Computing Week- Year 5
This week, we have been fortunate to take part in amazing computing activities. On Tuesday, we had a drama workshop where we explored internet safety. The children learnt about creating secure passwords, pop up scams and cyber bullying. The workshop was a huge amount of fun and involved the children getting very creative, as you can see by the pictures!
Today, we were visited by SETPOINT, a Hertfordshire organisation that teaches computing skills in school. In this session, we had to code and debug to program a micro:bit. It was great fun and the children showed off their computing skills. Our visitors were really impressed with how much year 5 knew. Well done year 5, this has earned you all 10 Dojos each!
We also spent some learning how to use bluebots. Using Bluetooth technology, children programmed the robot to navigate its way home, sometimes around obstacles.
Thank you to Miss Davey for organising such a great week!
As part of our Lenten journey, we were visited by Cafod this week. We looked at the amazing work they do and how our contributions make a difference. Well done to Year 5 for dressing up today: our donations will ensure Cafod can continue to help others all around the world.
On Thursday, we took part in the sacrament of reconciliation. Well done year 5 for your reverence during this time.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Lines
Home Learning:
Book 4- Page 32- Fractions of amounts.
Book 5 – 32- Multiplying fractions
No comprehension. Instead, I have sent home a sheet about homophones. Please read the sheet and look at the differences between the words. There is no expectation to write anything.