Anti-Bullying Parent Information evening

Thank you to the parents who attended our information evening yesterday exploring how to support your child with relationships at school . It was highly informative and interesting. Please see the powerpoint that was used during the session.

Parents handout – Supporting relationships at school

Choir Songs

Autumn 2 Week 1

This week, Reception have joined the rest of the school, focussing their learning around the book Weslandia. The children worked very hard, imagining and creating their own lands.

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In RE, the class have been taking part in ‘Other Faiths Week’ and have been learning about Judaism and the Jewish celebration of Shabbat. They particularly enjoyed trying some sacramental grape juice!

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In Maths, we have been learning about 2D shape, describing the properties of each shape and using shapes to make pictures.

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Reception spent Friday learning about Remembrance and what it means. They remembered members of their family or friends who are no longer with us, when participating in a special Act of Worship in class.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

The Reception Team

Autumn 2 Week 1- Year 5

Welcome back. I was wonderful to see the children back in school looking refreshed and ready for another half term of learning.

In English, we have begun our learning on our new text ‘Weslandia’. Along with the rest of the school, we have been exploring the characters and locations. Year 5 made some interesting inferences about our main character, Wesley, and his tormentors.

In science, our focus is now on materials and their properties. Miss Clapp ran an experiment looking at the thermal conductivity of different materials. The children then related this to items around the home and why that material was chosen.

This week was ‘other faith’ week in R.E. We learnt about the Jewish celebration of Shabbat. We spent time looking at what it is about and why Jews take part. Year 5 then debated the advantages and disadvantages of Shabbat. There were some very interesting points of view and they children could really see the value in this focused family time.

Today in art, we looked at the artist Heaton Cooper. We evaluated his landscapes and appreciated the depth and perspective of his paintings. We then used the vanishing point to practise this skill ourselves.

Have a great weekend.


Mrs Lines and Miss Clapp

Autumn 2 Week 1

It has been lovely to welcome the children back after the half term. They have worked well together and enjoyed sharing their news.

In RE we have focused on the Jewish day of rest – Shabbat. The children were fascinated with the celebration and enjoyed taking part in the sharing of wine (apple juice) and challah (bread).

We have also looked closely at Remembrance day and why people wear poppies. I was very proud of how confidently all the children read in assembly today – well done Y3.

In maths we have been investigating how partitioning and place value can help us with column addition and subtraction and in English we are starting a recount based on the story Weslandia by Paul Fleischman.

Home learning 

Spelling – Autumn 2 week 1 list (please look at the resources section on our class page). and Mathletic tasks have been set.

Please continue to hear your child read and sign their reading record.

Please check your child’s bag for more information.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle


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Year 6 – 09/11/18

First week back and Y6 were straight back into it with their class mass. Despite having so little time to prepare, you did yourselves proud: well done to the readers for spreading the message of remembrance so clearly and compassionately; well done to the musicians for adding so much colour to our liturgy; well done to the servers for carrying out your role so diligently; well done to each and every one of you for your reverent and spirited participation. It made an excellent start to the new half term.

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We have also jumped straight into our new English unit, which is a whole-school focus on the text Weslandia. Yesterday, we hot-seated some of the characters from the book in preparation for next week’s task of writing a journalistic report on the event.

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This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 13th November) is as follows:

English Schofield & Sims English Skills : Section 1 Test 3 – to be completed in pink Home Learning book
Spellings Words from the Y5/Y6 Statutory Spelling word lists (see below for word list) – spelling sentences to be written in pink Home Learning book. The children also have 2 envelopes – one containing this week’s words and one empty one. Once they feel they are secure with a word from Envelope 1 (short-term memory), they put it into Envelope 2 (long-term memory). I could test them on their long-term memory words at any time, and they will be revisiting them in class. If they misspell a word that they’ve put into Envelope 2, it goes back into Envelope 1.

Times tables

Mathletics tasks:

·         Highest Common Factor

·         Lowest Common Multiple

·         Prime or Composite


CHALLENGE: Can you create a loop card game for 30 players to practise factors and multiples?


Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Minimum of 30 minutes on

Daily reading, with parent signature once a week.


Spelling list (to be tested Friday 16th November)

Words from the Y5/Y6 Spelling List.

accommodate accompany
according committee
community communicate
interfere interrupt
occupy occur (past tense = occurred)
aggressive apparent
appreciate attached
correspond embarrass

REMINDER – if you have any rucksacks at home that you no longer use, we would be grateful if you could put it in the washing machine and bring it into school on Monday for the Caritas collection.

Also, we have run out of tissues in the classroom. As we approach cold season, it would be very much appreciated if each child could bring in a box. Thank you to those who sent in tissues last half term; having them in the classroom is less disruptive than children having to ask to leave the classroom to get a tissue from the toilets.

Have a very enjoyable weekend.

Miss Donatantonio

9th November

Although the children have only been back for four days, the week has been an eventful one!

In RE we have focused on the Shabbat – the sabbath. The children enjoyed finding out about how the Shabbat is the most important Jewish festival and lasts from just before sunset on Friday to just after sunset on Saturday every week.

The children were interested in this special celebration and enjoyed eating the challah (bread).

In English the children have examined the story of Westlandia by P. Fleischman as this will be the stimulus for their English Writing over the next few weeks.  As part of their Tudor topic work, the children have started to write their own narrative writing using a historical stimulus: ‘The Pardon’.  Please ask them about their ideas etc…

In Maths today, the children looked at calculations and learnt how to create and regroup arrays for multiplication.  They were introduced to the words: row, column, array, factor and product.

On Thursday, the children had their very first Djembe Drumming lesson with Caz.   Throughout the lesson, they learnt how to hold their drum, produce a range of different sounds with high volume! and follow their peers in the many activities that they were given examining the tempo, dynamics and pitch.

Tito and Matthew L were given the task of leading the group and they did this competently.

Please remember that our class hamper needs to be filled!  Our colour is Winter White.  Our class hamper will then be wrapped and included as raffle prizes at the Christmas Fayre.

Home Learning has been given to the children but can be seen below:



Learn your spellings using the ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check’ method in your spelling log book.

Year 3/4  Spelling Words


address        answer    busy       build    complete     breathes     appear     arrive     breath    calendar

Reading Logs



You are expected to read as much as you can over the holiday and comment in your reading logs.

Your parents/carers should sign your log book after they have:

discussed the chapter/characters etc… with you.




Times tables   (ongoing)

I have set your Mathletics.  Try to work through the activities that have been assigned.

This week you have been tested on your times tables.  Continue to practice your tables and write them out in your book.

Anti Bullying Week and Parliament Week are our focus next week. Research about Parliament and write notes or draw a poster to show what you have learnt.


Some key words to research:

House of Commons

House of Lords


Acts of Parliament



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Year 2 Blog Week 8

November, the month of Remembrance.IMG_2795

In November we pray for the people we love who are no longer with us. This week Year 2 created a beautiful display of poppies for our R.E. board. The children also wrote the names of people they are praying for on poppies and hung them from our prayer tree.IMG_2806

Next week, family and friends are invited to attend the Year 2 Remembrance Act of Worship. This will take place on Thursday 15th November at 9:15 a.m.

In Religion this week, for Other Faiths Week, we have been learning about Judaism. The children learnt about the Jewish observance of Shabbat. We laid the table for this special celebration and we enjoyed trying some grape juice and Challah bread.IMG_2792



P.E. was all about jungle gymnastics with Mr Cowan. The children had great fun perfecting their balances and sequences. There were plenty of graceful gazelles, tip-toeing tigers and loping lions.IMG_2797







Home Learning: spellings wk1, reading comprehension and  mental maths worksheet.

Have a peaceful weekend.

Miss Davey

Week 9

I hope you all had a lovely half term!

This week our learning has been based around the text Westlandia. The children engaged with the text by creating their own worlds using equipment outside and making their own maps of their world. The children worked together in teams and were very creative!



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In Religion, we have been learning about Jewish traditions. The children enjoyed tasting challah bread and drinking grape juice like Jewish people do on a Friday night to celebrate Shabbat.



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In preparation for Sunday the children have been learning about WW1 and Remembrance day. The children have made beautiful poppies to remember all of the people who died.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Carey