Spring Term – Welcome Back

What a wonderful week welcoming back the children! Year 1 have settled back into the class routines very well.

Each day we walked, ran or skipped six laps of the school field, this is nearly a mile. Each day the children have become faster.

This week has been Science Week, we have been learning about inventions. The week began with the children sharing their ideas about our big question. What would life be like without electricity? Year 1 learnt about the invention of an aeroplane by The Wright Brothers. The children enjoyed watching video clips of people trying out flying techniques. As part of Science and Design and Technology, we have been looking closely at playground equipment and how they are made, in preparation for designing our own playground.

On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day. It was lovely seeing the children in their different costumes talking about the books they enjoy. We had a visit from an old lady and Hefty Hugh who read us the books that they came from.

Home Learning

See the newsletter for whole school home learning.

Spellings – Learn to spell the days of the week for Wednesday.

Have a wonderful weekend and a fantastic Mother’s Day.


Mrs Carey

Week 7

We have had a wonderful week in Year 1. On Monday we had popcorn and watched our Nativity. The children loved seeing themselves on screen and singing along to the songs.

The children scrubbed the potatoes and onions from our school gardens. Then cut them and put them in the oven. They were delicious!

On Wednesday we had Christmas lunch followed by our Christmas party. The dance moves in Year 1 were amazing!

All the children in Year 1 are Advent Angels!

The children have worked very hard this term and have been a pleasure to teach. I am proud of all of them.

Thank you for our  cards and generous gifts.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a great rest!

Mrs Carey and Mrs Vieyra

Week 6

This week we have been busy preparing for the Christmas Play. It will be on the website on Monday 14th December.

We have continued learning about Advent and each day we are thinking of how we can help others. The children made Christmas cards for people in a care home.

In Maths we have continued to find the difference between two numbers using a variety of resources. We have solved problems by finding the difference.

In Art we used different skills and techniques to create some artwork based on Kandinsky.

On Friday, we had a special visit from Father Christmas. The children were excited to visit him in the beautiful grotto. The children looked great in their Christmas jumpers.


In Geography, we have been learning about where we live. On the ipads, we looked at google earth and found the United Kingdom and then the school. Can you find your house on google earth?

Home Learning

Geography – Please go on a walk with your child around the local area. Look out for human features of the environment (those which havebeen created by people) and physical features (those which are natural).

Then draw a map of the route you took and label the road names and the human and physical features that you saw.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey

Week 5

Lots of fun and excitement in Year 1 this week! We started our week with lighting the first candle on our Advent wreath and opened the first door of our calendar. Behind each door is something we can do each day to make the day special for the people around us.

On Tuesday, we received a visitor called Eddie the Elf. Eddie is a kind Elf who has asked us to help him to spread cheer and love during Advent. Reception Class had a visit from the tree fairies who said our Elf took their lanterns. On Wednesday, Eddie was missing and a letter from the tree fairies said they had elf-napped him! We crept into Reception playground and found him taped to the tree. The children wrote amazing letters to the Reception children to ask for their help. Eddie has returned to continue spreading happiness in Year 1!

For National Tree Week, we labelled different parts of a tree and took some tree rubbing to help us to identify different parts of the tree. Then the children had a great time squeezing paint to make tree for each of the seasons.


In Maths we have been comparing two numbers by finding how many more and how many fewer.

We have been busy practising our dances for our Christmas Play and will be filming next.

Home Learning

Learn the Christmas songs.

Phonics learning in their home learning folders.


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey

Week 4

Another fun and busy week! In Maths we have been solving problems involving addition and subtraction. The children have been looking for key words that tell them what operation to use.

In Phonics, we learnt the diagraphs ou, ie, ay and ea and our spellings this week were words with the diagraph er.

We had fun preparing our class garden to plant bulbs for our Garden of Hope.

In Science we had a big question. Does the tallest person have the biggest feet? The children decided we should stand in a line from the tallest to the shortest to test this. We found out that the tallest child in Year 1 did have the biggest feet but the second tallest child had smaller feet than some shorter children.

Then we learnt about a scientist called Mae Jemison. The children wrote questions they would ask her.

In Art we looked at the artist Paul Klee. We used some primary colours and mixed paint to make other colours and printed a picture using different shape blocks.

In Religion the children wrote Advent promises on stars and decorated them for our class display. Then each child wrote a prayer for our class Advent calendar to tell God something good that we will try to do every day in Advent. The children also made advent wreaths.

Please can you send in Christmas costumes by Thursday 3rd December.

Wednesday Word https://www.paperturn-view.com/uk/wednesday-word/advent?pid=MTA101634&v=11.2

Home Learning

Phonics sheet sent home in their folder. Please return in their folder by Wednesday 2nd December.

Spellings – words with ir diagraph

Whole School Home Learning Advent 2020 Friday 27th November 2020 – see the Newsletter for examples.

Advent  is the period leading up to Christmas. It starts on the Sunday nearest to 30 November which this year is Sunday 29th November and ends on Christmas Eve. The word ‘advent‘ comes from the Latin word ‘adventus’ meaning ‘coming’ which is a translation of the Greek word ‘parousia’. It is a time of waiting and preparation rather than a joyful celebration like Christmas.

Advent reminds us to remember and prepare for the birth of Jesus.

To help us prepare for Christ’s coming during Advent we invite you to take part in a creative home learning opportunity. 

  1. Make an Advent wreath 

One of our Advent traditions is to pray around an Advent Wreath.

Create an Advent Wreath or Advent Candles from card and paper and display in your home as an Advent focus. Here are some ideas for making a craft display.

  1. Write an Advent prayer to say with your family every day of Advent. Here are some examples to help you.

Blessed are you, O Lord our God, king of the universe.

You sent your Son to be the Light of the world and to spread his light of love to all.

As we light the candles of this wreath

May its growing brightness remind us of the approaching nearness of your Son

So that the day of His coming may find us prepared and filled with joy.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Taking part in these activities will help us to prepare and focus for the birth of Jesus at Christmas.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Week 3

A great week of learning. We began the week with an assembly to begin anti bullying week. The children recognised many ways that people bully others. They were able to identify bullying in different scenarios that we discussed. They were able to name five adults who they would tell if someone was upsetting them.

In Maths we have been subtracting with different objects and counting back on the number line. We have been recording subtraction in the cherry model to recognise the relationship between addition and subtraction. The children applied their learning to problem solving.


The children planned and wrote their own stories about losing something. They used the skills we have learnt this term in their writing; capital letters, fingers spaces, full stops, adjectives and the conjunction and.

Year 1 has a remote trip with Whipsnade Zoo! We learnt about the different types of animals and their diets. They asked fantastic questions and listened to the speaker. We had Toto the lion listening to our questions.

In Art we learnt to mix primary colours to make other colours.

This week, we have been practising the prayer Hail Mary. Please continue to practise this prayer with your child.

Thank you for supporting your children to make bird feeders. All of them looked wonderful! The children were able to tell the class how they made them. They have taken them home to see if they can catch a bird eating in their feeder. Send in photos if you catch them!

Next week we will be learning and applying the Phase 5 sounds. I will be sending some phonics for home learning so please send in your plastic Home Learning folders on Monday.

Home Learning


Reading and Spelling

Can you find an animal living in your garden or in the park? Look for worms, ladybirds, spiders or snails. Take a photo or write a description about it!

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey

Week 2

Another busy week of learning. In Maths we have been learning the strategy ‘Think 5’ when adding. Using a variety of resources and pictures, children persevered at this new concept. The children used the cherry models on the playground to make a number in lots of different ways.

In English we have been writing recounts using sentence starters first, next, then and after. We read the book Where’s my Teddy? And the children described the character’s feelings.

In PE the children were moving in different directions to avoid getting caught. They practised controlling the ball with their feet.

On Wednesday we had an assembly and the children were respectful in the two-minute silence.

In Science, we have been developing out observation and reasoning skills. We have been picking the odd one out of different objects and explaining our choices. Then we learnt about the different animal groups; reptiles, mammals, fish, amphibians and The children have been sorted animals into these groups.

In Art we looked at the artist Piet Mondrian and replicated some of his artwork.


