Week 7
Another busy week in Year 1!It was lovely to speak to you all about your children’s learning this week.
In English we have been busy writing about the ‘A River’ story. The children have written excellent descriptions using their phonic knowledge, capital letters and full stops. We made boats and tested whether they floated in water.
In Science, we went on a walk in the playground to look for signs of Autumn. We found leaves falling off the trees, conkers and acorns. We discussed how the weather has changed from Summer to Autumn and how the clothes we wear change.After collecting the leaves, we painted the leaves and printed pictures with the them.
In Numeracy we have been using the cherry model to show different ways of making numbers to 10 then showing them in a number sentence.
In Religion we learnt about the Sacrament of Confirmation. We made the symbol, the dove to represent the Holy Spirit.
The children were delighted when I appeared on the big screen in the classroom to say hello on Monday morning and when I read a story on Tuesday. It was wonderful to hear all their news, I have missed them lots. I cannot wait to see them all on Monday morning.
Our author of the month is Jill Murphy. Can you find any Jill Murphy books at home to read this weekend?
Home Learning
Reading – I sent home a letter about the children’s new reading day. The children must bring in their reading book on their day and we will change their books.
Spellings – see, tree, green, meet, week, my, no, of
Next week is One World Week and Year 1 will be learning about France. Please draw a picture, make a model or make a poster of facts about France. Please send it in by Wednesday 21st October.
Thank you
Mrs Carey