Friday, 5th November 2021
This week in Year 4, the children published their persuasive travel brochures which went on display in the classroom and started their next English unit, a narrative, based on Angela McAllister’s book, ‘Leon and the Place Between’. They liked the story, which is set in a circus and includes all sorts of dark and mysterious magic.
In Maths, the class moved onto addition and subtraction. We will spend the next week going through all the strategies learnt for mental calculations in the previous years before moving onto formal written calculations (column addition and subtraction with/without exchanging).
We also launched our first design and technology unit for the year, which is moving mechanisms-levers and linkages. Please may I ask if you have any cardboard boxes from packaging (amazon deliveries, cereal boxes, etc), please would you be so kind to send them in, as the children will go through a lot of card to make their mechanism prototypes before designing and creating their final product.
The children started their new Topic unit as well, which this term will focus on an ancient civilisation- The Roman invasion of Britain. They designed their own games in PE whilst writing beautiful remembrance prayers and decorated poppies to create our new RE display.
Thank you for those of you, who already sent in items for the Christmas hamper. Our class colour is white this year.
Have a restful and safe weekend,
Ms Varga
Please see your Home Learning below:
Home Learning | Due in by Tuesday, 9th November 2021 |
Spelling | I have created individual accounts for all children to access Spellingframe in the future.
Please click here to see your individual login details, then access this week’s spelling list and spend some time to practice them before you test yourself on them. (Please let me know if you have any technical issues) |
Reading | Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities. Please also update your reading logs and be prepared to present them on Wednesday, next week. |
Multiplication | Please log onto ‘Hit the button’ and spend 10-15 minutes practicing your multiplication facts. |
Study Ladder | Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the activities in your assigned pod.
They are all consolidating, 2 and 3 digit mental addition strategies. Please remember what we have covered in class. Which method would be the most efficient to use: