Autumn 1 Week 7 w.b. 16.10.23

What a busy week we have had in Year 1 and a fantastic first half term. Well done children!

We have had an exciting week learning about Italy. We have been learning facts about Italy including population size, currency and food. The children wrote their own menus for the class Italian restaurant and decorated their own Italian flags with collage. On Wednesday we were very fortunate to have Mrs Badini come to talk to the children about where she is from in Italy, Mrs Badini gave a presentation to the children with fun facts about Italy and its culture, famous landmarks and people. On Friday afternoon the children made their very own pizza and couldn’t wait to eat them! They were then treated to some Italian Cannoncini by Mrs Orsi-Harper who came in to make them with the children, they were super yummy! A huge thank you to all of our parents who have come in to support our learning this week. Please enjoy the photos!



To finish off our History topic this term the children were super lucky to have Mr Massih (Joshua’s dad) come and talk to the children about the future of toys! The children were shown a 3D printer and had first hand experience in watching a toy being printed. They were also fortunate enough to be given a toy aeroplane to take home, just like the one that was printed in class. This was a fantastic opportunity and the children were fascinated by the making process.

As part of our ongoing safeguarding we thought this may be a good refresher for the children. Please listen to the song and discuss it with your child.

Have a restful and much deserved break. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 30th October.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Autumn 1 Week 6 w.b. 09.10.2023


On Tuesday we welcomed our new Italian teacher Corrado to Year One.  Corrado has been delivering Italian lessons to all the classes in school and we are very fortunate to have him come to teach the children in our class. The children were very enthusiastic and excited to learn how to say Hello ‘Caio’, Good Morning ‘ Buongiorno’ and how to introduce themselves ‘Oi Sono’. Italian lessons will take place every Tuesday morning.


In English this week the children celebrated the end of their Plenty of Love topic with a Tea Party! The children had the best time eating their snacks with their cuddly toy.

Seasonal Learning

This week the children took part in lots of different creative activities exploring the season of Autumn. They made hats and hedgehogs using leaves they collected earlier in the week. It was very messy in Year 1 on Thursday afternoon but there was lots of fun being had by all. The children also enjoyed exploring our new Autumn tuff tray which is full of acorns, pine cones, pumpkins and much more!

One World Week

Next week is One World Week and our class focus is Italy! If you have anything you can pass on or would like to come in and take part in an activity with the children, please do come and speak to myself or Mrs Barnes, we would love to hear from you and any amazing ideas you may have.

Please make or print a flag for the country your child or their family is from. Please send this in on Monday for us to display.

Home Learning – Due for Friday

Mathletics – please complete the activity set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record.

Handwriting – please complete the worksheets sent home.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day.

Have a restful weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Autumn 1 Week 5 w.b. 02.10.2023


In Re this week the children had some special prayer time. They were very good at passing the Bible around the circle as they shared what they thought was unique and special about themselves. They then went on to select one our special classroom hearts and say a prayer for anyone of their choice. There were some very lovely prayers made and the children were very good at listening to each other and showing great patience during this reflective time.


This week the children were thinking about how they can show control over an object, run with their head up and also be aware of other children. The aim of the game was to keep hold of their band but try and pinch another one in the process. They were not allowed to guard their tags with their hands and every time they managed to pinch a tag they gained a point! The children were great at working collaboratively and showed a good understanding of the game.


In English, the children have been making party invitations! Please see more details about this below. The children have invited a cuddly toy of their choice to join us at a tea party next Wednesday. We discussed what important information needed to be added to an invitation and the children are super excited!

Please could your child bring in a cuddly toy of their choice on Monday to join them. Could we also request that it is something that can stay in school for the week and not something that they have at bedtime or will be missing at home. Children can also bring in a small sized snack (no nuts or seeds) to have at the party.


In Maths the children have continued to explore conservation of number whilst regrouping amounts and rehearsing their subitising skills. They have also focused on showing how they can make the same number in a variation of different ways using a tens frame.

Home Learning – Due for Friday

Mathletics – please complete the activities set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record.

Handwriting – please complete the worksheets sent home.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day.


  • You will find your child’s reading day written in their reading record. Please can you ensure their reading book and record is sent in on their reading day (in their blue folder) AND every Friday so we can put their home learning in them for the week. Please note, their reading day will also be their ‘show and tell’ day to ensure all children have an opportunity to take part fairly.
  • Could you also please ensure all of your child’s belongings are labelled. We have lots of cardigans and jumpers with no names. We will leave them outside on the tuff tray until Monday and then put them in lost property.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Autumn 1 Week 4 w.b. 25.09.2023

It’s been another busy week in Year 1!


