Year 5 – 13/10/23

This morning, Year 5 led an assembly all about diversity in the world, and especially diversity within our class. Well done and thank you, children, for teaching us about the countries you are from and for showing us different traditions and cultures – you really did make me proud.

We ended the week with Music, this time singing in a round to the folk song Hey Ho, Nobody Home whilst keeping the beat with untuned and body percussion.

Next week is One World Week, during which Y5 will be focusing on Zimbabwe. If you have any artefacts, photos, art, stories etc from Zimbabwe, then it would be wonderful to be able to display these in the classroom to enrich our learning. Likewise, if you have first-hand experience of Zimbabwe, then please get in touch!

Home learning for this weekend is in preparation for our learning on Zimbabwe. Please research the country, focusing on the following aspects:

  • Zimbabwe’s geography
  • Zimbabwe’s culture
  • Inspirational/Influential people from Zimbabwe

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Donatantonio