Fundraising for the JIA Foundation

Thank you for all your support today fundraising for the JIA  Foundation. The purple looked great and the cakes were delicious! Well done to Gloria and the Year 6 for organising the day! Thank you to everyone who donated cakes for our sale. A special thank you to the parishioners who arrived at school bearing two huge plates of cakes and to Eliana, Gloria’s Reception reading partner, for her very generous donation of cakes. We raised a fabulous £250! Thank you everyone!

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Year 2 Blog Week 32

Ooh arrgh me hearties! We have launched into our Land Ahoy topic for this term. We will be reading pirate stories, learning about the Titanic and singing some sea shanties. Home Learning for the next 2 weeks will include a Land Ahoy themed project. The possibilities for this Home Learning project are endless…

Examples: Model ships, paintings, poems, fact files, newspaper reports, treasure maps, messages in a bottle.

I look forward to seeing all your wonderful creations.

Arrgh this home learning project is due in on Monday 25th June.


Mass and Blessed Sacrament Procession

Well done to all our wonderful children who took part in our celebrations on Friday. Your reverence and participation throughout the whole service was exemplary; you  were a credit to your parents and to our school. Thank you to Father Shaun for leading us in worship and to all the teachers for preparing the children so well.

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Carnival Time!

Thank you to all the children and parents who came to support our school today! The children looked fabulous in their poppy T shirts and the paper poppies and the crowns added a splash of colour to our walking float. I hope you all had a chance to visit the art exhibition and see some of the beautiful paintings on display. Well done to our football team for reaching the final today and playing so passionately for the school. We are all very proud of you! Thank you to all the staff for their hard work today. A special thanks goes to Miss Pringle for organising the football team, Mrs Theo for preparing the art work for the exhibition and Mrs McNamara and Mrs Joyce for driving car loads of equipment to and from school early this morning! A real team effort!

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Week 7: 8th June

This week has been a busy one ending with a wonderful afternoon with Mass and the Blessed Sacrament procession to Our Lady and St Vincent’s church.
On top of the usual curriculum work, we have been preparing in our RE,  activities based around the Blessed Sacrament. During our class worship the children have been very reflective and have recognised the many words that are used such as Holy Communion, Eucharist, Blessed Sacrament, Tranformed, etc…

On Friday morning, the children have begun the first of their lessons for the remainder of the summer term in drumming. The sound of the drums showed its popularity with the children as they were able to create an unusually wide range of pitches and learnt that the sounds were created by striking different areas of the djembe skin with their hands.

Homework is:
English – to write up a newspaper article based on the mass and procession that they were part of.
Maths – log onto Mathletics
Spag – this will be the grammar homework for the next two weeks as it is a Grammar paper for the children to complete.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara

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Summer 2 Week 1

Our first week back has flown by! In science, we have investigated electrical conductivity. We discovered that we are electrical conductors and then planned and created an investigation to see what else in our classroom was. I was very impressed with the children’s scientific enquiry skills.

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We have now completed the printing of all t-shirts. They look amazing and I look forward to see many of the children wearing them in Sunday.

In maths, we have begun learning about percentages. We used materials to represent percentages in different ways.

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Today we took part in the Blessed Sacrament mass and then a procession to the church. I was so proud to see how maturity the children behaved and how well they took care of their year 1 partners. Well done Year 5!

Have a great weekend


Mrs Lines


Home Learning:





Skills test book:  section 2, test 1.

4th – 8th June

This IMG_1605 IMG_1507 IMG_1508 IMG_1509 IMG_1510 IMG_1511 IMG_1513 IMG_1530 IMG_1532 IMG_1603 IMG_1604week has been filled with science. We have identified the parts of flowering plants – identified the role of each part and made careful observations. We are also observing the roots of various plants found in the school ground to see how much they grow in 2 weeks. I look forward to seeing many of the children at the Carnival on Sunday in their poppy t-shirts. Please come and support our football team at 2.15pm after the parade at Elm Court.

Home learning will be and mathletics online.

Miss Pringle