Autumn 2 Week 4- Year 5

This week was national tree week and Year 5 braved the rain to go outside and learn more about the Hawthorne tree. The children discussed its features and then went on an information treasure hunt to find out facts about it. They showed great teamwork and enthusiasm on that cold and wet afternoon. Well done, Year 5!

During P.E, we have been focusing on our invasion game skills. The children are showing real improvement in intercepting the ball.

We began our learning on our new English unit of biographies this week. So far, we have learnt about the life of Mary Anning, the famous fossil finder. We have been building up our cohesion skills by using fronted adverbials and ensuring relevant information is grouped together to recount her life. Next week, we will begin to write our own biographies of Ernest Shakleton.

In R.E, the children have planned their own acts of worship based on 3 of the advent gospel readings. They have worked hard to bring out the message of Luke’s Gospel. I look forward to taking part in these over the coming weeks.

Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you at the fayre tomorrow.

Year 2 Blog Week 11

This week we have been thinking about how during Advent we are preparing for the coming of God. Year 2 created a beautiful Advent calendar display for our sacred space in our classroom. 

In Science we have been learning about health and hygiene. The children carried out a simple experiment to see how easily germs spread. Everyone went on and created wonderful posters about the importance of washing your hands.

In Computing we have been learning about how technology can sense conditions around us. The children had great fun using different apps to measure sound levels and light intensity.

Home Learning: Spellings wk 4. Learn lines for the Nativity play.

Have fun at the Christmas Fayre!

Miss Davey



Year 6 – Advent Service

Parts for Advent Service 2018:

Francesco Come Lord Jesus come

And let your light shine through us

So that through our actions we may be salt for the earth, a light in peoples sight

And that we might reach out to you in one another especially those in need.

Will This evening, as we light the candles on our Advent wreath, we will remember that Jesus comes to spread the light of love and peace to the four corners of the world.

North, South, East and West, we all prepare to celebrate the coming of Christ amongst us. Our reflection helps us to prepare to welcome Jesus into our hearts by showing how parts of our world prepare in different ways.

Alex One family, one community, one world, we wait in joyful hope and expectation for dreams to come true. Dreams of peace on earth for peoples of all nations.
Oliver and ______ Two children come forward one to light the candle and one holding the flag. Child lights the candle and the flag is placed by the altar.


Claudia and Deya Two children then come forward. One is dressed as a young Jewish lady (Mary) the other a boy.
Toju Our final reflection this evening takes us back to where the story  began. A story of hope, peace, joy and love for all. The coming of Emmanuel,  God’s son, born in a stable.

Let us listen again as if for the first time, the story of the birth of Jesus.

Alessandro For God so loved the world that he gave his only –begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not die but have eternal life. For God sent the Son in to the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” John 3: 16 -17
Eden Mime – Angel Gabriel
Claudia Mime – Mary
Annabel Two thousand years ago a young Jewish girl living in Nazareth, Israel was chosen to be the mother of God’s only son Jesus.

God sent his messenger, the angel Gabriel, to a town called Nazareth, where Mary lived. Mary was going to be married to Joseph. “Rejoice, Mary,” the angel said. “God has especially chosen you.”

Ailbhe Mary did not understand what the angel could mean and she was frightened.

The angel said, “Mary, do not be afraid. You are going to have a baby boy. You must call him Jesus. He will be great. He will be called the son of the Most High.”

Pause for singing

Mary replied, “I am ready to do what God wants me to do.”

Marco Mary was filled with joy and happiness. She went to visit her cousin Elizabeth to tell her the news. Mary responded to God’s call and prayed a special song of praise and thanks to God. We call this The Magnificat.
Sara, Maria, Sofia,

Ciara A, Andria, Naomi

6 children to dance to Magnificat
Sean Mary and Joseph then journeyed on to Bethlehem – a journey of suffering, pain and hostility – until they were able to bring the Son of God into our human world.

A baby, lying in a crib, who would grow up to be our Saviour, who would die and rise again so that we can have Eternal Life.

Jude God sent Jesus to us at Christmas to show us how much he loves us. God’s gift to us, the greatest gift of love.

Let us pray in silence for a time and focus on the crib, thinking about the gifts we can bring to our world, gifts that Jesus wants us to give to the world.

Thomas We bring the gift of hope –

Today, millions of refugees are fleeing war, natural disaster, poverty or persecution in search for a better life.

We are called to stand alongside our sisters and brothers in solidarity, sharing our hope for a world transformed.

