Summer Term Week 1- Year 5

Welcome to the summer term!

Our focus this week has been on the Gospel story of the Road to Emmaus. We have been thinking about how the people would have been feeling and about what the story teaches us. To do this, we have engaged with the text through an act of worship and completing role play tasks.  We will use this knowledge to write a newspaper report on this event next week.

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In R.E, we have been recalling events of Holy Week and reading what each Gospel tells us about the resurrection. The children did really well at comparing and contrasting them. I was particularly impressed that they recalled their learning on the Gospel of Mark to explain the way in which it was written.

In science, we have completed our unit on life cycles by looking at plants. The children dissected lilies to identify the reproductive parts of flowers.

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Our maths topic this week was based on measurement and converting between units. The children applied their knowledge of dividing and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 to solve a range of problems.

Coach Dugan joined us for our first session this week. He will continue to teach the children every Wednesday until the end of year 5.

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With the sun shining, it has been a fantastic first week back. Well done and thank you to the children who put so much hard work into their holiday home learning. It made our garden look amazing.


I wish you all a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Lines


Home learning:

Maths– Mathletics

English– Next skills test.

No comprehension this week.









Year 5 29/03/18

It’s hard to believe we have come to the end of another term. The children have worked incredibly hard and have definitely earned their break.  I am really proud of everything they have achieved and I was so impressed with their reading during our service on Tuesday. Well done year 5, your hard work and practise were evident.


Please see below for details of the home learning for over the Easter break.
















Have a wonderful and restful break and I look forward to seeing you in the summer term.


Mrs Lines

Computing Week- Year 5

This week, we have been fortunate to take part in amazing computing activities. On Tuesday, we had a drama workshop where we explored internet safety. The children learnt about creating secure passwords, pop up scams and cyber bullying. The workshop was a huge amount of fun and involved the children getting very creative, as you can see by the pictures!

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Today, we were visited by SETPOINT, a Hertfordshire organisation that teaches computing skills in school. In this session, we had to code and debug to program a micro:bit. It was great fun and the children showed off their computing skills. Our visitors were really impressed with how much year 5 knew. Well done year 5, this has earned you all 10 Dojos each!

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We also spent some learning how to use bluebots. Using Bluetooth technology, children programmed the robot to navigate its way home, sometimes around obstacles.


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Thank you to Miss Davey for organising such a great week!

As part of our Lenten journey, we were visited by Cafod this week. We looked at the amazing work they do and how our contributions make a difference. Well done to Year 5 for dressing up today: our donations will ensure Cafod can continue to help others all around the world.

On Thursday, we took part in the sacrament of reconciliation. Well done year 5 for your reverence during this time.


Have a great weekend.


Mrs Lines


Home Learning:


Book 4- Page 32- Fractions of amounts.

Book 5 – 32- Multiplying fractions


No comprehension. Instead, I have sent home a sheet about homophones. Please read the sheet and look at the differences between the words. There is no expectation to write anything.











Science Week

This week, we celebrated British Science Week and our theme was ‘underground’. We began by thinking about the positives and negatives of if we became an underground society. On Wednesday, we made a trip to Affinity Water. We discovered where our water comes from and how it gets cleaned. It was amazing to hear how a simple coconut is the key to our clean water and how that particular facility has an ultra filter. Once back at school, we imagined being a drop of water that visited the plant and created wonderfully imaginative stories.

The children also took part in a STEM water challenge, where they had to create a pipe network to send water to all parts of the town. I was impressed with how they demonstrated the learning powers of so many of our characters in one task. They showed high levels of involvement by being ‘have a go’ hares, worked like ants to be a team, used all of their resources like beavers and were very reflective like tortoises to improve their learning. Some groups were also fantastic rhinos when things did not go to plan. Well done year 5!

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This morning, we were all treated to a great St. Patrick’s day assembly. Well done to Kate for her amazing Irish dancing and to year 5 for their beautiful singing. During the assembly, the results of the ‘Design your Dream Home’ competition were announced. Year 5 did very well! Well done to Sean for coming in second place and Francesco for coming first.

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the celebration morning. The end results were fantastic! Year 5 are a creative bunch and we have such a variety of designs.








Have a great weekend.


Mrs Lines


Home Learning: Please learn you lines and songs for our Holy Week Service.

Year 5 9/03/18

This week, we have been enjoying the warmer weather and were finally able to wear our World Book day costumes! The children looked great and got really involved in the learning. We focused on characters by role playing, writing descriptions and making top trumps.

In English, we have continued our class text about Odysseus. We created drama to help us write rich dialogue and improved our comprehension through performance reading. We are developing a much better understanding of our hero by identifying his strengths and weaknesses.

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In maths, we have continued our learning on fractions. We have been adding, subtracting and multiplying them, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of strategies for doing so.

Today we listened to a fantastic assembly by year 6 about fair trade. During fair trade fortnight, it is important to remind ourselves of its life changing impact. The children were insightful when debating how profits of bananas should be shared. It was also wonderful to see them linking their understanding to Lent.

Well done to the chess team for their efforts at the competition this week. Francesco, Alessandro, Thomas, Anthony and Toju represented the school brilliantly and were only 1 point from a medal.


I would like to take the opportunity to thank all parents for your continued support. It was fantastic to meet with you all to celebrate your child’s successes and discuss ways of improving further.

Have a great weekend,


Mrs Lines


Home Learning:




  • Skills test 6
  • Comprehension
  • English skills test













Year 5 23/2/18

We began our first week back with some art based on our History unit on the Vikings. The children created fantastic longboats using collage, paint, chalks, pastels and pens. The results are fantastic; they really brighten up our classroom.

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On Tuesday, we completed our football training with a tournament. I have been really impressed with the children’s attitude and the qualities they have demonstrated.

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On Thursday, Year 5 were excited to meet the chicks that hatched in Reception. The children headed downstairs to make notes on their observations. It was amazing for them to see this part of a chicken’s lifecycle up close and apply it to our science learning.

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This week, we have read the ending our class text from last half term. It was interesting to see how the author brought the events to a close and make comparisons to our own writing. We have also begun our next unit based on the epic story of Odysseus by analysing illustrations to make predictions

In R.E, we have been thinking about lent and understanding what the Gospel teaches us about Almsgiving, Prayer and Fasting. We took part in a school act of worship, where we placed our Lenten promises on our Lent tree. We have also been preparing for our Lenten mass at OLSV on Wednesday 28th February.

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Have a great weekend,


Mrs Lines


Home Learning:


Book 4-Equivalent fractions pg 29, adding and subtracting fractions pg 30

Book  5- Equivalent fractions pg 28, Ordering fractions pg 29.















Year 5- 9/2/2018

Our final week of term was incredibly busy and I think we are all ready for a well-earned rest!

On Tuesday, the children took part in their penultimate football coaching session. They continued to build on their skills and used them to work together.
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Also on Tuesday, it was Safer Internet Day. The children thought about ‘online influence’ and how they are affected by it. Year 5 then thought about what they could do to build a safer internet.
On Wednesday, we visited a synagogue. Along with year 6, we listened to interesting information about the Jewish place of worship. The children showed genuine interest and behaved very respectfully. Our guide commented on what wonderful questions they asked.
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In English, we have been busily writing our own chapters that end with suspense. The children have worked so hard to use interesting vocabulary and incorporated the skills we have been learning.
In maths, we have been focusing on fractions. We used lego and cuisinere to complete investigations demonstrating the relationship between part and whole.
To complete our learning on animal life cycles, we learnt about mammals. Children researched one of the 3 different mammal types and then taught each other about their cycles. After half term, we will focus on plant life cycles.
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I wish you all a wonderful and restful half term,
Mrs Lines

Year 5- 2/2/2018

This week, our focus in football was teamwork and strategy.

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This week, we were also visited by the NSPCC. They spoke to the class about different types of abuse and discussed who to speak to if they are ever worried about anything. The children were incredibly mature and listened beautifully.

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On Thursday, we visited Pizza Express and the children each made their own Pizza. They enjoyed a tour of the kitchen and freezer and were excited to take their Pizzas back to school for lunch. It took a lot of self control for them to not open them up on the coach journey back! They smelt amazing! Once back at school, we discussed if Pizzas were healthy. A lot of good points were made for both sides.

