Autumn 1 Week 4 w.b. 25.09.2023
It’s been another busy week in Year 1!
In Re, we looked at the items that are used when preparing the Altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The children found out about the purpose and use of the Chalice, The Paten, Cruets, Candles, Altar Cloth and the significance of their places on the Altar.
The children had fun this week exploring their senses of smell and taste. They were excited to use their sense of smell to guess what was in the smelling pots on their tables. They made some very good guesses and then went onto guessing what flavour crisps were on the plates. Everyone enjoyed the taste testing and it would seem cheese and onion flavour crisps are a popular favourite of the Class!
This week the children were looking at ordering numbers from the least/fewest to the largest/most. They also had to decide which number belonged in the middle and use their tens frame to prove it.
Seasonal Learning
Last week the children learnt the months of the year and this week they went on to looking at the four seasons of the year. The children enjoyed discussing what type of weather we have in each season and were excited to talk about what season we had Christmas, Easter and Halloween in!
This week the children continued their learning on toys and specifically looked at old/new and toys that they thought could be both old and new. They worked in groups and sorted a variation of toys into the categories they thought was the best fit.
Home Learning
Mathletics – please complete the activities set. Children’s log ins are in the front of their reading record.
Handwriting – please complete the worksheets sent home.
Reading – 5-10 minutes a day, please make sure reading books and blue folders are sent in with the children on their reading day and every Friday.
You will find your child’s reading day written in their reading record. Please can you ensure their reading book and record is sent in on their reading day (in their blue folder) AND every Friday so we can put their home learning in them for the week. Please note, their reading day will also be their ‘show and tell’ day to ensure all children have an opportunity to take part fairly.
Please find attached a copy of the RHE Ten Ten letter for your information Life to the Full Plus letters to parents Years 1 and 2
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes