children in photos and hear their little voices on video. We are both really missing them and find Tapestry is really helping us to get through this strange and tricky time.

Children, if you have any new interests, or you want to find out more about a topic, please ask an adult to email me with your idea for the weekly learning focus and I may choose it! 

*Remember, you do not need to do everything on this overview- even if you just pick one or two things to do from each area over the week, you will be doing a fabulous job!

Thank you for your continued support and have a great week!

Mrs Theo


This week’s theme is ‘Food Glorious Food!’


Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

  • What can your child remember about Fairtrade Fortnight last month? How do we know when a product is Fairtrade? How has Fairtrade helped the farmers all over the world? Watch this Fairtrade video about Pablo the super banana as a reminder. 
  • Draw the Fairtrade logo or Pablo the banana.
  • Talk to your child about how some people in our country and around the world don’t have enough food to eat to stay healthy. How can we help them?
  • Ask your child to think about the special times when your family have come together for a meal. What did you eat? Who was there? Why was it a special meal? Ask your child to draw or write about it as an extension activity.
  • Discuss with your child how your family can limit food waste.

Communication and Language

  • Make some simple recipes with your child and encourage them to talk about how the ingredients change as they are cooled or cooked. Some good examples include: making cakes, bread, popcorn or ice lollies.
  • Talk to your child about different food groups and how we need all of them on our plates to feel full and healthy each day. Provide paper plates and magazines with pictures of different foods.
  • Encourage your child to think about healthy foods to eat at lunchtime or as snacks.
  • Provide a feely bag with lots of different fruits inside. Ask your child to put their hand in, choose a fruit and then tell you what they can feel. Then, ask them to close their eyes and smell it. Ask them to tell you the smell, before finally looking at it and using their eyes to describe it. Introduce any new fruit names and new vocabulary too.
  • Play a listening and attention game with your child. Place a number of different foods on a tray and cover with a blanket. Ask your child to guess how many are there, and then check by counting. Remove one of the objects. Can they say which one has been removed?
  • Play ‘I went to the shop’ game with the whole family. Each family member in the group says some food that they want to buy from the shop and the next person has to add another item to the list, as well as remembering what the previous people bought too!
  • Food smells game- Use foods with distinctive smells like coffee, lemon, onions, vanilla pods, cinnamon or vinegar. Put them into plastic containers with lids and pass each food around. Ask your children to smell it and describe what it smells like. They can guess what they think it is. Then you can have a discussion about what it is and where it comes from. You can also do this activity as a blindfolded taste test


Physical Development

  •  Have some uncooked spaghetti and an upturned colander on the table and ask your child to poke the spaghetti through the holes. (This is a great fine motor activity for strengthening muscles used for writing.)
  • Provide some dried peas, seeds or bean, bowls, bottles, containers and different sized spoons. Encourage your child to scoop the peas/seeds/beans into the different bowls and containers. Can your child make up a challenge against the clock?
  • Supervise your child using a non-sharp knife/ peeler to cut and peel fruit and vegetables. They could also wash the fruits and their hands and taste some of them.
  • Allow your child to mix, roll, knead ingredients together using different kitchen utensils
  • Make a collage- Cut out food pictures from magazines and use them to make a collage. Discuss each food as your child is cutting them out. Why not try making a rainbow of pictures by ordering the pictures into different colours?
  • Thread pasta or cereal onto string to make bracelets and necklaces.


Understanding the World

  • To go with the beanstalks some of your children are growing, you could also try growing radishes, tomatoes, potatoes or lettuce in pots or grow bags. Cress, mustard or herbs are good to grow if you have limited space. Your children will love watering them and watching them grow.
  • Talk to your child about where food comes from. Eg. milk- cows
  • Cook with your child.
  • Look at food packaging- help your child to identify which country the food originally came from. Can you find the country on a map?
  • Taste food from different cultures.
  • Provide some dried foods and a small tray of water. Encourage your child to experiment with putting the dry foods into the water and watch what happens to them.


