Friday, 24th September 2021

This week in Year 4, the children consolidated their understanding of Place Value in Maths and played a very competitive strategic game using nine sided dice as a finish off to their first unit. In English, they carried on using their inference skills when telling the story of Flotsam, discussing the pictures in the book and posing questions. They also discussed some statements to practice their persuasive skills as a preparation for next week’s big writing task, trying to convince each other about their point of view.

The children absolutely adored David Wiesner’s book, that interestingly has no words, so I strongly recommend his other works as well, which are available on Amazon (used and new copies) as well as on Youtube. Please see the link below for his work titled ‘Tuesday’. (please be aware of the pop up advertisements in the side bars) I think the children would enjoy watching it, if they have time. (It is not part of their home learning and therefore it is not compulsory)

In Science, the children learnt about the different types of teeth and their functions, whilst in Geography, they looked at Brasilia, the fastest growing city in Brazil. This week, the children also enjoyed their first hymn practice as well as their first whole school Mass today. In art, they created still lifes using pencils, thinking about shades and tones, whilst in RE they looked at Human Experience as the third source of Revelation.

Thank you for those of you who sent in plants to go into our class garden which looks lovely already, however more plants would be greatly appreciated as we have lot of space left.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see below your Home Learning:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 28th September 2021
Spelling Please log onto Spelling Frame and practice this week’s spelling words before testing yourself on them.

You don’t need registration to access these activities.

Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities.

Please also update your reading logs with details about your current reading books. Be prepared to show your logs on Tuesday, next week.

Multiplication Please log onto hit the button and spend 10-15 minutes practicing your mixed tables.

Study Ladder Please log onto Study Ladder and access the ‘pod’ assigned.

In your pod, you will find 2 multiplication activities and one place value activity, regrouping 4 digit numbers.