Reception Week Beginning 13.6.22

What a busy week it has been!

This week was ‘Healthy Eating Week’, and Reception joined the rest of the school thinking about the big message this year, which was:

Eat well for you and the planet!

The children learnt about the importance of having a healthy diet and lifestyle and how to keep our bodies healthy, by exercising, staying clean and regularly brushing teeth properly. The children learnt about why the body needs protein and made their own healthy protein snack.

Our story focus this week ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, linked the healthy eating focus beautifully with our new topic, ‘The Hidden World in our Garden’. Through this book, the children not only continued to learn about foods that are good for you, but they also about the lifecycle of a butterfly!

The highlight of the week was Reception’s first ever Sports Day. The children were absolutely fantastic, demonstrating their sports skills, listening skills and care and support for one another. Thank you to Josie for starting off each event so confidently!

This afternoon, the children took part in The Blessed Sacrament Procession. As usual, Reception made us all proud with their exemplary behaviour and reverence.

Happy Father’s Day to you all for Sunday; we hope you have lots of fun celebrating together in the sunshine.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team