Expressive Arts and Design

  • Use a selection of dried peas or beans to make shakers. Encourage your child to explore the sounds made by different contents.
  • Look at the work of artist, Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Look at some of the portraits made using food and then provide some real or pictures of fruits and vegetables for your child to use to create faces too.
  • Encourage your child to explore colour mixing to create colours and shades to paint fruit or vegetable pictures.
  • Set up a role-play cafe or restaurant.
  • Make some salt dough with your child and encourage them to mould and shape it into different foods. Once dry, these can be painted and used as role-play food. Salt dough- Follow this very simple recipe here:
  • Choose a selection of fruit and vegetables to make prints with. (I find that celery, onions, mushrooms and apples work well.) Before cutting, take the opportunity to discuss all about the fruit or vegetable. Slice each in half. Let your child put the fruit or vegetables in some paint and make prints. You can even use the celery stalks as paintbrushes!
  • Dried pasta, pulses, rice, seeds or dried herbs can be mixed with glue or paint to make pictures. When dry, this gives wonderful textures to explore.
  • Sing about food- There is nothing better than having a good singalong to your favourite food song. There are so many as everyone loves to sing about food.  ‘Five currant buns’, ‘one potato, two potato’, ‘oats and beans and barley grow’, ‘I went to visit a farm one day’, and ‘ten fat sausages’



  • Set up a teddy bear’s picnic using some soft toys and role-play food, plates and cutlery. Encourage your child to count and share the items so that each toy has an equal number.
  • Explore sharing using a small group of cakes or biscuits. Discuss sharing the treats equally and fairly.
  • Provide a weighing scale for your child to use, along with some different vegetables. Encourage them to explore how much the vegetables weigh, to see which is the heaviest and lightest. Ask your child to record the activity in any way they like.
  • Make sandwiches with your child, filling them with different things, then use cookie cutters (if you have any) to cut the sandwiches into different shapes for your child to identify. Also, you can use this opportunity to talk about whole, half and quarters when helping your child to cut their sandwiches. 



  • Phonics- It is highly important that your child practises their letter sounds and tricky words and applies them through a reading and writing activity daily. Reading will help improve their vocabulary and a child’s academic success depends upon the ability to read and write and so this should be a priority.
  • Please do the daily Department for Education (DFE) ‘Letters and Sounds’ live phonics lesson. Please see the previous separate blog I posted at the end of last week for further information about these lessons.

Encourage your child to read and write for purpose:

  • Write a set of simple recipe instructions for your child to read and follow.
  • Encourage your child to write menus for different reasons- dinner that evening, restaurant menu for the role play area, favourite menu, party menu.
  • Write a shopping list of ingredients needed for a recipe or snack.
  • Write about their favourite dinner/ food.
  • Make information posters, signs and write food orders in the role play area.


To show that RE is a special learning time, we always light a candle to mark the beginning of lesson and ask ‘Who is with us when we light the candle?’ and ‘Who do we learn about in our RE lesson?’

We then say the school’s Mission Prayer together.

 Remind the children that our new topic is called ‘Easter to Pentecost’.

Retell the story of the Resurrection. Continue to develop your child’s understanding of the Resurrection by making and decorating some models or pictures of symbols of new life: eggs, butterflies, rabbits and plants. Explain their connection to the new life of the Resurrection.

If possible, plant some bulbs/seeds –connect to new life


 Ongoing Further Activities and Information


Ongoing Maths Activities – try at least one a day

·         Go on a walk and count how many rainbows or teddies you can see in the windows of different houses. Which road has the most?

·         Counting objects within the house-This could be anything as simple as counting the cutlery in your drawer!

·         Looking for shapes in the environment- Can you see the rectangle on the table? The square on the oven door? How many edges does the bookcase have? Can you name the 3D shape that your cereal box is?

·         Using positional and directional language- Where is the teddy? On top, under, behind, in front of, next to. inbetween etc. Use directions to get from one room to another e.g. walk two steps forward, turn left…

·         Capacity-Fill the bath and give them your child whichever containers you have at home (jugs, Tupperware). Encourage the language of full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty, empty. Will the water to fill this container fit into another container?

·         Time- Create an ‘at home’ timetable together. What shall we do first? What shall do next? What shall we do at the end of the day? Begin to recognise o’ clock times on a clock.

·         Money- Empty your purse or money box. Learn the names of the different coins. Use 1p coins to count and add with.

·         Patterns- Use every day objects around the home to create patterns e.g. pen, fork, sock, pen, fork, sock. Can the continue and copy your pattern? Can they make their own pattern.

