Friday, 28th January 2022

The children in Year 4 had a fantastic week following the theme of Other Faith Week, Hinduism. On Monday, the class visited the Bhaktivedanta Manor in Watford experiencing the Hindu way of life first hand. They had the opportunity to visit the stables, ride on a cart pulled by 2 of the newest oxen on the farm. They fed the cows and later visited the green houses, the meditational pond and the George Harrison memorial gardens. Following the outside tour, the children listened to a presentation explaining the main beliefs of Hinduism and dressed up as Gods and Goddesses. Soon after, we looked around the main buildings, dressing up in more casual every day saris and turbans and participated in one of the daily services. The children were then invited to eat a hearty and healthy lunch of curry, rice, chips and flat bread with a cup of orange juice, all cooked on site using ingredients the community grows on the farm. After lunch, the class took part in face painting where they received traditional symbols of fire, flames, flowers and snakes. The children had a lovely time and their impeccable behaviour was complimented on throughout the trip.

Later during the week, we learnt a little bit more about the main beliefs of Hinduism, the origins of this religion and its most important Gods and Goddesses. In Maths, we finished our learning of measurements, extending it towards weight, capacity and time. In English, the children used comic strips to retell the main events of the Aeneas and the adventures of the underworld myths focusing on single and multi clause sentences. In Science, they investigated gases and answered questions such as what would happen to gases if they are heated or if it is possible to make gases by combining liquids and solids. In History, they looked and the effects of the Roman invasion on religion in Britain, whilst in French, they made links between body parts and movements.

Thank you for all of you who sent in plastic bottles for our design and technology project. If you haven’t, you still have time until Tuesday morning, as we shall start creating the base shell early next week.

Have a lovely and safe weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 2nd February 2022
Spelling Please re-visit your spelling words from the last 2 weeks as they need consolidation. Focus on the 4 ways -ion suffix can be added to root words with different endings.

Spelling Rule 13 – Endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –tion, –sion, –ssion, –cian (1 of 2)

Spelling Rule 14 – Endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –tion, –sion, –ssion, –cian (2 of 2)

Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities. Please update your reading logs and present them on Wednesday.

Multiplication Please log onto Maths Chase and spend 15 minutes practicing your mixed tables.

Next week, the children will bring home a letter containing their unique login details for a new resource called Times Tables Rockstars. The reason we decided to purchase this resource as a school  is because it allows us teachers to tailor the children’s times tables activities in an online setting. It measures progress and creates reports about the children’s outcomes, enabling us to consolidate or stretch knowledge accordingly. I will set the link as Home Learning every Friday, but as with every ‘core recall fact’ type of activity, the more the children can do it during the week, the better outcomes we are going to get. For that reason, I strongly advise to ask the children to login for 5-10 minutes, 3 times a week if possible. As Home Learning, I am planning to set particular tables for groups of children, however as free practice the children can access all appropriate games. I am going to share the weekly leaderboard in class and promote the resource by using its reward features, such as certificates, etc. As the MTC (Multiplication tables check) is getting closer and closer (6th June), I would like to utilise all available resources to consolidate and promote the children’s fact recall and I would be grateful if you can do the same at home. As always, I appreciate your continued support with this.

Study Ladder Please log on to Study Ladder and complete the activities in your assigned pod. All activities are based around converting units of measurements, such as time, mass and volume. Although this site labels some of the activities as Y5 and Y6, I reassure you, they are taught in Year 4 and we covered these in class.