Home Learning

Practise forming all letters correctly and writing on the line. We have been practising writing letters f, g , j, p, q and y where their body sits on the line and their legs go under the line.

Reading and Spelling


Make a bird box – We have been learning about different types of animals. One of the groups we learnt about was birds. Please make a bird box to feed birds. I have attached some examples. Please can the children bring in their bird box to show to the class then they can leave it outside somewhere at home with some bird food in it. Can you get a photo of a bird using your bird box? Send the bird boxes in by Friday 20th November.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Autumn 2 Week 1

Welcome back, I hope you had a great half term. Our author this month is Anthony Browne. In our English lessons, we have been reading the story Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne. We described how the characters were feeling before and after they went to the park. Then we sequenced the story and added captions. The children have been painting pictures of the story, building their own parks and writing about their own experiences in a park.

In Maths we have been adding by counting on using a number line. We have played games using dice and a number line, making sure we count on from the next number.

In Science we investigated the different eye colours in our class. We started by predicting what we thought was the most popular colour and then we made a pictogram to show the most popular eye colour. Brown is the most popular eye colour in Year 1. What is the most popular eye colour in your house?

We continued the karate lessons. The children loved the new movements and counting to ten in Japanese.

In PE we danced liked fireworks. We did spiral movements, circle movements, quick fireworks, slow fireworks and our PE T- shirts helped us to make different colour fireworks.

In Religion, we have been learning about the Jewish religion, we learnt about a special ceremony called the Bar Mitzvah.  Then we made poppies and learnt about Remembrance Day.

In the front of your child’s reading record there is a sticker with your child’s google classroom username and password. You will need this if the class or school has to close due to isolation.

Home Learning

Reading and Spelling

Read Anthony Browne books at home or on youtube.




Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Carey

Week 8

This week was One World Week and Year 1 learnt about France. The children located France on a map of Europe and wrote facts about France, they painted flags and they made the Eiffel tower with lego, bricks and straws. We enjoyed having a brunch with croissants and orange juice. In PE we made up a dance to a French song about fruits. Then we looked at a French artist called Georges Seurat and painted the Eiffel tower in the style of his paintings. Thank you for the wonderful home learning.

In Maths we used the cherry model to find as many ways as we can to make different numbers. We thought about how we could check if we found all of the possible ways. We added two and three numbers together to make a total.

In Science we investigated our sense of taste and smell. We tasted different flavour crisps and guessed what the flavour was. We smelt different things and guessed what they were.

On Friday we had an act of worship to celebrate Harvest. Thank you for your generous donations.

Find some Julia Donaldson and Jill Murphy books at home and read them as a family.

Have a wonderful half term


Mrs Carey


Week 7

Another busy week in Year 1!It was lovely to speak to you all about your children’s learning this week.

In English we have been busy writing about the ‘A River’ story.  The children have written excellent descriptions using their phonic knowledge, capital letters and full stops. We made boats and tested whether they floated in water.

In Science, we went on a walk in the playground to look for signs of Autumn. We found leaves falling off the trees, conkers and acorns. We discussed how the weather has changed from Summer to Autumn and how the clothes we wear change.After collecting the leaves, we painted the leaves and printed pictures with the them.

In Numeracy we have been using the cherry model to show different ways of making numbers to 10 then showing them in a number sentence.

In Religion we learnt about the Sacrament of Confirmation. We made the symbol, the dove to represent the Holy Spirit.

The children were delighted when I appeared on the big screen in the classroom to say hello on Monday morning and when I read a story on Tuesday. It was wonderful to hear all their news, I have missed them lots. I cannot wait to see them all on Monday morning.

Our author of the month is Jill Murphy. Can you find any Jill Murphy books at home to read this weekend?

Home Learning

Reading – I sent home a letter about the children’s new reading day. The children must bring in their reading book on their day and we will change their books.

Spellings  – see, tree, green, meet, week, my, no, of

Next week is One World Week and Year 1 will be learning about France. Please draw a picture, make a model or make a poster of facts about France. Please send it in by Wednesday 21st October.

Thank you

Mrs Carey