·         Length and height- Find three objects from around the home. Can they order them from smallest to largest? Use your feet to measure the length of items in your home (e.g the sofa). How many feet long is it? Counting objects within the house. This could be anything as simple as counting the cutlery in your drawer!

·         Addition using objects found within your home- If we have 5 spoons and 3 forks, how many do we have altogether? Include missing numbers e.g I have 5 buttons. How many more do I need to make 10?

·         Subtraction using objects found within your home- If we have 7 biscuits and I eat 2 how many biscuits are left?

·         Subitising (recognising how many without counting) the amount of objects in a set. How many candles are on the fireplace? How many plates are on the table? Etc

·         Watch a Numberblocks episode each day at: BBC ​iplayer or ​CBeebies​.

·         Practise counting up to 20. This can be done through playing hide and seek, singing number songs, chanting, board games etc.

·         Write out the digits 0 – 9.

·         Sing Number songs to practice counting, reciting numbers in order, one more, one less using number songs: Five Little Ducks, Five Little Men, Ten Green Bottles

·         Practise counting backwards from 20.

·         Look for the numbers on the doors of houses. Do the numbers get bigger or smaller as you go up and down the street?

·         Listen to a number song from the CBeebies​ website. After listening to them, watch again and sing along if you can. Talk about the maths you can see in the video clip.

·         Look out of the window and count how many houses or buildings can be seen

·         Explore weighing and measuring food on the kitchen scales. Ask, what happens as you place more on the scales?

·         Look for numerals on packaging you find around the house. Can your child recognise the numerals and count out a matching amount?



Maths Websites


White Rose Maths has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year R-8. They will be adding five more each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully. Click on the link to find out more.

Independent writing

Parents, please encourage your child to write as often as you can, using their phonics and tricky word knowledge. Please take a close up picture of any writing they do and upload it to Tapestry. If they are forming their letters incorrectly, the wrong way around or hold their pencil the wrong way, please correct your child immediately. Please refer to the inside cover of their original home phonics book for the handwriting phrases, if you find yourself in this position.



Please continue to practise all of Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds and tricky words on a daily basis.

Phase 2 tricky and high frequency words

Read: is, it, in, at, and, the, to, no, go, I, on, a

Phase 3 tricky and high frequency words

Read: he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, they, her, all, are 

Write: the, to, no, go, I 

For those children who know all of the above, please begin to teach the following words from Phase 4. (Consolidating phase) 

Phase 4 tricky words

Read: said, so, have, like, some, come, were, there, little, one, do, when, out, what

 Information about Phase 4 Phonics

During the summer term and only when the children are secure in Phase 2 and 3, Reception usually move over to the Phase 4 stage of Letters and Sounds. When children start, they will know a grapheme for each of the 42 phonemes. They will be able to blend phonemes to read CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words and segment in order to spell them.

Children will also have begun reading straightforward two-syllable words and simple captions, as well as reading and spelling some tricky words.

In Phase 4, no new graphemes are introduced. The main aim of this phase is to consolidate the children’s knowledge and to help them learn to read and spell words which have adjacent consonants, such as trap, string and milk.

If your child knows all of the Phase 2 and 3 sounds consistently and the high frequency and tricky words, then please begin to introduce your child to the Phase 4 online games and activities.

Important- Please be aware that if you go onto this phase before they are ready, it may cause your child to have issues with spelling later on in their school life.

The following websites are fantastic for practising phonics phases, word recognition and sentence reading.


Twinkl also have some great phonics and cross curricular resources and are also currently free if you follow these instructions:

Go to  and enter the code: UKTWINKLHELPS

Phonics Play in particular is a fantastic resource for the actual teaching of the Letters and Sounds program. It is currently free to parents due to the Coronavirus situation. 


As well as Oxford Owls, Harper Collins Publishers are now giving parents free access to their Big Cat e-books and activities, which are also organised according to book band colour.

Go to Collins Connect and click on the Teacher portal and enter:


Password: Parents20!

and then click Login.

To login to Oxford Owl please continue using the school’s login.



You must put the detail into Class Login not the general login otherwise it will not work. Once logged in, you can go into the bookshelf. Select 2 books from your child’s book band colour and practise reading them every day. There are two activities to go with each book and parent tips at the end of the book. If you click on the parents section too, you should find even more books and resources.

Happy Friday!

Memories of sunny summer days…

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Enjoy the video.