Summer Term Week 1 w.b. 18.04.2022
Happy Easter! I hope you all had a lovely break and it was lovely to see all the children back and ready for their last term in Year 1.
The children worked well together to transform our Lenten R.E. prayer space to reflect the white, gold and new life of Easter. They completed a retell on The Resurrection and took part in some fantastic role play.
In maths Year 1 have been learning to spell and order the days of the week and our quickest group was 14 seconds! Can you beat 14 seconds? Mathletics learning has been set to support this learning and I have sent home spellings and a prompt sheet for you reference so no need to return.
The children worked hard to locating the countries and capital cities of The United Kingdom using an Atlas. We will be going on a local area walk next week (week after if weather is not good) so please may sure children come to school with a coat everyday.
Our phonic sounds learnt this week are:
- Spelling Rule 32 – are ‘care and share’ share, dare, scare, square, bare
- Spelling Rule 28 – au ‘Paul the Astronaut’ haunt, haunting, haunted, launch, launched, launching, haul
- Tricky words to read and spell: Mrs, Mrs, here, could, asked, people + their, your
Our new P.E. unit is learning how to strike and field with different equipment and games. The children enjoyed being outside in the nice weather as they competed in groups to begin to learn the idea of striking and then running to score points.
We then had a final with two of the mini teams that won previously.
*Remember swimming starts next Wednesday and information can be found on the letter that was sent from the office. *
*P.E. kits can be worn Tuesday and Wednesdays from next week.*
*Inset Friday 29th April and Bank Holiday 2nd May*
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Lambie J
Thank you for the Easter Gardens!