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In English, the situation has become very desperate for the main character in our book. The children have now planned the next chapter of the story, filled with more tension and ending in suspense. They will bring these plans to life next week and I look forward to reading them.

In maths, we have continued to solve problems, this time focussing on the strategy of working backwards.

In science, we have begun learning about the life cycles of mammals. The children have created life cycle wheels about a certain type of mammal and next week they will share their knowledge with each other.

In R.E we have continued to learn about Passover, focusing on what beliefs the story teaches us. It was wonderful to hear the children felt it taught them about having trust in God. I also enjoyed reading about when they have used this belief in their everyday lives.


Have a great weekend


Mrs Lines



Home Learning:

Maths- Mathletics

English- Inspired by our trip to Pizza Express and our discussions about it at school, I have asked the children to write a recipe for a Pizza. I have given the children the list of SPAG elements I would like them to include. Our spellings remain the same this week and the children will be tested on Tuesday.



Year 5 26/01/18

Our Football coaching continued this week and the focus was on improving turning skills. Scott, our coach, commented on the improvement he saw and how impressed he was with their teamwork. Keep it up year 5.

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In science, our focus has been on comparing insect life cycles. The children had a clear understanding of a butterfly lifecycle from their KS1 learning and they are now able to discuss it using a wider range of technical vocabulary. This knowledge was then applied to a ladybird lifecycle. Many of the children were surprised to know it has a larva state and were interested to see what it looked like. We then made comparisons between the two life cycles by creating fractions of how long they spend in each stage. We used this information to create pie charts by hand and using Excel. This led to some very challenging discussion about how data can be presented and how to interpret it.

In English, we have been building up our writing skills by practising how to write dialogue accurately, using pronouns to add mystery and use of modal verbs and adjectives of possibility. All of these skills have helped the children to show their knowledge of the text and their deepening understanding of the characters.

Our maths learning has focussed on problem solving this week, in particular, modelling the problem using the bar method. To support the children’s understanding in this, they used an online game called thinking blocks. The discussion in the room during this lesson was fantastic and the children demonstrated a rapid improvement in their understanding. This website will form part of the home learning for this week.

In R.E this week, the children took on the roles of Moses and Aaron, writing vital instructions for the Israelites about Passover. They showed a great understanding of events and used their knowledge of instruction writing to make the information clear.

This week, we had a visitor from Germany in our class, Sandra. She supported the children in lessons and it was wonderful to have her.


Have a fantastic weekend


Mrs Lines


Home Learning

Maths– Play thinking blocks for 20 mins. Choose 2 or 3 problems you have modelled to write up in the maths book. The challenge comes from organising the information, not the numbers themselves.

English– Reading comprehension and












Year 5 19/01/18


Football Coach

This week, we were fortunate to be visited by a coach from the Arsenal ‘In the Community’ scheme. He taught us all about the ABCS of football- agility, balance, coordination and speed. The children threw themselves into every challenge and really gave their all. I was proud to see how determined they were to improve their personal scores. We have 4 more of these sessions and look forward to seeing the children develop their skills and teamwork.

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We have continued with our theme of suspense and mystery in English and began a new class text ‘The Boy in the Tower’ by Polly Ho-Yen. We have been exploring the characters and the relationships between them.

In science, we have been building up our knowledge of life cycles of birds and amphibians. By using sources of information on the internet, we discovered more about migration, moulting, incubation and metamorphosis.

Our focus in computing this week was debugging. The children were able to identify 2 bugs in an algorithm and fix them to create beautiful spirals.

During R.E lessons, we have begun learning about the epic story of Exodus. The children have looked at the story in the context of place and time as well as sequencing the main events.

In maths, we have been focusing on using the short method to solve division. I was really impressed to see how quickly Year 5 learnt to express remainders as fractions and decimals.

We ended the week with a visit from our new classmate, Annabel. It was wonderful to have her with us today and all of Year 5 were extremely excited to meet her. We all look forward to Annabel starting at Pope Paul next week.
Have a great weekend


Mrs Lines


Home Learning

English: Complete the next skills test in the book. Reading comprehension and spellings.













Maths: Mathletics.

Readtheory is, as always, optional. The children have really enjoyed doing this and many are earning over 50 Dojos a week for their efforts. Keep it up year 5.