Alex (child places the dove of hope by the crib.)


My Soul Glorifies the Lord Shalom Peace Child (verse 1) The Angel Gabriel (verse 1)
V1 – Keira C

V2 – Olivia

V3 – Kate

Sophia D Varun Keira FB

Click here to open the words to learn for the songs.

Below, you will find some of the songs to practice singing to:

Week 3

We’ve had a lot of fun during our learning this week. From becoming newspaper reporters to gymnastics superstars – Year 3 really have got talent!

The children were extremely reflective during Adoration on Wednesday and thoroughly enjoyed their Spanish lesson about Advent with Michael. They have also made thoughtful cards for Francesca and have been working hard to solve tricky money and mental maths questions.

We were treated to Dame Alice Owen’s Gym and Dance dress rehearsal on Monday – which i’m sure inspired some of the fantastic counter balances produced in PE this week. The children also tested their scientific skills by conducting their own experiments on permeability! We have also researched the different trees in our school grounds as part of National Tree Week.

Don’t forget to look out for our British Values poster in the dining hall about discrimination.

Home Learning this week is to read with and adult and learn the words to the Advent Service songs – the children were given two song sheets. Please revise spelling list : Autumn Term 2 Week 4


30th November

This week, we continued our writing focus on Wesley in Westlandia and wrote up our diary entries.  The children worked hard in ensuring that their editing skills were put to great use – they have created another wonderful piece of writing.  Well done!

On Monday we joined with Year 3’s and attended the Gymnastics Display at Dame Alice Owen School which I know that the children thoroughly enjoyed.  It was also lovely for the children to see some past students from Pope Paul School in the audience too and performing as well.  On Wednesday following a class reflection, the children joined the rest of the key stage 2 classes in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament which was led by Fr Shaun.  Some of the children from Year 4 sang and they did this with such reverence.  During this time Fr Shaun invited them to embrace the silence where they could talk to Christ in their minds but also encouraged them to just sit and focus entirely on the Blessed Sacrament.

Also this week the children had an indoor PE lesson led by Mr Cowan on team building skills and they rose to the challenge.  In RE we started to find out about Luke the Gospel writer and examine some gospel readings from Luke’s Gospel that will be the focus over the next few weeks of Advent.  National Tree Week took place this week too and as part of this the children were fact finding about why trees are special and explored the trees in the grounds of the school.

On Thursday, we had our drumming session with Caz and learnt how to beat out questions and their answers on their drums  ……Heston and Angelo were voted the best duet by the rest of the class for their drumming!

Today, Friday,  we wrote messages and letters to Francessca wishing her a speedy recovery, continued with our Tudor Narrative writing and looked back over the topic of factors and multiples in Maths.  We have started to learn our songs for our Advent service., the Year 6’s chopped up lots of fruit which you have sent in with your child(ren) and the children in Year 4 sampled the various fruits.  Many of the children enjoyed the kiwi fruit, pineapple and pomegranate!  and I was delighted to see that many of the children had a go at eating them even though they had not seen the fruits before.

To complete this week of learning

Homework this weekend are the words and songs for the Advent Service that have been given on the sheet sent home this evening.

See you at the Christmas Fayre!

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs McNamara




Week 12

This week was National Tree so we looked closely at the trees in our playground. We drew the trees and the leaves. Then we did some bark rubbings. We identified that one was a Willow tree and one  was a silver maple tree.

In Maths we have been counting backwards and subtracting. We have been using number cards, 100 squares and number lines to help us. Please practise counting backwards at home.

In English we have been using our senses to write some poems. We have been describing objects using great adjectives!

On Wednesday the children were very respectful at the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. They sat quietly and sang beautifully, showing respect. After the children wrote some beautiful prayers to Jesus.

In Religion we have been learning about the story the Visitation. The children acted out the story and made Mary and Elizabeth using different materials.

In History the children have been learning about old toys and comparing them with toys today. If you have any toys belonging to the children’s parents or grandparents, please send them in for our class display.

The children are doing well learning their songs and dances for our Christmas Play. Please send in their costumes by Wednesday 5th December.

Home Learning – Practise singing the Christmas songs.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Carey

Year 2 Blog Week 10

It has been all about balancing and rebalancing this week in Year 2. In maths, the children have been looking at rebalancing number sentences. The children identified the number in their calculation that was near a friendly number (multiple of ten) and used a beadstring to rebalance their calculation.balance

How would you rebalance the following calculations?

41 + 13 =

24 + 39 =

18 + 28 =

Year 2 completed their big write for Weslandia. The children composed a letter explaining how they created their own civilization.  Everyone put their editing hats on and made fantastic revisions to their first drafts. Year 2 always take great care with their handwriting and they should be very proud of the presentation of their work. 

We continued work on our History topic: Remembrance – Everyone remembered. Year 2 researched Private H.J. Childs of the Royal Army Service Corps. We found out that he was a member of the 69th field bakery and he died on the 12th April 1917. We made a card for Private Childs, who is buried in St. Mary’s cemetery Potters Bar and the School House Captains brought all the cards to the cemetery and said prayers over the graves.

Home Learning: Reading comprehension, Spellings Wk 3 and Maths worksheet. Don’t forget to login to Fitter Futures and see our class video!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Davey

23rd November

This week the children have continued to use their knowledge of their timetables, looked more into the rules of divisibility and have moved onto factors and multiples!  They especially enjoyed completing the NRich game of Factors and Multiples online with their partner so it was lovely to hear the key vocabulary being used during their conversations in class whilst trying to create the longest chain! here is the link if you would like to have a go!

Solving a factors puzzle as a team.
Working together as a team  “Oh no!  what are the factors!”



This week the children have also finished their recounts as part of our Whole School writing project based on Paul Fleischman’s book  Weslandia. The children put a lot of effort into their editing and handwriting. Well done!

In Science, the children have been introduced to their new topic , electricity. Children have put forward interesting questions to enquire later. They also thought of ways to save electricity. Our Switch off fortnight is well underway and our monitors are taking their responsibility to turn light off very seriously.

Also this week, the class have had the opportunity to work with Mr Cowan, our trainee teacher to lead us in our PE lesson of dribbling this week. The children enjoyed this session very much.


Have a lovely weekend.



Autumn 2 Week 3

The children have been very busy getting ready for our Class Nativity, which will be on Wednesday 5th December at 9.30am. We will provide every child with a costume, but we will need you to provide clothes for your child to wear underneath. Look out for a letter in your child’s book bag early next week that will give you  further information about this.

Today we were treated to a Fitter Future workshop with our Year 6 Learning Partners.

Fitter Future is an online website with fun video workouts for the children to follow. It is designed to increase the fitness levels of children. Each workout lasts ten minutes with additional workouts and monthly fitness challenges continuously added to the programme. Pope Paul children get completely free access at home, where they can complete additional monthly workout challenges. Reception will be bringing home their logins next week.

Wishing you all a restful weekend,

The Reception Team

Year 6 – 23/11/18

There has been a lot going on in Year 6 over the past couple of weeks! Last week was Parliament Week as well as Anti-Bullying Week. To celebrate Parliament Week, we welcomed to our classroom local Councillor Peter Knell and his wife June, who are former mayor and mayoress of Hertsmere. We also learnt about the Suffragette Movement and recognised that it is 100 years since women first had the right to vote. Another aspect of Parliament Week was learning about the similarities and differences between the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and the children even got to dress up as clerks, speakers and MPs!

For Anti-Bullying Week the class participated in a workshop which explored emotions and how we might act in different scenarios. The children also made anti-bullying posters with their Reading Partners.

The Healthy Living Group introduced a competition to the school last week whereby each class has to bring in the widest selection of fruit. There was a fantastic team effort from Y6 and together we collected 21 different fruits; we then enjoyed these as a healthy snack on Friday afternoon.

6 children represented the school by participating in cross country at Queenswood School and did brilliantly – well done!

This week, the House Captains went to the graves of three local men who fought for our country during World War One. They laid cards made by the rest of the school, thanking them for what they did, then they went up to the war memorial next to Oakmere Park and found where the three men’s names were engraved. Thank you to Mrs Lines for organising this and taking them out.

In Science this week, we learnt about the circulatory system and acted out the journey of a red blood cell as it delivers oxygen to the body.

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 27th November) is as follows:

English Schofield & Sims English Skills : Section 1 Test 4 – to be completed in pink Home Learning book
Spellings Commonly confused homophones (see below for word list) – spelling sentences to be written in pink Home Learning book.

Times tables

Mathletics tasks linked to the past fortnight’s learning on fractions.


Continue to revise all times tables and to use

Reading Continue to use

Daily reading, with parent signature once a week.

Spelling list (to be tested Friday 30th November)

Commonly confused homophones

to too
two their
there they’re
which witch
were where
your you’re
who’s whose
hear here