In Re, we looked at the items that are used when preparing the Altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The children found out about the purpose and use of the Chalice, The Paten, Cruets, Candles, Altar Cloth and the significance of their places on the Altar.


The children had fun this week exploring their senses of smell and taste. They were excited to use their sense of smell to guess what was in the smelling pots on their tables. They made some very good guesses and then went onto guessing what flavour crisps were on the plates. Everyone enjoyed the taste testing and it would seem cheese and onion flavour crisps are a popular favourite of the Class!


This week the children were looking at ordering numbers from the least/fewest to the largest/most. They also had to decide which number belonged in the middle and use their tens frame to prove it.

Seasonal Learning

Last week the children learnt the months of the year and this week they went on to looking at the four seasons of the year. The children enjoyed discussing what type of weather we have in each season and were excited to talk about what season we had Christmas, Easter and Halloween in!


This week the children continued their learning on toys and specifically looked at old/new and toys that they thought could be both old and new. They worked in groups and sorted a variation of toys into the categories they thought was the best fit.

Home Learning

Mathletics – please complete the activities set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record.

Handwriting – please complete the worksheets sent home.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day, please make sure reading books and blue folders are sent in with the children on their reading day and every Friday.


You will find your child’s reading day written in their reading record. Please can you ensure their reading book and record is sent in on their reading day (in their blue folder) AND every Friday so we can put their home learning in them for the week. Please note, their reading day will also be their ‘show and tell’ day to ensure all children have an opportunity to take part fairly.

Please find attached a copy of the RHE Ten Ten letter for your information Life to the Full Plus letters to parents Years 1 and 2

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Autumn 1 Week 3 w.b. 18.09.2023


In Re this week the children looked at the four parts of Mass. There were some great discussions about what happens at Church and particular focus on the order of events. They enjoyed sharing their ideas and moved onto ordering the main parts in their books.


In English, the children have enjoyed exploring our text Plenty of Love. The children have been exploring what makes a good label. The children have been drawing characters from the story, naming and labelling the body parts of animals and Humans.


In Maths the children have been continuing to explore conservation of number by looking at patterns in numbers and looking at familiar dot patterns found on dice and playing cards. They have used ten frames to represent numbers while playing number games and continued to explore numbers to 10.


In science the children have been learning about the five senses. They have been learning how they use their senses every day to help them find out about the world around them! Next week the children will be taking part in some fun investigations putting their senses to the test!

Seasonal Learning

This week the children looked at the four seasons of the year. We discussed when we had class birthdays and they then went on to look at the months of the year. The children enjoyed looking at the different weather each season brings and were keen to share when their birthday was!

To end the week the children were treated to a show on Friday afternoon. What a lovely way to end a very busy week!

Home Learning

Mathletics – please complete the activities set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record.

Handwriting – please complete the worksheet sent home.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day, please make sure reading books and blue folders are sent in with the children on their reading day and every Friday.


Reading days

This week you will find your child’s reading day written in their reading record. Please can you ensure their reading book and record is sent in on their reading day (in their blue folder) AND every Friday so we can put their home learning in them for the week. Please note, their reading day will also be their ‘show and tell’ day to ensure all children have an opportunity to take part throughout the week.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Autumn 1 Week 2 w.b. 11.09.2023


In Re this week the children discussed what the word Initiation means. In pairs they spoke about a time they welcomed someone and also a time that they were welcomed somewhere. In pairs the children then did some fantastic role playing, thinking about their gestures and words they use to make people feel happy and comfortable.




This week the children started their first unit based on the book ‘Plenty of love to go around’. They created some beautiful front covers and there was some great discussion about cats and dogs. They also created some very informative tally charts on who has a pet cat or dog and the children enjoyed analysing the results!



At the beginning of the week the children recapped their number formation and practised writing their numbers. The then moved onto representing numbers to ten in different ways. The children explored the classroom and used a variety of resources to show their representation.



Our topic for Science this term is Animals and Humans. The children discussed what all animals have in common and whether humans are animals e.g.  Do we move, sense, eat, grow and breathe?  They have been learning the names of the different parts of the body and labelled an outline of a child’s body from our class!


Road Safety

This week the children had a talk about the importance of road safety. They learnt that you have to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK before crossing the road. They also discussed how walking to school can help keep them healthy and that wearing high visible jackets can also help to keep them safe.


