Autumn 2 Week 3

The children have been very busy getting ready for our Class Nativity, which will be on Wednesday 5th December at 9.30am. We will provide every child with a costume, but we will need you to provide clothes for your child to wear underneath. Look out for a letter in your child’s book bag early next week that will give you  further information about this.

Today we were treated to a Fitter Future workshop with our Year 6 Learning Partners.

Fitter Future is an online website with fun video workouts for the children to follow. It is designed to increase the fitness levels of children. Each workout lasts ten minutes with additional workouts and monthly fitness challenges continuously added to the programme. Pope Paul children get completely free access at home, where they can complete additional monthly workout challenges. Reception will be bringing home their logins next week.

Wishing you all a restful weekend,

The Reception Team