Friday 13th October 2023

It has been another busy week in Year 3.

Our English learning was all about adverbials of time and place. This will really help to give our writing cohesion when we come to do our newspaper report next week.

In RE we have looked at the actions and words of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The children were excellent in showing their understanding of the link between this part of the mass and the Last Supper.

On Tuesday the children had their first Italian lesson and they learnt greetings.  In Art the children have chosen their favourite Roald Dahl character which they will be sculpting in their art lessons for the rest of the term.

In PE we have continued with our focus on dodging.  Thank you to Ayrabella who took these photos during the lesson.

Next week is One World Week. Our focus country is Pakistan.

Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning

Our country focus during One World Week is Pakistan, Please research this country (culture, geography, music, food, currency, flag) and design a poster to show what you have found out.  Please bring your poster to school on Wednesday for sharing with the rest of the class.

Spellings on spellingshed

Learn words for our class assembly and click on the song links below to practise the words for the songs:

  1. For the Harvest Song
  2. Seeds scattered and sown