This week the children became familiar with creating drawings using their whole body, whilst experiencing a range of drawing materials. They explored working with pencils, felt tips, chalk and crayon. They also experimented drawing not only on large paper but also on the concrete outside, the children really enjoyed developing their skills in such a creative way.

Home Learning

Mathletics – please complete the activities set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record – to be completed by Wednesday.

Handwriting – please complete the worksheets sent home – to be completed by Wednesday.

Reading – 5-10 minutes a day, please make sure reading books and blue folders are sent in with the children every day.

Please remember to send your child in with their reading book and record (in their blue folder) everyday.


Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes




Autumn 1 Week 1 w.b. 04.09.2023

Welcome to Year 1!

The children have had a lovely start to the new school year and a very busy week. They were all excited to see each other and it was lovely seeing them all spending time with each other again. They joined the first school assembly and learned about The Year of Diversity and wrote what they think makes them unique which will be displayed in the hall. In class the children also took part in collective worship and spoke about how we are all different.



Year 1 have been busy exploring their classroom and their new play area outside. They have practised tidying up and I have to say they are very good, so look out for this at home! They have particularly enjoyed fishing in the ball pit, modelling with play dough and role play in the home corner.




Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Children should wear their full Pope Paul PE kits to school on those days, including sweatshirts rather than school jumpers or cardigans for colder weather. Please wear a plain white or black t-shirt until house teams are allocated.


Home learning

We will continue to assess the children in phonics and reading over the next week or so before sending reading books home. This will ensure that we are accurately sending books with sounds in that the children can read and enjoy with you at home.


Please ensure that all belongings are named clearly. Please check the school bags to make sure that nothing belonging to someone else has accidentally been taken home. Children need a water bottle and hat in school every day please and any boxes of tissues would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday 13th September 2.45pm – Year 1 Meet the Teacher Information Session.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

Mrs Poyiadzis and Mrs Barnes

Summer 2 Week 7 w.b. 17.07.2023

Our last week in Year 1!
Enjoy looking at our photos of our Summer Fun Day, what a great way to see out the year.
Thank you all so much for making the last few weeks so special for me. It has been an absolute pleasure teaching your wonderful children and I am going to miss them and their smiley faces so much! I look forward to seeing you all again in September and hearing all about their new ventures in Year 2.
Thank you for all of your support and your very generous gifts. Myself and the Year 1 team would like to wish you a very happy summer holiday and look forward to your safe return in September.
Mrs Poyiadzis

Summer 2 Week 6 w.b. 10.07.2023


The highlight of our week was definitely Design and Technology day! In year 1 we had to build a water fountain. We started by developing ideas through discussions and drawings. We then made templates and mock ups, explored how to use tools safely and then went onto making the water filters themselves. We then finished off by evaluating the products we made and how well they worked.


We continued with our flora and fauna and the children explored and developed their skills by drawing using a pen. It was tricky to begin with as there was no option to rub out! We then finished off the session by walking around our classroom as though we were in a gallery setting and admired all the work created.

Home Learning

Handwriting sheet

Mathletics – please complete activities set.


Please send your child in with a plastic bag on Wednesday to bring books home in.

Summer fun day, Thursday 20th July.

School finishes at 1pm next Friday 21st July.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis

Summer 2 Week 5 w.b. 03.07.2023


This week we learned about Nelson Mandela and the dream he had for the world. We discussed all the things that he did and accomplished and also the sacrifices he made for what he believed in. The children were very interested in learning all about him. We also went out and watered our seeds, the children were delighted to see how much they have grown.


In Maths we have continued to look at the names and properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes. Working in groups the children were asked to complete a puzzle of 2-D shapes and then moved on to exploring the properties of 3-D shapes before comparing them.



This week we have continued with our learning on bats and our focus has been using questions in place of headings. The children worked in pairs to think about what questions they could ask using the words why, how, what, when and where as their sentence starters.


Some examples of questions were –

Why do bats hang upside-down?

How to bats hunt?

What do bats eat?



We started our topic of flora and fauna and this week the children chose their favourite piece of art to make a study in their sketchbook.  They looked closely at line, mark making and colour. Here are just a few examples of the talented artists we have in our class!


Home Learning

Handwriting sheet

Mathletics – please complete activities set.

Nelson Mandela poster – draw a picture, add a title and write some interesting facts about Nelson Mandela. Due on Wednesday.

Reminder – swimming is now finished for the year so there is no need to bring swimming bags in on Wednesday.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis